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Everything posted by CrazyKillerMan

  1. CrazyKillerMan

    I am loving Office Xp. But........

    I have not run into the problem as you have stated. But I agree with you about Office XP making writing essays, labs, or cover letters alot more enjoyable. Then pull down menus that appear is fantastic. Giving a pull down menu for the specific thing you are doing at that specific moment is the best idea office has seen since the tool bar.
  2. CrazyKillerMan

    Can not send files through ANY instant messaging program.

    Yep Im behind a linux router and had to set up ICQ specially. There is a firewall tab in there where you can select it to look for a port. ICQ Button --> preferences --->Connections ---> Firewall ICQ Button --> preferences --->Connections ---> Server Under this auto configure and set the proxy up. I am thinking about ditching my router though. Even with small tweaks in the linux code, it is still hard to connect to bnet and when it is connected, its slow as all heck. As far as MSN messenger goes, i havent sent any files through that, but mIRC I cannot receive files. Its reall annoying!!!
  3. CrazyKillerMan

    New Microsoft Licensing

    Quote: I've had Win9x installations last longer than two weeks, as for Win2k installations - I've had them for a year without a re-installation required. That may very well be...so you install the OS and dont touch it. As far as my veiwpoint goes, I'm still in school and I try to learn as much as I can about 2k, and i do screw things up a bit. Whats wrong with installing hte program 50 times a month as long as your learning what everything does??? Im sure that in a place of business there would probably be no need for formatting every other month, but it can happen. What I am basiclly saying is, how can M$ govern how many times I wish to use the product legally, that I bought. Like if you buy a car...you can park it, drive it, put a turbo in it, whatever, and Dodge wont stop me from doing that.
  4. CrazyKillerMan

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    OK.....i should get a virtual slap for this The main reason why it was jamming.... i had the video drivers for TNT2/TNT2 Pro where I have an Ultra card it hasnt jammed for hours now....alot longer than b4, but im runnina stability test overnite. For some reason....i had it set as that...one of those moments ***smack
  5. CrazyKillerMan

    New Microsoft Licensing

    I am so with you on this one, but can they really say that once it has been used so many times, they just leave u out in the cold. Id sue for that....thats gonna make alot of ppl angry. As you say, you format twice a month, heck ive already done that this month. Also...what happens if your on # 10 and u get a virus. Man....that rep would be sorry he picked up the phone.
  6. CrazyKillerMan

    SORRY for the OT and dbl post guys, but this is my buddy - S

    uggh....shouldnt this be in the "Other" category??? Sorry to hear about the car though....I dig M3's and some day...its a goal of mine to own one.
  7. CrazyKillerMan

    nvidia drivers for 2465

    http://www.m3dzone.com/ has everything
  8. CrazyKillerMan

    the closing of the big thread

    What a saga. A good 20min read. Almost like general hosptial. But...I will wash my hands of this and never speak of it again.
  9. CrazyKillerMan

    the closing of the big thread

    ...and im off to check that wasnt it that XP lite he was talking about?
  10. CrazyKillerMan

    the closing of the big thread

    I have been away for a week....what did he do to get banned??? What thread is it in?
  11. CrazyKillerMan

    Website hacked

    sorry for my ignorance...but wtf is a 'poisonbox'
  12. CrazyKillerMan

    netscape problem

    heh see your other post in applications....
  13. CrazyKillerMan

    Need latest Det driver for my Geforece 2 for Win2k

    here is a sweet link for video drivers.....has every release note: for win2k http://www.m3dzone.com/files.php?directory=Videocards/NVIDIA/Drivers/W2k/ www.m3dzone.com
  14. CrazyKillerMan

    "memory cannot be read" error. programmers pleas

    It cant be faulty ram. The addressing code is just incorrect. When the instruction sets itself to look at the address for further instructions, it just loops....horribly. The memory could not be "read" because its looping on itself. Wouldnt faulty ram just fail to work, as opposed to giving a addressing error. Monitor the cpu usage at this point and see if it spikes.
  15. CrazyKillerMan

    Netscape problem

    Is there any chance there could be a virus??? You stated that there was no error in the event log, although this may be a long shot, but thats what I would turn to...are you getting the same eroor with opera? Or is it an entirely different error? Is that error being logged??? I know this probably isnt what you want to hear but the only thing i can think of is a virus. Granted that you have an anti-virus software package, you could try to clean it. Also...you said that you just did an update. Did this start happening after the update? And if so have you uninstalled the update(s) ???
  16. CrazyKillerMan

    program name

    www.members.tripod.com/crazykillerman/NVIDIA_Refresh-rate_FIX.exe couldnt member where i got it...so i just put it up on website edit that link isnt working try this... www.members.tripod.com/crazykillerman then goto download section
  17. CrazyKillerMan

    Post your desktops here

    Heres mine Win2k Pro Cant get alpha blending in screen capture???
  18. CrazyKillerMan

    Quick RAID question

    I have scoped out the new Iwill KK266-R mobo with RAID onboard. Now...i have a 20 gig fujitsu 7200 rpm that i got about 2 months ago. If i were to get another one today.....will the two work together properlly???
  19. CrazyKillerMan

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    Nope, I would have tried that. O well....I got a new computer comming soon nayways. Ill do some more tweaking then. Thanx for the help though!!!
  20. CrazyKillerMan

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    ok...just noticed something weird....mp3z keep playing after a lock up If this means anytihng...
  21. CrazyKillerMan

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    Ya...that was the straw that made me decide it was time for a clean install...i like a clean install every 3 months or so and I havent since xmas. Anyways, the only thing that i can see the lockups follow is when im just p1ssing around with the mouse...whether i click on a pull down menu, or check email. i find it does it alot when im adding users to the ftp account (which isnt up yet b/c of this) but then again it goes back to the mouse thing, but when dont you use a mouse...heh. O...to geoph, I had 6.5 installed and they worked fine then installed 12.00....everything was going on like comp locking, so I went back to 6.5s after format.
  22. CrazyKillerMan

    I need some help...im gonna start crying!!!

    Ok, I swapped out ram (2x128's) and it still did it with each individual stick. I dont think it can be the mobo or cpu either, as i dont really overclock and cmos chips are fairly reliable. Im thinking it could be the Power supply. Do you thimk this is a possible symptom of a failing PS???
  23. CrazyKillerMan

    System Memory Performance Problem

    I would also like to know about this topic. Seems my hard drive speed seems to get slower as the days go on...
  24. CrazyKillerMan

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Heh...I remeber when my rents got our first computer. A datatrain 386sx...2 megs of ram. I immediatly went to radio shack and bought a joystick, but...it was a tandy joystick and i didnt know why it wouldnt fit. LOL LOL I think i was in grade 7 or so.
  25. CrazyKillerMan

    Sharing my ADSL line with other computers with one nic?

    That hub you speak of....would that be a special kind of hub/switch? I know that hubs relay data...is this what you mean?? Wouldnt it be the same as it nornally would using more than one IP address and plugging the ADSL into the uplink? Just curious.