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Everything posted by maxg

  1. VirtualDub 1.3c could handle ASF - AVI conversion; but MS asked him to stop! It can't seem to open Newer .asf files anyway. Try ASFTools http://www.geocities.com/myasftools/ Be sure to Read the FAQs, you'll likely need to download Codecs. Nimo's codecs worked for me.
  2. maxg

    Any Good Cloning/Image Software ?

    Quote: I can do all kinds of messing around with my OSes witho absolutely no worries about borking anything up Couldn't help a chuckle here since you are Backing up EVERYTHING!
  3. You were probably anxious to download, but the welcome page's 1st message is: Quote: Welcome Welcome to the home of Desktop Architect, the best theme management software for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000. Desktop Architect gives you the power to create and use themes to give your desktop a personal look and sound. Best of all, it's completely free!
  4. maxg

    hooking more than 2 PCs to a cable modem anyone?

    Each machine connecting through a HUB needs it's own IP address. Your ISP seemingly allows 2 at once. Ask them if you can get another IP (if so, there will probably be an extra charge.) OR - Best bet = Use a Cable/DSL Router! In use it will only show as one ISP connection and route specific requests to the proper internal network connection. (Most advertise they can handle up to 255 networked computers; but I doubt you'd get much speed in a network that large!)
  5. maxg

    CD Burning

    Use the instructions you got for downloading RC1. When you run the download, you'll get RC2, now.
  6. maxg

    AMD k6-2 & AliAGP

    I have a K62-300 with a Giga-Byte 5AX Motherboard with Ali chipset. Works great!
  7. maxg

    Switch to Switch connections (HELP!!!)

    Quote: ) but its actually 6 if you cound the uplink Well... you can't count the uplink, usually; because the 1st port and the uplink port can't be used at the same time. If it says 5 Port and there are 6, then that, I believe, is conclusive proof that you can't use the port right beside the uplink if you want to uplink. Would not using that port help your testing? Or have you tried that?
  8. maxg

    winxp =unmountable_boot_volume

    A general rule (I learned the hard way with Win95 betas) = Never upgrade a beta!
  9. maxg

    No login window ?

    I'm guessing you didn't add extra users when asked during setup. If you add at least one user (ie. yourself ) it shows on the welcome screen. Unfortunately (or stupidly IMHO) all the users you add during setup are administrators with no passwords!!!!!
  10. maxg

    Administrator login disappeared!

    Yes, that is a "Feature" of XP. The users you create during setup are ALL administrators with no passwords! (I wonder who the 'genius' is that came up with that one?) FIX THAT QUICK! Just leave yourself as an admin and Password protect the user accounts. If you really want to log in as Administrator = do CTRL-ALT-DEL Twice at the welcome screen to show the old 2K style login box.
  11. maxg

    Any way to completely get rid of Messenger?

    Uninstall it! Add/Remove Programs, Windows Components.
  12. Shakedown - You can get a list of users with 2 more button clicks. Ummmm, I forget (I'm in Win2K at the moment :-( ) but it's something like Locate and Find???
  13. maxg

    Free Beta of NAV 2002

    Been there ... Done that! My first NAV Warning Running Help/Support Center about Hardware = This is a Malicious Script. Recommend stopping it. hmmmmmmm
  14. As Aministrator, Control Panel | Administrative tools | Local Security Policy. Click Security Policies, double click Disable Display of Last User and Enable it.
  15. maxg

    question about XP Preview Program

    Half an hour!!! AHHHH! They emailed preview subscribers, beginning July 2nd. They "randomly" selected batches to spread the demand. Supposed to be done July 7. Some of us signed up 2 months ago!. If the people that are signing up now are treated "fairly", you should get notification AFTER July 7.
  16. Yes there is a setting; and Sorry I can't remeber off the top of my head. I just deleted the XP249? partition and haven't yet installed RC1. Just a question. Are you talking about a Laptop or a desktop with an LCD monitor? I ask because ClearType is designed for LCD screens. If you have a normal CRT display use the Standard Font Smoothing. It really looked great on mine.
  17. maxg

    What should I do?

