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Everything posted by CrazyKillerMan

  1. CrazyKillerMan

    Defense of Via chipsets (or Via doesn't suck)

    You cant tell the difference at high resolutions??? OMG my radeon made a huge difference over my TNT2 U. HUGE. Now I cant say I have ever owned any 3dfx cards past the monster voodoo, but for my small gaming lifestyle (Diablo 2) its great. Designing graphics, watching DVD's, word processing, math_cad, auto_cad and circuitmaker all perform really well with my ati card. I coudl have gone with a matrox, but then I would have to spend money on another vid card that can run d2 properlly. Your prolly right that I may not notice a difference in everyday things with a voodoo or a geforce. But, with my monitor, I want to have great quality display as I spent a fair amount on a monitor. I run my desktop at a really high resolution, and with a geforce3 that I had at work over the summer on a 21" trinitron (its not hte monitor) it was awfully blurry at anything higher than 1280x1024. Now, without dual head support, and programming php, high resolutions is a god-send. But with the geforce card, there was blurry action goin on.
  2. CrazyKillerMan

    Defense of Via chipsets (or Via doesn't suck)

    Well, I'll agree with one point, that VIA may not suck in the future, and, at the moment I am not having any probs. I have an ASuS a7m-266 which has a via 686B in the south bridge. I havent had a real big problem...yet. But I am using pretty standard hardware. I had more problems with my 440BX than I have had with this board, and they are both made by ASUS. In via's defense, even more so, when the ali chipset was released, it had 0 support for some ati cards. WTF is that? Not until revision b did they fix that. Now I dont know if that was subject to IWILL's first DDR mobo or what, but thats pretty lame. Another problem I have with IWILL...their SIDE RAID 100 sucks big time. Sure it gets impressive performance, but thats only if you get it working. I got a promise raid card, and I havent had a hitch yet. But, in my opinion, via's support for ... lets say ... "diverse" products is way off. Thats the only problem I have seen with them. THe creative thing was something, but it was pretty well both companies' fault. Thats it, ive said my peace.
  3. CrazyKillerMan

    Anthrax Infested Topic....do not open !!!

    My roomate has a guy in his class thats over at the apt all the time. Yesterday his mother got a card from heart and stroke foundation or something, and it was filled with powder. She live in no-where Saskachewan in Canada...I really dont get the point but its getting scary. I called my parents last nite and told them to make sure to have thier heads on when checking mail. Our junk mail at the apt is going right out the window. I think it is really pathetic that you would have to resort to tampering with mail to kill people. I have a feeling that it is just a prank, but you never know.
  4. CrazyKillerMan

    Install retail XP PRO over Corp. PRO??

    Quote: I've been reading that M$ might make it impossible to apply updates to XP versions that are not bought through proper channels. So the updates due out on the 25th of Oct. might not work. Uh-oh!
  5. CrazyKillerMan

    diskeeper dl for XP

    I read that Diskeeper 6 SE is WinXP compatible, but where do I get this version? Get the Win2k Pro version if I am using XP pro??? Sorry for being a pain in the a$$, but I dont wanna blow anything up.
  6. CrazyKillerMan

    What were you running before Win2K?

    Quote: Dual boot between Win98SE (for gaming only) and WinNT4 (for everything else). Ouch...I've found NT to be a pretty horrible platform for developing. I had to use NT 4.0 over the summer, and it was a bad deal (well not so much bad, but for a lazy programmer/engineer it was ). That said: Win98 is probably worse for developing. I seriously dont know what I would do without 2k. I'd probably be down hte linux road already, to which I am just starting. Just my 2 cents.
  7. CrazyKillerMan

    Borland C Builder 5

    Has anyone had any success installing and running this software? This is what we use at school, and I want to install it at home. Just wondering, cause evwerything works, but the actual builder program.
  8. CrazyKillerMan

    diskeeper dl for XP

    coo I figured that would work, just wanted to ask. Thanx
  9. CrazyKillerMan

    diskeeper dl for XP

    Ye I went to the website But I cant dl a diskeeper version for XP. There are versions fro 98, 2k pro, 2k server and what not What one can I download if version 6 SE is what I am ask'n.
  10. CrazyKillerMan

    How is your pc shack?

