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Everything posted by CrazyKillerMan

  1. CrazyKillerMan

    Power Supply

    redundancy??? I have no idea...dont have alotta exp with 400 watters.
  2. CrazyKillerMan

    VIA KT266 or AMD760/761?

    The southbridge chipset is prolly the Via686B. I run the asus a7m-266 with a 761 north and a via 686B south, havent had a shake of problems with it at all, and my case is packed with peripherals. Most likley there will be a patch cd that is shipped with the mobo for the via drivers.
  3. CrazyKillerMan

    Trillian and Instant Messaging

    thanks man I know there was an faq....but i was at work, and reading a faq about trillion isnt exactly 'research' heheheheheh In reading the faq.....did u see when the next release will be?
  4. CrazyKillerMan

    Trillian and Instant Messaging

    can you guys recieve files using trillian??? ie: can icq users on your list still send you files???
  5. CrazyKillerMan

    Feel My Pain: Upgrade mb worries

    well ghost enables you to make an image of your hard drive to numerous cd's. Use the boot disk to start.....then just "move" the image from the discs to the harddirve. I dont know why this would present a bsod. Ive changed mobo's b4 without seeina bsod.
  6. CrazyKillerMan

    W2K Boot up time - is 60 seconds short or long ? seems like

    HAHAA nice touch yakkob its true though
  7. CrazyKillerMan

    Busted lcd projector???

    Ok....it was borrowed out. Ive never set one up before, all I know is that the bulb gets hot and needs to be cooled. Got it back, it displays stuff but is really outta focus, and cannot be fixed. Is this busted??? ie: lens or something? or is it set up bad?
  8. CrazyKillerMan

    a load of questions...

    actually it was fixed in Windows ME.. and yes there is a fix out there ...somewhere Search ntcompatible, im pretty sure I got it here. UPDATE http://www.chez.com/hoiby/TrayIconIn256Color/index.html there it is
  9. CrazyKillerMan

    problems with monitor shutting off....please help

    You stated that you are running the monitor at 1024x768 at what refresh rate is this at??? The monitor may not support the refesh rate you have it set to, thus causing it to turn off.
  10. CrazyKillerMan

    Action figure addictions....

    Seeing as though there are groups like al-anon and what not....im gonna start a page here for ppl addicted to action figures. I roll into a comic store just wanting to kill some time and I roll outta there with a couple gaurdian force FF8 chars, the last time it was a $60 magneto helmet that sits on a stand, about the size of my fist. I have gundam/spawn/FF/Evangelon/Devilman action figures all over. I dont play with em...i think its kinda like art almost with the fantastic paint and accesories...its geting expensive and I was wondering if anyone out there has the same prob.
  11. CrazyKillerMan

    New 2 HDD acting wierd.. Please help

    heh my bad thats what i get for skimmin'
  12. CrazyKillerMan

    New 2 HDD acting wierd.. Please help

    I have a raid setup using a promise fast trak and dual maxtor 7200 rpm ata100 30 gig drives, one on Primary master raid cahnnel set to Master, using an 80 wire cable, the other is on the Secondary master, as a master, and connected with and 80 wire cable. Go into the bios of the controller and CREATE THE ARRAY, or else the system wont see them very well. Then Install 2k to this dir and reboot, and everything should be fine. Trust me.....dont do cable select. Thats bad news, I have tried every config and this works the best (master). Using them both set up as masters they will have thier full ata100 bandwidth per channel. With your remaining IDE devices, place them in the regular slots on the mobo. Place a burner alone on one as a master, and dvd/cd/hdd can all go master/slave after that on another channel (only 2 devices per channel though, and also assuming u wanna boot from raid array). PS...you do know that cable select also requires a jumper setting right? You dont just rip out the jumper.
  13. Just wondering what the html/php command/tag/code was to auto forward users to the new updated page. ie: when we submit a thread/reply we are taken to a page that loads, I assume to run specified php code, then we are forwarded back to the thread we just created/replied to. I was just wondering what this "auto-forward" is called, as without knowing what it is, cannot find it in my reference guide. Just wondering as I am creating a php page, and this function would be very useful to my end users.
  14. CrazyKillerMan

    Quick html question..possibly for Philipp

    you da man Philipp!
  15. CrazyKillerMan

    A+ Certification...

    ...also if you dont need a 'techie' job in which you drop cables and run around making house calls, to help pay for college, taking A+ is almost a waste of time compared to what another, more accountable cert will get you. Dont get me wrong A+ cert still looks good on a resume.
  16. CrazyKillerMan

    Please help with baffling problem (Cd-ROM drives)

    have u tried disconnecting them from the controller, rebooting, shutdown and then re-connecting? This may be a 'jig-rig' fix, but its worked for me before.
  17. CrazyKillerMan

    Action figure addictions....

    Dw's best feature his gun.... "Suck Gas EVIL do-er..."
  18. CrazyKillerMan

    Action figure addictions....

    for Brian - I was a hardcore comic junkie from ages 5 through 13 for clutch - "...when theres trouble you call DW!"
  19. CrazyKillerMan

    Madonion.com - Everyone over there about 14?

    hey clutch... how'd you get a pic of my girl??? She said that she was a one man show!!!
  20. CrazyKillerMan

    You should see what i did. :)

    non conductive fluids, surrounding all the equipment of a computer, motherboard and addon cards. Never actually seen it, but have heard of it.
  21. CrazyKillerMan

    monitor goes off and won't come back on

    turn down your refesh rate and/or resolution Monitors can only support certian refresh rates at certain resolutions. A monitor may be able to support 85Hz at 800x600, but chances are it wont at 1600x1200, or even my last monitor, only supported 60 Hz at 1280x1024.
  22. CrazyKillerMan

    Has this link been posted before?

    very entertaining. Best part is the staff part on the top floor...fast like grasshopper
  23. CrazyKillerMan

    Show Desktop icon

    NT 4sp6 is ok But as you stated; for designing, its not that user friendly. I definatly prefer 2k for programming ESPECIALLY b/c you have total control over everything....ie: infinite loop in php code....you can close IE with 2k...with NT it tries harder than 9x but sometimes it dont pull through.
  24. CrazyKillerMan

    Show Desktop icon

    ye i did the same thing awhile back thanx again to whoever helped me out....i cannot live without it either Have NT at work and there isnt one AHHH the good ol' right click toolbar, minimize all will work for me though
  25. CrazyKillerMan

    COMPRESSED AIR in monitor... OK???

    actually...heh.....they hold charge...not volts....and power isnt a measure of volts.....hehehehehehe it all depends on the resistance they see across thier terminals that determines how much current they throw out (current ACROSS a certain resistance is volts). Sorry...I couldnt resist just bein a smartass