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Everything posted by Emilee1

  1. I installed Win2k first on C, then WinME on F. However it doesnt give me the option to choose on boot up it just goes to WinME. I can access all partitions while in WinME, but I cant boot to Win2k. Is there a way without a 3rd party program? Ive tried Boot Magic 2.01, but I dont think it supports either OS. There is nothing about them in the readme. Anyone?
  2. Emilee1

    Unreal 2 Alpha

    There is new stuff, you cant tell just by looking at files.
  3. Emilee1

    Trouble with Wofenstein Demo

    Quote: "I'm using a Voodoo 3 card and the default drivers that Win XP installed." "It works fine for me. Did you install new drivers? The ones that ship with XP dont support OpenGL. Get the new Det 4's" Anyone see a descrepancy here? Yeah I overlooked his card on accident. I assumed he had a OpenGL card. His problem is common with people who have GeForces and try to play OpenGL games, since the default drivers XP installs dont support OpenGL. Get newer drivers for XP, dont use the ones that it installs for you.
  4. Emilee1

    Unreal 2 Alpha

    I know what they do, and to me thats a new engine. 5 years from now, when they are on Unreal 4, you think thats really the same engine as the first Unreal? No. They might call it a heavily modified engine, but if 90% of is new, its hardly the same.
  5. Emilee1

    Trouble with Wofenstein Demo

  6. Emilee1

    Help IRC isn't working under XP

    Mine will sit there for about 2 mins, then connect. Its because of the firewall, if I disable it, it connects in 1 sec just like on any other OS.
  7. Emilee1

    Unreal 2 Alpha

    Quote: dont bother with the alpha version, the one i d\l loaded fine, but i started in a CUBE i couldnt get out, and going through files i found out its a heavily modified Unreal Tournament wait for demo or final Wrong, you can play any level you want. You have to edit your unreal config, or double click on the map you want, and select unreal.exe to open it with. You're also wrong about the engine, its a brand new engine, not UT modified at all. It runs fine on my TB+G3.
  8. Emilee1

    Trouble with Wofenstein Demo

    It works fine for me. Did you install new drivers? The ones that ship with XP dont support OpenGL. Get the new Det 4's.
  9. Emilee1

    Win2000 Tweaks?

    Hey, just got Win2000, and just curious to see what people favorite tips are. I play mostly games, and use a Radeon. So if there are any speed tweaks, for the system in general, or for my Radeon send them this way! I already got DX8, and Win2000 drivers. I also found out there is no 'msconfig', so I went into my reg and took out what I didnt want to start. Enabled DMA on my disk drives. One more thing. I use Powerstrip, and curious as to why I cannot over clock my engine clock, but I can my memory clock for my video card. Whats up with that? I have the latest Powerstrip, and when I boot into ME, I can adjust either. Lemme know!
  10. I have ME on C drive on a 13gig. I have D on a 4gig. I put Win2000 in my CD drive which is E. It auto runs, tells asks me if I would like to upgrade to Win2000 since it is newer. If I click no, then I have the option to hit install (for duel boot), then it tells me it cannot detect my current version of Windows. If I select yes for upgrade to Win2000, it again tells me it cannot detect my current version of Windows. Any way around this?
  11. Just right click on it, and choose FAT32, then format.
  12. I installed Win2k first on C, then WinME on F. However it doesnt give me the option to choose on boot up it just goes to WinME. I can access all partitions while in WinME, but I cant boot to Win2k. Is there a way without a 3rd party program? Ive tried Boot Magic 2.01, but I dont think it supports either OS. There is nothing about them in the readme. Anyone?
  13. Emilee1

    Win2000 Tweaks?

    Ill try that as soon as I can boot back into Win2k!
  14. Emilee1

    Win2000 Tweaks?

    I forgot how to get into my reg and edit what I want to start, and I cant find the link where I got it from... someone refresh my memory! [This message has been edited by Emilee1 (edited 17 November 2000).]
  15. Ive got one user under Win2000. Curious as to how to add someone, who I would give different privligaes to, and have a different wallpaper and net favorites. Someone help me out?
  16. I searched before I asked too =/ Thanks for the link.
  17. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    Ah, ok thanks! Im at work now, cant check about it. Going to get a W2k cd tomorrow, and try then. Thanks!
  18. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    My other partitions are still in use though. I have C, D, E, F, and G. Along with my CD, and CD-R. Its just that I used to have H as a partition too.... I dont want to lose any info trying to get my other 2gigs back
  19. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    You mean people actually buy Microsoft software? Naw, I got a friend with the retail version, Ill try that. Now if I can just get back my lost partition.... any ideas?
  20. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    Its a "Time trial version" that the time trial was taken off of. However, I did make the 4 disk, I ran bootdisk.exe, not bootdisk32.exe in Windows and it worked fine. I now have 4 disks. Went on to format my D drive where I have a little over 2gigs for 2000. It gave me 4 (or 5?) optoins to format that drive. I chose to format it in NFTS, it then did that and rebooted. HOWEVER, during setup it said that it could not find 6 files during setup. The files are: expand.exe ntsd.exe regedit.exe telnet.exe and two others that I didnt copy down. I tried to make it find them on the cd, it couldnt. So I skipped them. Then it rebooted and promted me with two options, Windows 2000 Pro, or Windows. Went to Win2000 Pro to finish installing it. After a fer sceconds it gave me a error: "Windows 2000 could not start because of a computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from the selected boot disk. Check boot path and disk hardware. Please check the Windows 2000 documention about hardware disk configuration and your hardware references manuals for additional information." Now my D drive is GONE! All my partitions have moved down one spot. With my E drive (utilities) becomming my D drive. I also have a seperate partition for my Swap, Demos, Downloads, and Games. I now have one less partition... Do I need a different CD? Do I need to pick another option to format the drive in? How do I get my D drive back? Sorry to lean on you guys too much, Im just stuck
  21. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    Thanks for the help! I got the makeboot32.exe, and double clicked on it. A DOS window came up for about 1/2 a second, then went away. I dont know how to navigate my Windows dir to try it in DOS Those .img's, can I just use them instead?
  22. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    I found no bootdisk dir.. No makeboot.exe either. ARG!
  23. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    I will try, not sure how to navigate to the bootdisk dir... Im a DOS newbie I can wiz thru the format and fdisk crap, but not go to dir's and execute .exe's that well. In lay mans terms?
  24. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    I searched my Win2k cd for that .exe, it found no matches That link is dead, again
  25. Emilee1

    Win2000 cannot detect ME for duel boot

    Come on guys, I need help! I have D open for Win2000. When I try to use a WinME boot disk to get to a A promt, my cd drive shows up as D, and my other partitions are gone. But I try it anyhow and put D: to get to my cd drive. Then go cd: i386, and hit enter. Then go winnt, it starts and asks me where my Win2000 files are, but then it gives me a error. I think I need a Win2000 boot disk. Any help?