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About RaidR

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  1. RaidR

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    I had a ICS setup disk laying around and used it on the client pc in question nothing happen, then I did the wizard thing and still nothing happen, so I threw my hands up and said I quit. About a 1/2hr later I noticed my BlackIce was alerting me so out of curiousity I looked at it and lo and behold it was, I then marked the ip as trusted and ran to the pc hit IE and there in all its splender was the homepage, sniffle, sniffle! I immediately set out to thank the cyber gods and sacrificed a memory chip in their honor. Seriuosly I don't know if was coincidence(maybe the DHCP lease was up) or between the ICS setup disk and the internet connection wizard it was triggered to end the old lease. Needless to say I'm back in business. Thank you! WAHOO!
  2. RaidR

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    I have good news and bad. I went here for some additional advice http://win2000mag-asap.com/info/com.winntmag_winntmag_7882_7882.html?se=ink. The ICS section got me thinking because it kept referring to the ip as being the autoconfiguration address of my internal NIC, however if you look at my ipconfig it has, so I assigned sharing to my internal NIC to see what would and a message popped up saying that my local connection1 will now be configured with, so when I saw that natural I reapplied the sharing back to the #1 connection(external NIC) and it reset my internal NIC to, I was able to release my one of my client pc's ip reboot and now it connects to the net. Here's the bad part for the life of me I connect do the same for my other client pc. I have created an account on the host, removed the NIC(through device manager), rebuilt the TCP/IP stack and it still holds on to this obsure ip, it won't release it. Now I need help in this direction. I want to thank everyone and this forum for the guidance.
  3. RaidR

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    I want to thank everyone for there help. I can now see my w2kpro drive and share printing from my workgroup pc. However I have a whole new problem and here it is: As I mentioned before I have broadband and prior to upgrading I was able to share internet connection. However mysteriously (perhaps while configuring to share network drive)my workgroup pc's are unable to connect to the net. This is my current TCP/IP stack from ipconfig on the w2kpro pc(pipeline to the net, my ISP uses DHCP) Windows 2000 IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection: Connection-specific DNS Suffix se.mediaone.net IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . .24.26.26.XXX Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 2: Connection-specific DNS Suffix . : Autoconfiguration IP Address. . Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . : I have sharing checked on primary NIC(external), and both NIC's "Obtain an IP address automatically" checked. Both are set in the WINS tab "Use NetBIOS setting from the DHCP server" All hardware and fancy lights are working. Thank you for your help.
  4. RaidR

    Unable to share drive on w2kpro from 98...

    Thanks can't wait to get home and give it a try. I actually got that far but did not know where to inable it.
  5. I have a 3pc LAN based home network 2 pc's on 98 and the other w2kpro(w/cablemodem/internet sharing) All pc's are on the same workgroup( I can map to either 98 pc, however when I try to map from the 98pc to a drive on the w2kpro pc I get a request for a pass word(this is the name that appears:\\CHARPAN\IPC%). I have set the drive in question to share and am using the default settings "C$" is the name but I can't set permissions. (I login as admintrator) I tried creating a new share which allows changes in permissions, when I select workgroup in the dropdown the only pc it sees is its own (CHARPAN) this is the only area that the other pc's donot show-up. I can go into the networkneighborhood and see the workgroup names of the other connected pc's. Needless to say since I have a cablemodem and a network I have two NICS and they are both set to DHCP under TCP/IP. Am I missing a service do I have to create an account somewhere do I have to create an account for myself on the w2kpro pc? Please help if you can.
  6. RaidR

    UT virtual memory error in W2kpro

    If you check my original post I have my pagefile set to 2x my ram. But all is well now I took a chance and un-installed/re-installed UT and it works fine don't ask me why, however I have come to learn that games in w2k do cause a small memory address error when quiting which at this time I view as a minor gliche...Wahoo! I'm back....thanks anyway! Quote: Originally posted by DosFreak: How much Virtual? If you have 128m kick that swap file up to 300/300 AT LEAST if your gaming. Mine is at 500/500. If you check your Task Manager/Commit Charge/Peak mem after running Unreal Tournament that will show you how much RAM Unreal Tournament Peaked at.
  7. RaidR

    UT virtual memory error in W2kpro

    I recently installed windows 2000pro(dual boot win98 also), and installed UT with out any visible problems. The interface loads up just find, the DM servers for online gaming loads up just find, however when I double click to join a game I get kicked out with a virtual memory error, it say's I ran out of memory, I should try freeing up more diskspace. I have 1.65gigs available the same as when I'm UT'ing when booted to win98. I increased my pagefile to 2xRAM(256)=512 and allocated it to my D: and F: drives. I can run the practice mode but it seems if I go multiplayer it kicks me out. I'd appreciate any work-arounds. And yes I have the latest voodoo3 drivers w2k. o0RAidR0o