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Everything posted by Down8

  1. Down8

    Modem Users: All Modems are NOT alike!

    I am newly reformed on this issue. I wasn't going to spend $50+ on a little modem, so I picked up a CrapUSA 56k modem for $20. Nice connection - for the month it lasted. now, I'm back to my trusty 33.6 ISA 3Com WinModem [although it only connects at 28.8]. Of course, the overclocked 140MHz FSB might have had something to do with the 56k's demise. -bZj
  2. Down8

    New buttons, etc.

    Where did the new buttons come from? Did the vBB get updated again? I do like them, though. -bZj
  3. Down8

    New buttons, etc.

    Quote: Why the button fairy of course. Oh, I remember that *****. She switched all the buttons on my mouse around, and made me lose in Q3A and UT all the time. At least, that's what I blame it on. -bZj
  4. Have you tried getting the drivers straight from Microsoft.com? -bZj
  5. Down8

    Wmp 8

    And this would lead you to believe that WMP8 would be better how? -bZj
  6. Down8

    Is this forum dead?

    Yeha, you'll come up short comparing this board to the [H]. but, I think they serve different purposes. If I have a serious quesiotn about my system, I come here. When I want to screw around, I go there. -bZj
  7. Down8

    will there ever be a dual socket a

    I believe www.2CPU.com has some pictures of the board as well. -bZj
  8. Down8

    service pack files

    Safe to delete? Yes. Do you want to delete them? Maybe, but only if you aren't having problems with the new update, and won't need to uninstall it. -bZj
  9. Down8

    will there ever be a dual socket a

    Obvious Guy says: No duh! There are already pictures of Dual-SocketA boards on the 'Net. They are gonna be aimed at high to mid-range servers and work stations at first, so don't expect ot have one at home for almost a year. -bZj
  10. Down8

    Netscape problem

    Quote: Use Internet Explorer 5 ARC Stupid Canadian, IE's for fags! Kidding, of course, but that's a crappy response. I was getting this error a lot a couple weeks back, but it just eventually fixed it self. Make sure you don't have extra instances running in TaskMgr. Good luck, man. -bZj
  11. Down8

    Article on logon scripts

    Thanks, I've been wanting to learn about writing DOS logon scripts [my limited experience has been with UNIX .login files]. Now if I can figure out the MS version of .alias files, I'll be set. -bZj
  12. Down8

    post aol names here

    BigDown8 on AIM. I also have Down8, but I don't use it. -bZj
  13. Down8

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    Bad news? Maybe. Pure comedy? Most definitely. -bZj
  14. OK, I moved one of my SCSI drives from an external enclosure into my computer. After restarting the machine, I was having trouble connecting with my modem, so I did the first thing I always do when I have modem problems: I hit speakerphone on my desk phone and listen to the line as I try to dial-up. I get a clear dial-tone, but as soon as the modem opens the port to connect, a whole bunch of static just clogs the line, and the modem can no longer hear the dial-tone, and stops with an error: "no dial-tone". The static comes in the second the port is open, so it's not an incompatibility with the TelCo, or ISP. I thought it might be a power problem, so I unplugged the SCSI drive. No help. Thought there might be some cross-talk between the SCSI cable that was now running right over the modem, so I unplugged that too. No help. Bus-master problem, maybe? - moved to another PCI slot. No help. So, now I'm running on an old USR 33.6 ISA WinModem from my 486, that connects at like 26k on good days. The 56k is a cheap CompUSA modem, but has not had these problems until now [it's about a month old]. The phone line is plugged in to the correct jack on the modem [i've tried it in both]. My next test will be running the line through the 33.6 modem, back into the 56k modem and see if that changes anything, which I doubt it will. Any idea what could be causing this? Any one have this happen to them? All help [and attempts] is appreciated. -bZj
  15. Down8

    Best tool EVER

    This slooks like it could aid in a lot of things. Thanks for the URL. -bZj
  16. Down8


    I think MBM's site may have a list of things like that. -bZj
  17. Down8

    Microsoft XP

    Actually, JDul, I think we've passed that bit, the level of professionalism has been coming back up since that thread you posted a while back *****ing about it's demise, which I'm thankful for. The members who stay around seem to be flame-proof/flame-less, except when [due to NTComp's increasing popularity] new ppl show up and start asking for w4r3z, or bashing for the sake of bashing. I get a big @ss kick out the responses to ppl asking for illegal stuff. -bZj
  18. I am too lazy to set up a proxy, so I just drop things like this in my 'hosts' file: adserver.ugo.com ads.web.aol.com www.qksrv.net www.ad.tomshardware.com -bZj
  19. Down8

    boot up logo

    You can change it, but you'll need a resource hacker, and you'll be fscking with explorer.exe - search around, this question is asked [and answered] often. But, what the hell does this have to do with 'Networking'? -bZj
  20. Down8


    I have DMA working fine, with the same VIA chipset [soyo 7VCA] on: IDE0 - Quantum 10GB hdd; IDE1 - Teac 12xCD-RW, Hi-Val 12xDVD. I've never had problems with it, so I can't offer any suggestions. Good luck with your problem. -bZj
  21. Down8

    Is it true

    I think there are some 3rd-party programs that will vconvert from NTFS to FAT, but I wouldn't trust 'em - just stick to NTFS. -bZj
  22. Down8

    IDE RAID - So how would YOU configure?

    Well, unless you have more than 90GB of data, I'd go with 0+1. I'm 'upgrading' to a 20GB 75GXP, b/c I have come close to filling my Quantum 10GB once or twice [a quick brun session fixed that]. You got the space, get reliability and performance. -bZj
  23. Down8

    IE6 Release

    If you're scared to play with your registry, there is an add-on called TweakUI 1.33, which will do it for you, all GUI like. Look for it on Microsoft's site. -bZj
  24. www.koolance.com Anyone got a look at this yet? It looks good for the money and performance, so I'm ordering one when I get paid this week. I was worried about the noise that my new system could've had, as I'm moving from Intel to AMD, which would need a little more cooling, but not anymore! There is a review over at www.hardocp.com - to get a feel for real-world performance. -bZj
  25. Down8

    Koolance - 100% water-cooled case

    It definitely "sounds cool", since the only fans in it are 3 50mm, which are thermally controlled, so they don't even run at 100% power unless you need them to. If you read the review on [H], you'll notice that you can't get a complete H2O set-up, without a case, for this price, so it's definitely priced right. I have never had my P!!! above 50C, adn I hope to keep my new TBird in a similar range with this case/set-up. /continues waiting for my check... -bZj