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Everything posted by Spaceman

  1. Spaceman

    Half Life + Win2k = Black Screen

    There is the answer get rid of those 7.17 drivers immediately go back to 6.47 or 6.31 immediately, I can't say immediately enough. Those drivers are buggy as hell and most games crash or don't work well with them.
  2. Spaceman

    Mechwarrior 4..

    He means he downloaded the pirated version of the game.
  3. Spaceman

    Half Life + Win2k = Black Screen

    What are your system spec? What vid card do you have and what version drivers are you using? Did you install SP1? Do you have DX8 installed?
  4. Spaceman

    My list of NTCompatible games

    My additions: Doom '95 Quake 1 No One Lives Forever Sacrifice
  5. Well pr-man I have a C2 566@850 and W2K runs just fine (4+ months) I have found comperable gaming performance between W2K and W98SE same fps in Quake and every other game runs just fine.
  6. Spaceman

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    The 7.10 drivers have been running just fine on my W2K system for the past week. They seem the most stable, the 7.16 caused the same problems that 7.17 did for me.
  7. Spaceman

    Quake 3 Sound

    Well first did you download the W2k drivers from http://www.aureal.com ? Since Aureal went out of business and was sold to Creative they haven't updated their drivers in quite a while. Unfortuneatly, your card is in limbo and I hope that the latest drivers from Aureal do the trick or you are out of luck. Try turning off A3D support in Q3 and hope for the best.
  8. Spaceman

    Will More RAM Improve Game Performance?

    Actually it will improve your framerate in that when a game has to use the swap file on the HD you get a stuttering effect. More RAM will alleviate that.
  9. Spaceman

    Anyone know if Baldurs Gate 2 will run in Windows 2000?

    Yep no problems at all. I can run it at 1024x768x32 all setting to high. I did the full 2GB install. -W2k SP1 and all the compatibility updates and criticial updates installed. -Det 6.27 drivers -SB Live with the latest W2K drivers