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Everything posted by X-AL

  1. X-AL

    New beta x3dfx Voodoo drivers: Well....

    Just tested the new drivers........ JUST THE SAME OLD BIG D3D PROBLEMS AS BEFORE! It seems, that bug fixing (mixed up textures, etc.) was NOT done! x3dfx: What am I doing wrong? BIOS settings are tested by me...doesn´t matter! Installation precedures...doesn´t matter! What does matter? Or is this just a big joke by someone? Does x3dfx exist?
  2. X-AL

    Several little problems...

    Hi there, again several little problems are bugging me: EAW: Although I figured out, how to play under W2K, I´m now stuck with the network/internet play options. If I get into the multiplayer screen, the only button I can press is "cancel". If I choose one of the four network mode, my screen turns black and the game gets stuck. My network is properly configured and works with IPX or TCP protocols of other games without ANY problems. Is anybody playing "multiplayer"-EAW under W2K? Next issue: Delta Force 2 and DF Landwarrior: Is anybody out there with a Voodoo4/5, who play those games with a higher driver version as 1.01.00beta AND has no screen/display problems in hardware mode? DF2: Seems to have problems with z-buffering for objects and buildings being visible even if there behind hills! DF LW: Has no on screen texts and no cross fade etc... THX 4 ANY HINTS!
  3. X-AL

    January AppUpdate not found...

    I´ve read the message of a January W2K AppUpdate, followed the link, but microsoft´s windowsupdate site doesn´t mention it? Hhmmm, what should I think of that?
  4. X-AL

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    I thought this "cold reboot"-syndrome would be mainboard/bios specific. I have an ABIT BP6 with a PIII 800, which needs a "cold reboot", too. It freezes right before it shows the Bios screen.
  5. Well, Codemasters´ CM Rally needed a user-made patch to run. It seems, that Insane is on the same track. Is anybody driving Insane on W2K ? My specs: P3P 800/256MB/V5500/SB Live/W2K SP1
  6. Well, I hoped all problems would be gone,...but some are still there. (+) The help file can be read now! I "have the impression", that overall fps were noticably improved! Fastest drivers so far, I would say! (-) GP3 / MB Truck Racing / Midtown Madness2 still have heavy graphic (polygons and textures "go crazy") problems. Unplayable!!! Sydney 2000 has the same, but minor texture problems (100m swimming). ------------------------- Come on 3dfx guys, there is still a little bit of homework to be done!
  7. The next game, which doesn´t "like" the Voodoo4/5 1.04. WHQL W2K-driver: Delta Force Land Warrior (Game runs perfect, but you can´t read anything (maps/mission goals/options etc.) during a mission, because all texts are "invisible". I would say: Unplayable!
  8. Ja, GP3 and the other mentioned ones work well with the W2K V5 beta driver 1.01. Next games, which don´t "like" the 1.03./1.04. WHQL drivers are: Madden 2001 (menu is invisible) Tony Hawk 2 ------------------------------------------ Come on 3dfx guys, there is still a little bit of homework to be done!
  9. X-AL

    Reboot loop because of AGP440.sys HELP

    Hi Ancker, yes I had exactly the same problem, when I (only) changed the motherboard of a running W2K system. My solutions was: A bios update was the only way to get my system running again without a W2K reinstallation (which surely would have had the same effect without a dangerous bios update)! Could it be, that you changed hardware just before the installations? Nevertheless, Good Luck!
  10. X-AL

    NFS5 Network Game

    Hi Johnny, our network consists of Win95, Win98 and Win2000 users, and Realtek network cards are mainly used. We´ve had some problems, UNTIL WE ALL updated our network drivers with the newest (Realtek) drivers. Since then, everything worked fine!
  11. Hi, after installing the newest WHQL V5500 driver, some games ran smoother and some even worked for the first time (force commander), but also a new problem occured: GP3 scrambles and mixes all textures in hardware mode! A new installation didn´t help. Anybody out there with the same problem, or better with a solution?
  12. Actually I should say: Here is another game, which the new V5-W2K 1.03. driver doesn´t like. MIDTOWN MADNESS 2 (same problems as above mentioned)
  13. Next game, which doesn´t like the new W2K Voodoo 5500 WHQL driver 1.03., is Mercedes-Benz Truck racing. Before the installation, it ran without any problems. Now it has big problems with the z-buffer, I think. Car and environment textures are dis- and re-appearing from time to time. Unplayable!
  14. X-AL

