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Everything posted by pron845

  1. pron845

    IE/ outlook express

    I am running windows 2k sp1 and have had a weird problem with Outlook expres. I have version 5.5 and the problem i am going to describe has happend twice.. after the first time I reinstalled and now it is back. The problem I have with outlook express is that when i launch the program it takes several minutes before it fully loads up. The exe is listed in task manager but is not shown. I don't know what is causing this. IT was working fine on satruday morning then i rebooted and it went back to acting like it did before I did my reinstall. The other screwed up thing i have noticed is with IE. Now when ever i got to page, such as a search engine that has a text box and a sumbit button, when i hit the button, that instance of the browser is unresponsive. It will stay like this for several minutes. Then it seems to execute my request. During the unresponsive time i can not do anythign to that current page. I am able to open other instances and see other pages. Anybody had a similar expericence or a way to fix this?
  2. pron845

    IE/ outlook express

    I figured out what the problem was. I was playing with my services and turned off protective storage. When i turned it back on it worked fine.. This can also be done in nt 4.0 as i recreated it at work and that is where i found my solution.
  3. pron845

    Epson 1200U perfection

    I am running win2k with 256 megs and two 366. I have a epson 1200 u(usb) perfection. At one point when i went o use it, all applications say that they can't access the scanner. Scanners and camers say the scanner is unavliable even when the scanner is on. I have tried to remove the device, reinstall, but nothing works. I was even in contact with epson for a while. THey gave detailed istructions for removing the device, all drivers, and reg settings. Then to reinstall. This did not help. Finally i reinstalled win2k. The scanner worked great. Last night i tried to use it and it happened again. Does anybody have a similar problem, solution, or any good ideas. I don't under stand it. What could be knocking it out. I have a usb mouse and keyboard and have switched the usb items to differnet ports but still no luck. All help is welcome.
  4. pron845

    Epson 1200U perfection

    Yeah i have been using the latest drivers. I have taken the scanner to a freinds house who has the same scanner and it works on his system.