    Woah! Just noticed the dyna mat in the pics. Does that help at all??? Ive got some in my car of course, but I never thought of it for a computer.
  11. CrazyKillerMan

    How is your pc shack?

    lol I had the same but it was a mini-tower It housed my last PC p3-500MHz Got me a nice AOPEN full woer case now....the HX08. Nice cooling mods though...i dig the blue also
  12. CrazyKillerMan

    Speed Tweaks

    I suggest you get a program called TeakXP if you havent heard of it already. I cant really help you out with XP for a bit, as I am still playing with it. But, as stated above, more ram would definatly be a plus.
  13. CrazyKillerMan

    nixcompatible or LinuxCompatible are not registered names...

    If i wasnt swamped with school at the moment I would love to do that. Great idea (i wont steal it however, you had it first )
  14. CrazyKillerMan

    That's it! The Compatibility lists need to be split up!

    I am pretty sure php is *nix. I could also be wrong, but I am assuming. To clutch... I worked with php/mysql/html all summer and its a great language. It is relativly easy to learn, and if you have past exp in c/c++ php will come as second nature. I found it to be pretty powerful as a language mostly just from its connectivity with tons of differing applications. You can wap enable php quite easily, and communicating with any database is super easy. I really also like the fact that its server side, so the source only shows of what needs to be shown. As for myself, I have never tried asp, but looks farily well thought of. I really hope to get into xml, but this semster I am bombarded with c/c++, and from what I glanced over at devshed, i am assuming xml is fairly in depth.
  15. CrazyKillerMan

    Happy B-Day Inferno!

    indeed Word to tha' bigbird...er...Happy Birthday
  16. CrazyKillerMan

    Want to speed up your system BIGTIME?

    has anyone tried with XP ??
  17. CrazyKillerMan

    That's it! The Compatibility lists need to be split up!

    nice MySQL works very well with php (I'm sure you know) and sorting using the database is lickity split.
  18. CrazyKillerMan


    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...I usually try to be the hoe in the relationship, that way no-one gets hurt when the bottom falls out in 2 days.
  19. CrazyKillerMan


    Quote: and nothing about "current girlfriend" . LOL that sheet hurts No it didnt work, but I know of guys that it worked for. Basiclly it stops more hair from falling out. Besides, girlfriends are a waste of time really. Need the bar stars....
  20. CrazyKillerMan


    lol yah I actually spent $100 cdn on some nioxin for it. That was due to my incredubly hot ex-hair dresser.
  21. CrazyKillerMan


    I am kinda angry about it, but after a bit I realized, that a sharp, new haircut is a stones throw away! plus it makes me look tuff, which, is a good thing.
  22. CrazyKillerMan


    Happy birthday man Quote: 21....and due to slight balding, i look 25. could be worse, I am 20 and I shave my head due to the balding factor. Lousy chromasomes.
  23. CrazyKillerMan

    RAID setup question

    Quote: ...ATA100 5400RPM 20.4GB+15GB, Toshiba 12x DVD... I figured u had raid goin O well... I agree with brain on the price part. It all comes down to the price...
  24. CrazyKillerMan

    RAID setup question

    Well...I dont have alot of RAID exp with 5400 rpm drives, but I have 2 maxtor 30 gig 7200 rpm drives with a promise fastrak 100 card. Using 2 7200 rpms, I get an average of 52 MBps. Very quick. Getting 2 20 gigs would be advisable, cause those new 20 gig platters are nice, but, going with a 5400 rpm, will cut down your speed and your seek time, when using raid, whatever the seek time of your hard drive is, you can almost multiply that by two. My seek time is close to 14 mS, which isnt that horrible, but the seek time will go up with 5400 rpm drives. Brain would know more than I do about the 5400 rpm raid config. Maybe if he posts his average throughput you can compare between the two. I used HDTach for the benchmarks.
  25. CrazyKillerMan

    FTP - to network folder

    Ok, so I have my win2k box setup with FTP software. Using the D-LINK DI-704 for shared DSL, I configured it so I have port access for port 21. My roomate is attached to the switch. His is in the same workgroup/IP and he has a 'shared' folder that I can see from my computer. When he is at school, he wants to be able to put his cadd stuff on his network drive, just cause he wont know how/where to get at it on my computer. Sharing a directory for him, off of my box would work, but I was wondering if there is anyways to do this. I have the DI-704 set so we both get port 21 access, using G6 FTP, and win2k pro. Thanx in advance.