    European Air War

    My solution was (so you don´t need setwin95): First, update EAW to Version1.2. Then install APCOMPAT.exe (it´s in a support drawer of the W2K-CD). Run APCOMPAT.exe, checkmark only NT5 as the operating system, and link (important!) AUTOPLAY.exe from the EAW-CD in the field "Start the following program". Klick OK! Then the autostart EAW screen appears. Good flight!
  15. Hi, I have an ABIT BP6 board. This board worked fine with two celerons so far. Now I bought two PPGA-to-FCPGA adapters and two 800MHZ FCPGA PIIIs, but the board refuses to work with more than one processor. That means, the adapters work, and the processors work, but only in single processor configurations. The questions are: Has anybody a functioning (almost equal) configuration? Are there any 800MHZ PIIIs steppings, which are not SMP capable? I flashed the ABIT bios with the newest version 126.
  16. X-AL

    Win2k + Sidewinder 4.0 = Wont Shut Down

    After having had some GP3 steering wheel problems with the gameport version of the MS FF Wheel, I tried to get an update 4.0 version of the software, but the only way is to buy a new USB version MS product. After buying the USB version of the MS FF wheel, I installed the 4.0 software without any problems on my computer (execpt of the "not tested" message). The wheel can be configured as needed and the computer starts and shuts down normally, no problems at all so far!
  17. X-AL

    NT(in)Compatible Games List...

    Please let me know, if you got one of these games running: My SPECS: W2K/P3P/256MB/Voodoo5500/SBlive Command&Conquer for W95-->.exe fault Die by the sword-->.exe fault Force Commander-->returns to desktop after intro M1 Tank Platoon-->returns to desktop after intro Theme Park World-->returns to desktop after intro Need for Speed SE for W95-->.exe fault Spec Ops 2-->Black/White screen freeze Tie Fighter for W95-->.exe fault TOCA-->.exe fault Wing Commander 3-5-->.exe fault
  18. X-AL

    NT(in)Compatible Games List...

    FYI: After installing the newest WHQL W2K Voodoo5 drivers, Force Commander finally works!!! NO returns to the desktop anymore!
  19. X-AL

    Xwing, Tie Fighter

    Perhaps we should first clearify what versions we are talking about: X-Wing (Dos Version or W95) Tie fighter (Dos Version or W95) X-Wing vs. Tie fighter (W95 w/o hardware acceleration patch) X-Wing Alliance I have them all, and except of Tie fighter W95 (I don´t have the dos version anymore), they work perfectly.
  20. X-AL

    Hidden & Dangerous

    Hi there, I had almost the same problem with a Voodoo5500. I used to get those black screens, after I choosed a mission. So I continously updated the game and the V5 drivers. Nothing really changed! AND again I installed some latest WHQL certified W2K V5 drivers, UN- and REINSTALLED the game, installed the mission add on with the included 1.3patch (no 1.1/1.2 patching before!). And it worked! So I am not quite sure, what actually did help, the fresh installation or the new V5 drivers... . I think the fresh installation.
  21. X-AL

    NT(in)Compatible Games List...

    Thx for the hint STi Sev, I surely did look at the games list, but neither every game is listed there, nor are the result of the newest date.
  22. X-AL

    Xwing, Tie Fighter

    I have the collector´s edition for W95/hardware acceleration. Tie fighter doesn´t run with W2K-->tie.exe fault! X-Wing runs with W2K, BUT without hardware acceleration! I don´t know, if the dos versions run, but as far as I can remember, was Tie fighter a SVGA/Vesa version. That means, it won´t run with W2K.
  23. X-AL

    SVGA/VESA + V5500: Possible?

    Once upon a time... there was VESA, SVGA, MS-DOS etc. and there was GP 2. Anybody out there, who´s got GP 2 or any other (MS-Dos)SVGA game running with a Voodoo (5500) and W2K? I know, old games and blabla, but there are a handfull I´d like to play again! The Problem is: When I try to run a game in (MS-Dos)SVGA mode, my screen scrambles. Their VGA mode works perfect!
  24. X-AL

    GP3 + MS FF Wheel

    Has anyone tried to configure GP3 with the MS FF Wheel? The problem is, that GP3 can´t configure a z-axis, which is (or seems) the standard for the brakes in W2K gamecontroller setup. Has anybody a workaround for that? This problem occurs in other driving sims, too, like e.g. DRIVER. THX for any hint!
  25. X-AL

    Where I can find setwin95 for EAW under Win2000

    My solution was (so you don´t need setwin95): First, update EAW to Version1.2. Then install APCOMPAT.exe (it´s in a support drawer of the W2K-CD). Run APCOMPAT.exe, checkmark only NT5 as the operating system, and link (important!) AUTOPLAY.exe from the EAW-CD in the field "Start the following program". Klick OK! Then the autostart EAW screen appears. Good flight!