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D.F. Angel

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Everything posted by D.F. Angel

  1. D.F. Angel

    modem times out

    I installed my modemblaster isa v.90 and when I try to connect to the internet, the modem just times out and says it can't connect to remote computer. Well I know it can since WinME can. Anyone say a problem I don't know about and a possible solution? Comp. specs: Abit be6 p3 600 coppermine 128mb sdram voodoo3 pci sblive! value 3com network card modem blaster etc.
  2. D.F. Angel

    modem times out

    Tried that and it didn't work.. So I reinstalled and it works now. Don't know if it was from turning on ACPI or installing from ME
  3. D.F. Angel


    Everytime I start up apcompat, the program freezes up. The only thing I can do it close it and when I do that, then the selected executable runs the way it did before I started apcompat. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Comp. specs: Abit be6 p3 600 coppermine 128mb sdram voodoo3 pci sblive! value 3com network card modem blaster etc.