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About dassman

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  1. dassman

    Win2k freeze

    Thanks for all the replys. The only thing that freezes is the screen, the whole game keeps running, as in sound and control inputs. I was running all games as administrator so maybe that has an effect.
  2. dassman

    Win2k freeze

    Used to run games fine in win2k, until recently, there would be freezes up to 10 seconds long and then the game would continue working ok. They seemed to be a few minutes apart. The computer has been tested with other operating systems and works perfectly. Any ideas Darren
  3. dassman

    Win2000 and directcd(ricoh7060a)

    That would be very much appreciated. Thankyou very much
  4. dassman

    Win2000 and directcd(ricoh7060a)

    I tried to install direct cd 2.5d on win 2000 as i received it with my writer. After installing, win2k will not load. The adaptec site says i cannot upgrade it to 3.01 which is supported by win2k, is there anyway to do this please. Darren