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Absolute Zer0

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About Absolute Zer0

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  1. Absolute Zer0

    W2K won't boot and stop error

    Ok here's the deal my friend had formatted his harddrive but left 13 Gigs unpartitioned b/c he thought of using Linux but after W2K he didn't. So he wanted to merge the space into the current NTFS partition. He used Partition Magic 5.01 and resized the original from 32 to the full 45 gigs. When it finished he rebooted, he got STOP error 0x0000007B inaccessible_boot_device. He can use recovery console and can see his directories etc. He ran chkdsk /r (like it says in the stop error message) but still it won't boot into the GUI or safe mode only recovery console works. My question is how do we get the GUI working again? Should we run FIXMBR or FIXBOOT? Which first? PS It had been running fine for 6 months but he wanted to recover the lost space. So he would like to avoid reformatting
  2. Absolute Zer0

    How do I set up my SMTP W2K server

    Ok so I got desperate and added the message queing from add/remove programs and viola the virtual server is now there....my question now is how do i set it up on netscape or outlook in order to use MY smtp server to send email instead of using my isp's smtp server? Is this possible? If so please describe what steps I would need to take.
  3. Absolute Zer0

    How do I set up my SMTP W2K server

    Ok there's my problems I enable the SMTP service from the Services addin BUT I don't get the Virtual SMTP server......I have Default FTP server and Default WWW server in my IIS console.....i've tried adding it in but I just get the FTP and WWW extensions but no SMTP extensions.....yet I DO have the service started up.....do I have to go into Add/Remove then to windows components and click the message queuing services? I haven't added that, network file print services, and script debugger....could that be my problem?
  4. Absolute Zer0

    How do I set up my SMTP W2K server

    I would like to know how to setup the W2K SMTP server/service in order to use it to send email out instead of using the SMTP from my ISP.