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About nik166

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  1. nik166

    Need For Speed 3, 4 and 5 not working under XP

    http://nfsgb.nd4spdworld.com/main.html there is a patch !
  2. nik166

    tweak guide for win2k?

    this work on win2k? i've tried this on win98... is it made for both? well i try. thanks!
  3. nik166

    tweak guide for win2k?

    don't you know if there are tweak programs for win2k as great as "cacheman" or "winboost" for 9x ?
  4. nagual: this is NOT a cache tweaking; it says to win to use the more the RAM swintex.. what are you talking about?? it looks interresting
  5. nik166

    Any tweaks for my setup?

    i hkow! you have too much phisycal RAM ! send me at least 64Mo and your system will run faster!
  6. win 2000 is a little heavy is it "tweakable" just like win 98 or millenium?? without thousands of tweak programs running on backward of course is there registry tweaking with hiddens settings? (cache etc.. )