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About UffeC

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  1. UffeC

    The Sims

    Everything is installed. The newest NT-servicepack, DirecX 6.o etc. It's still do not run. Any other good ideas. I appriciate every piece of an good advice. Thanks!
  2. UffeC

    The Sims

    I think you're out of luck... :-) I continue getting the "funniest" messages, but no Sims.. I have for the time beeing given up, and noone here seems to have any help. UffeC Denmark
  3. UffeC

    The Sims

    Sorry if this question has been up on this list before - it probaly have, but I cannot find it: Can The Sims run under Windows NT 4.0 ?? When I start it now the screen turns black and freeze.. If there is a way, then please help me. In advance thanks! UffeC Denmark