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About DWAnderson

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  1. DWAnderson

    Carmageddon 2 Not Working

    After a fair amount of experimentation, I finally was able to make Carmageddon word under Win 2000 by doing the following: 1. Install Carmageddon 2 from CD. Apply 2.0 Patch (see ftp.avault.com/patches/c2ptch12.exe). 2. Put Glide2x.dll in the Carmageddon directory (unclear whether this is necessary, but I did it). 3. Run UnSafeDisc 1.5.5 (see http://gamefix.moax.com/files/unsafediscv1.5.5.zip) on Carma2_HW replace Carma2.HW.EXE with whichever of Testme.exe or Testme2!.exe works. Don't worry if you get a BRender Error when you run this file directly (i.e. not from Carma2.exe). 4. Run UnSafeDisc 1.5.5 on Carma2_SW replace Carma2.SW.EXE with whichever of Testme.exe or Testme2!.exe works. 5. You should now be able to run Carma2.exe and play Carmageddon 2 under Windows 2000.
  2. DWAnderson

    Carmageddon 2 Not Working

    The game installs fine, but when run, produces the error "Sorry not supported under NT." For those of you who got this to work, did you get this message? How did you get around it?
  3. DWAnderson

    isn't Rollercoaster Tycoon supposed to work?

    Are all the Application Compatibility Updates and Service Packs installed. After doing this I didn't have any problems installing.
  4. DWAnderson

    My list of NTCompatible games

    Have you been able to get Need for Speed High Stakes running with 3D Acceleration? I've sucessfully installed it using Appfix (per your helpful post), but it appears only in low res software mode. FYI- I'm using a CL geForce card.
  5. DWAnderson

    Can't get NFS:HS working On W2K

    NFS4 still isn't working. I followed both sets of advice. The registry change did nothing. The suggestion to copy files from the 3DSetup file on the CD got the game running, but only in software mode, not D3D. FYI the graphics card I'm using is a geForce with the Detonator 6.18 drivers.