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    Boot slowdown after installing Active Directory

    friend same problem hunting me also. Hope this may solve with help of our other friends. regards vens

    Problem Using MS Proxy for Netscape Navigator

    Thanx friend i got it.

    Is there any harm to system in deleting .tmp files?

    friend i had tried with the disk clean but it is not at all recommending any of the temp files to clean except some files which are of 0.8mb can i proceed manually deleting the temp files which occupied most of my disk space? thanx regards vens
  4. hi! Pl let me know if there is any problem if i delete temp files. my system running short of disk space.The temp files occupied upto 60 mb. thanx. regards vens
  5. hi !friends pl let me know if there is any possiblity to automatically execute shutdown command on a scheduled basis. my problem is i need to shutdown the server (nt 4.0) after 9 pm everyday.But i will be out of the office at that time. so i want to automate the shutdown process. Thanx best regards vens.

    How to configure NT as router.

    i want to connect to a machine in another domain which is in different subnet. I need to configure a machine which needs access to both domains.Both domains are of win nt 4.0 .And the machine need to configure as router is member server of one of the domain. Thanx for response regards venugopal.s [This message has been edited by VENUGOPAL (edited 01 December 2000).]
  7. Dear friends i had installed MS proxy 2.0 in a NT server.I configured it for some clients. When i tried to work with IE 5.5 from client machine which is win98 it is quite well. But when i configured Netscape for proxy and try to open a site.It just showing connecting to site...and moving Back&forth very rapidly.Is is not all connecting. pl suggest me how to configure My proxy for Netscape. thanx regards venugopal.s

    Error explore.exe invalid page fault.

    Thanks friend i will look into all possiblities u mentioned and i will get back to u again. Thanks Regards venugopal.s

    How to configure NT as router.

    hello! friends Anybody pl let me know how to configure a windows NT machine as a Router. I need to know the configuration details if any? Thanx regards vens
  10. friends my system giving error message "exporer.exe invalid page fault" very frequently. pl do help how to solve this problem. thanx regards venugopal.s [This message has been edited by VENUGOPAL (edited 23 November 2000).]

    My system restarts after giving Shutdown command.

    sorry i am not saying that the problem with monitor.The problem is when i give shutdown command only monitor goes off but cpu LEDs remains blinking. Sometimes this also will not happen simply it it restarts. hope this will clearly describes my problem. Thanks Regards venugopal.s

    My system restarts after giving Shutdown command.

    my system started giving this type of problem when i reinstalled win98 after my hard disk got infected with bootsector virus. Earlier it used to shutdown properly. sometimes the monitor goes off but cpu LED's continue to glow. so help me further in this regard Thanx regards venugopal.s
  13. hello! Friends In my windows 98 system when i give a shutdown command the system is rebooting again .anybody pl help out from this issue. Thanks regards venugopal.s

    Confusion On NT backup Programme

    hello! freinds I have been taking data Backup of my Nt4.0 server for the last couple of months using NT Back up programme. . Daily i am taking Back Up on A HP tape 40 GB capacity(compressed ) and used to check "replace files" option and Daily (for method of backup)option. now i need to restore some of the backup things to certain location in the same machine.i tried selecting the folders which i need to restore from tape and metioned a target location then after i am getting message "task completed successfully". I checked the folders in target location. surprisingly Folders and subfolders are restored but the files in them are missing. and i am seeing the folder size 0 bytes. Can anybody pl clarify why the files not got restored. Backup.log file is verified and it is showing the files are also copied to tape when taken backup and this can tell that files are in tape but failed to restore when do so. Help me out . Thanks. regards.
  15. hai friends! Thanks it worked out.But small problem it is not working on the machine which has internet access through proxy. The error message giving is the "host cannot be found" Pl let me know if there is anything to be done on proxy side also.Proxy we r using is the winproxy 2.1 Thanks regards venugopal.s