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About jayhawk

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  1. jayhawk

    Win2000 and VIA IDE Drivers---------anyone?

    correction. I sead Drivewqay, meant to say Drive Copy 3.0
  2. jayhawk

    Win2000 and VIA IDE Drivers---------anyone?

    I have had similar problems in the past, thought they were gone. You cna try to remove the existing driver first and install a std one. but this may lick your computer, you may not be able to do it, or your computer may not boot, or some other problem appear. back up everything on another HD first, before you start this or you may regret it. I have heard Driveway works well for this. I use Retrospect 5.1 myself, if you wnat to use it for free for 30 days you can, just do a duplicate drive, then reinstall W2k using the repair option, you will have a cloned drive. Back to the problem. You can also try removing all refernces to this driver from the registry, might work, worked for me once, let the new drive install. backup applies here too. Also make backup of registry, might get you back running from your existing drive if problem occurs.