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Everything posted by zardoz

  1. zardoz

    please for love of god help me

    The reason i suspect SP2 is because it worked fine under sp1. I could install, and run the program without any errors. Now under SP2, I cannot install as setup causes an access violation. I have cleaned all the temp folders out, and every other possibility that I can come up with. As soon as setup starts to run, it throws the access violation in setup.exe. Is there possibly a registry key that is causing the violation? Or am I correct that SP2 has created this issue?
  2. zardoz

    please for love of god help me

    I have been working with Win2k pro for quite a while now. I HAD NFS4 working fine until recently. I went to do a reinstall and now all it gives me is an access violation through Dr. Watson. I am wondering if anyone else has seen this recently? Perhaps as a result of SP2? Thanks for any help in this matter. Zardoz
  3. zardoz

    Starship Titanic and Win2K

    Has anyone been able to get Starship Titanic to work properly under Windows 2000? Upon starting the game, the first move I make the game freezes. If anyone has found a way to get the game to work, please let me know. Thanks.