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About Halz

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  1. http://download.microsoft.com/download/win2000platform/SP/SP3/NT5/EN-US/w2ksp3.exe I found this on another forum.. Just spreading the news. As of the time of this posting, the actual website to download the file has not yet been posted.
  2. Micrsoft has not been responsive with reguard to this.. nor have they been responsive reguarding my MSDN account. Preferably, I would have had these files last Wednesday..
  3. This is with reguard to "Q298896 TCP/IP Performance Enhancement by Optimizing the TCP Segmentation Offload Feature " These files would most likely be on a server with a gigabit NIC.. Thank you awaher@yahoo.com
  4. Halz

    Wolfenstein Test + NT4

    I gathered as much; however, seeing as though the documentation acompaning the game notes that it supports 'NT', you'd think it would work with the sound. At the least you'd expect some sort of note in those documents saying it does not work with sound in NT. But I suppose all of that is covered in the 'Requires DirectX 8.0 sound card'
  5. Halz

    Wolfenstein Test + NT4

    Ditto. Windows NT 4.0, SP6a and the most recent SoundBlaster Live! updates I can find. Everything else does sound just fine.. Half-Life, etc. In the console upon start up in Wolfenstein, it mentions DirectSound having failed the initialization.
  6. Halz

    Gigabit Network question

    No. If you manage to get a Gigabit HUB, in no way will the 3 machines be able to function at different duplexes plugged in at the same time. Now if you considered a Gigabit switch.. then yes, run whatever you want so long as the switch is 10/100/1000.
  7. Retail is ~$20k.. asking is $14k Some info.. http://www.gy.com/spec/buzau.htm awaher@yahoo.com (This is no joke; pictures can follow up)
  8. Halz

    Anyone have info on 2.4 GHz ISM band?

    Its not bi-directional, but it is fast.. upto 3000kbps. Granted, I'm comparing Sprints 2.4GHz service to this, however, they sound exactly the same so I would not be suprised if they are not actually the same.. heres a user group of Sprint BBD http://www.dslreports.com/forum/alt,sprn You should be able to get a quick impression of how it is..
  9. Halz

    Anyone know if this is possible?

    whatever the patch is, we know its hardware related.. because this is after all a 'hardware' forum
  10. Halz

    Stop Error HEEEELLLLLPPP! pleaze?

    try booting with the 'last know good hardware configuration' and, keep in mind you're using a beta bios I don't see why this post made it into the 'hardware' thread, on a second note..
  11. Halz

    Internet Problems after long periods of idle time

    how the hell does this fit in the hardware forum?
  12. Halz

    Heres a difficult one =]

    Up[censored] the sub-system drivers fixed it. The uploads are now a more reasonable 7-9MB/sec, depending on traffic.
  13. Halz

    Network Monitor

    Don't sweat, I figured it out