    I have a Linksys 4 Port DSL/Cable Router and Love it! BUT, I don't play online games. You could hang around the Broadband Linksys Forum at DSLReports and ask questions there about that. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/equip,16
  18. I have the same problem. Only the message I originally got was related to Norton's SYMEVT.SYS. It happened after I reinstalled Win2K over itself and NAV wouldn't load. I installed the Sevinst.exe update/fix from Symantec and that cured the problem with NAV. I then deleted the symevent.sys reference from the registry and recently get the same 'generic' message you have. But only when installing programs that have 16bit code in the installer. I click "ignore" and have no other problems!! I just checked and now it has a Binary entry named VDD with data "C:\PROGRA~1\Symantec\S32evnt1.dll". at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\VirtualDeviceDrivers I don't know if that has fixed the problem or not. I haven't had the error for a couple of days, But maybe nothing I have installed is calling on 16bit routines???
  19. PQMagic 6.01 is Win2000 NTFS compatible. Version 5 IS NOT!!
  20. maxg

    HOw to block other users from seeing your files

    Did you install using a FAT32 partition? If so, using XP/2K gives you very little security advantage over Win95/98. That type of per user file security is automatic if you use NTFS. I.E. Each user (except administrator) only has access to his own \Documents and Settings tree.
  21. maxg

    Here is a tough one

    If you haven't already, check Manuals and support FAQs at Sygate. Most Proxy/Gateway/NAT servers and Firewall products I've seen have special configuration issues for pcAnywhere, etal.
  22. I agree with clutch. I have been using a Linksys BEFSR41 for 2 months. I do use ZA, but for blocking apps and or trojans from calling out. (I have 5 users at my house, so can't be sure what everyone might download/install!) Before I bought the router, I had at least 2 (and up to 100s) of alerts from ZA per day! With WAN blocking enabled on the router I have about 2 alerts per month! And it's usually an ftp server trying to do a trace back. P.S. Get a more thorough explanation from your friend! If he's leaving ports open so he can access it for troubleshooting from outside; What's to stop a malicious user from getting in (other than the low odds that a hacker will even find you). And no password??!!! I'm sorry, no offense but I think that is 10 levels below dumb!
  23. maxg

    Personalized settings in Win2k

    It can be a little more confusing in Win2K. Since 2K makes use of the All Users menues, perhaps the change you've made is to a menu item that is actually in the All Users folder instead of the Admin folders. Also, Win2K doesn't allow different Screen resolutions between users, like Win9x/ME.
  24. maxg

    New Microsoft Licensing

    Quote: I will use war3z/cracks if necessary to avoid this activation crap. Plus, if I do go a head and get XP final, I will buy one copy and one copy only. I will be blunt--if you have more than one computer at home, you should not have to buy a copy of software for each computer. This is not illegal to my knowledge, and since I purchased the software I should be allowed to install the single copy I have on all of MY computers, not anyone elses. but most of us are honest people (I think). Does anyone else see the contradictions here?? This is not a personal flame. I have just seen too much of this self-serving, "rational justification" of piracy to let it pass one more time without voicing my opinion. Now having said that.... I may very well do the same, but i sure as heck ain't gonna fool myself into believing it's perfectly legal. Bottom line (IMHO of course): If you purchase a license that states: "You may install this software on one and only one computer..." and you Don't agree with it, Return it for a refund and buy something else . . . PERIOD! _OR_ Go ahead and install/crack it to 4000 computers if you wish. BUT DON'T WHINE, COMPLAIN or PREACH that you have a right to steal because you don't agree with the license!! Sorry Brian. Like I said, it's not you personally. Hundreds of people in dozens of forums say the same thing. I know quite a few people that voice the same opinion, and although I agree MS may very well regret this line; it doesn't change the fact that (at this time) they have the right to make those restrictions.