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About KrisC

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  1. KrisC

    Win2K Boot-up Stop Errors

    Actually the chip can run at 800 MHz - I'm using a 93 MHz FSB speed Unfortunately my chip couldn't do 850 mhz, so I had to take the FSB speed down a bit for it to be stable. The motherboard is an Abit BF6, and the reason I got it was because it allows you to adjust the FSB speed in 1 MHz increments from 83-200 MHZ
  2. Well I've been getting really pissed off at my computer lately. Sometimes, when I boot the computer up, halfway through the boot process I'll get a stop error. Most of the time it says "Couldn't find nv4_mini.sys", which is one of the drivers for my video card. Sometimes it will say a different system file couldn't be found. But if I reboot the computer a couple of times, it will start up normally and everything will work. And sometimes when I do a cold boot the computer will boot up just fine. I have a Celeron2 566 that's running at 800 MHz (I also had to up the core voltage), so I figured I'd run that at a much slower speed and the standard core voltage, but I still got stop errors. I've tried different BIOS settings and everything, but nothing has worked. The only thing I did notice is that sometimes when I boot the computer, the hard drive light will be on all the time, even when I know it's not working. Those are the same times that I get the stop errors. Could it be a hard drive issue? I have an IBM Deskstar 75GXP 20 GB drive. If anyone has a suggestion as to what I could do that would be great, because I've run out of things to do.