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Everything posted by CrazyKillerMan

  1. CrazyKillerMan

    Advice request for dealing with potential hacker

    Hack him.....find him.....get a baseball bat......sorry i cant be of more help [This message has been edited by CrazyKillerMan (edited 22 October 2000).]
  2. CrazyKillerMan

    restart computer by itself

    ya i had that problem. I think it has something to do with errors, usually it writes ram to disk, then reboots, but you can turn off that option, so there would be no warning just a reboot
  3. CrazyKillerMan

    Win2000 ICS, WinME and StarCraft (IPX games)

    heh i ahve the same prob....its the routers ability to process UDP packets. If one was to go to blizzard they reply...."concerning firewalls/router we weill NEVER HELP" ...now im not sure you have a router or not....but i do...and the only way to play normally is to "borrow" an IP froma service line....i tried to dick around with my linux router but to no avail. I think yer stuck dude. O btw when i joined others it was laggy...is this the same for you?
  4. CrazyKillerMan

    Physical Memory Dump

    What is 2k doing when this bsod appears? It only happens once in a blue moon. It s says its dumping physical memory to disk, counts up to 100 and reboots. Upon entering win 2k i check the monitor and th eonly error i get is an unexpected shutdown. Has anyone heard of this?
  5. CrazyKillerMan

    how do i activate 4X AGP?

    I tried to up my mobo to 4x as well....i have same video card but a 440bx. I moved the jumper settings on the mobo and it worked fine...in windows. When i went to play Diablo2 comp frooze, and it kept doing it. 4X is not that much faster...from what i hear from friends...so, just leave it @ 2x like me
  6. CrazyKillerMan

    Admin name change

    how do i change the name of admin in 2k
  7. CrazyKillerMan

    Admin name change

    well.....i guess its too bad there isnt such an option in CP