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Everything posted by jdulmage

  1. jdulmage

    WinRAR not working in XP for me....

    Vampyr, we don't need to answer them anymore then, screw them. We answer his question, and were flamed for it, so let's not even post. [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 31 March 2001).]
  2. jdulmage

    WinRAR not working in XP for me....

    latest works here
  3. jdulmage

    Norton firewall 2001 and whistler 2428

    at least it says it's unsupported when the application in question isn't supported, in earlier builds, it just installed, and then did memory dumps. you could try running it in windows 2000 mode or something. right now, there is minor problems with that stuff, but that's what RC's are for, and windows 2000 wasn't that great until like RC1 or 2
  4. jdulmage

    Have they fixed ..

    works on my friend's machine
  5. and ya just figured out that "upgrade is wrong" during a beta?
  6. jdulmage

    BIOS Upgrade

    Is there actually a BIOS upgrade for the GeForce 2 MX Video card? I don't see any on Asus or Nvidia, but was curious if there was one to flash the video bios with. Thanks
  7. jdulmage

    WinXP Beta 2 2462 & 3dmark2001 no go

    yep, that mpeg thing I submited for ya. secondly, I can also use the 3dmark2001 with xp 2462
  8. jdulmage

    Stupid Question...

    EULA allows multiple installs and multiple activations on different machines right now.
  9. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    yep. good ol' pussies they do taste good, now if you'll excuse me, there is a good group of them waiting for me in the hot tub.
  10. jdulmage

    Dual boot?

    answer, don't bother dual booting, haha (if you know what your doing) otherwise, dual boot with it, no tricks really, just make sure you install winme FIRST then winxp, and choose "I want to choose the installation partition during setup" Let it do it's thing.
  11. jdulmage

    What beta version has run best?

    uhhhhh, maybe the latest? lol Beta 2 (2462) runs awesome, I use it as my primary OS now
  12. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    lol, what about them is more like it
  13. jdulmage

    Who wants me (EddiE314Banned?

    ok, but anyways, nobody dislikes you Eddie, if they say they do, well, there just a piece of crap! otay??
  14. jdulmage

    Question about Beta2

    good for you hehe
  15. yea, I have no problems with Eddie, he is a nice guy
  16. jdulmage

    Who wants me (EddiE314Banned?

    yep, it was, hehe
  17. jdulmage

    Question about Beta2

    i'm right here, lol, using my legit cd keys, haha
  18. jdulmage


  19. jdulmage

    Does WinXP worth ?

    lol win2k = done winxp = beta 2 and already better than win2k think about it [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 25 March 2001).]
  20. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    lol, 200 more to go.
  21. jdulmage

    Does WinXP worth ?

    depends what you want to do? if you installed win2k cause you liked the stability, but missed some of the multimedia, compatibility, features, etc. and were disappointed not to see it being as high in win2k as it was in win9x, then upgrade it to XP. As for it being more stable. well, the reason why i'm so pro-XP, is because it seriously does stomp a mud hole in win2k in every performance test here. XP happens to be the best OS i've ran in years on this machine, it may vary on yours, who knows. That's all I got to say about that.
  22. jdulmage

    3Dfx was bought and why?

    Ok, so Nvidia bought 3Dfx, just curious has to when both chipsets are gonna be combined and IF even. I mean, seeing a GeForce 4 or something like a Voodoo GeForce video card with 3Dfx and Nvidia chips on it would be nice. The combo is powerful, but will it ever happen?
  23. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    yep, I got mine installed