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Everything posted by jdulmage

  1. jdulmage

    DirectX 8 and Screen Refresh/Mode Change

    i've never ran into this problem with win2k, win9x or whistler. have you even checked to make sure that your monitor should even be up that high on refresh, I have mine at 85 Hz because my monitor manual tells me to set stuff to 1240 X 1024 @ 85 Hz for best performance, and it's a 19 inch monitor. Maybe you should try to turn it down.
  2. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    there is no way that the elections crap is going to be above this post.
  3. jdulmage

    Any way to uninstall a Win2K upgrade?

    format C: /q hey, that's not starting over, starting over would mean using fdisk
  4. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    yeah, don't use those drivers, use GLsetup or something. and he is right about the tlist thing, I tried it, freed things up well, it only uses 30 MB of RAM now, rather than 78 MB, like it was....much better
  5. jdulmage

    Something very interested about my version number.

    here is a screenshot of my system properities and my about box in IE, it shows IE 5.5 installed and Windows Me installed 3000A, the product ID matches with each other. My name is on the system properities and it says my system, which I have stated in another post here at NTCompatible before, so it's not a fake. So you can call my little bluff all you want, but your wrong and this is enough proof to show you. Excuse me for the color, but I wanted to do this quickly, so I let MS Paint save it as a gif file and it turns the color to crap. edit Took my picture out, don't need to be there anymore end edit [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 21 November 2000).]
  6. jdulmage

    How to enable bass and treble..

    I have a Creative Labs SoundBlaster 128 PCI, It's a ES1371/ES1373 model on it. In 9x versions such has Millennium, I have been able to install the drivers, then in the volume properities, been able to turn up bass and treble. In 2000 however, trying many different drivers, I simply couldn't get those settings anymore. I tried to use the information on Creative's site about "how to enable", but that fix only seems to work in 9x. Any ideas? [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 18 November 2000).]
  7. jdulmage

    no d3d acceleration

    your right, my friend's system had it on, I turned it off, big difference.
  8. jdulmage

    Tlist -s ?

    oh it's there.. /support/tools run setup.exe, install as said.. tlist should be there now.
  9. jdulmage

    My system restarts after giving Shutdown command.

    i'm an *******, so i'm going to comment "this ain't in the windows 9x section".. lol..
  10. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    no, i'm talking like upwards of 10 to 12 of them, those shouldn't be there at all, so don't worry, they will most likely be taken out. Cause I had a bunch, about 11, using 2 MB of RAM each, and the 12th one using 10 MB. There should only be one or two
  11. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    3.1415926535897932384626433832795 there...
  12. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    CONST PI = 3.141592653589 isn't there more to this mystery, lol
  13. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    man, I shouldn't have done that...
  14. jdulmage

    I don't mean to piss everyone off..........

    don't mind this crap, i'm just putting it here to flood the post. '$DYNAMIC DEFINT A-Z DECLARE SUB InitSprites () DECLARE SUB battle () DECLARE SUB astatus () DECLARE SUB statusbox () DECLARE SUB Crystal () DECLARE SUB ShowBox () DECLARE SUB TownBox () DECLARE SUB Story () DECLARE SUB LoadCastleTunlan () DECLARE SUB LoadTunlan () DECLARE SUB talktoman () DECLARE SUB LoopMIDI () DECLARE SUB LoadMIDI (Filename$) DECLARE SUB PlayMIDI () DECLARE SUB StopMIDI () DECLARE FUNCTION int86qb$ (intnr%, flag%, AX%, BX%, CX%, DX%, DI%, SI%, BP%, DS%, ES%) DECLARE FUNCTION int2str$ (sword%) DECLARE SUB LoadFont () DECLARE SUB IntX (IntNum AS INTEGER, Regs AS ANY) DECLARE SUB InternalGetIntVector (IntNum%, Segment&, Offset&) DECLARE SUB SetCard (CardType%) DECLARE SUB DetectSettings (BasePort%, IRQ%, LoDMA%, HiDMA%, CardType%, MPU401%) DECLARE SUB DriversLoaded (SBMIDI%, SBSIM%) DECLARE SUB InitVars () DECLARE SUB LoadMap () DECLARE SUB LoadTiles () DECLARE SUB MoveUp () DECLARE SUB MoveDown () DECLARE SUB MoveLeft () DECLARE SUB MoveRight () DECLARE SUB PutPlayerPic () DECLARE SUB PutTile (x%, y%, tilenumber%) DECLARE SUB SetupPalette () DECLARE SUB ShowMap () DECLARE SUB LoadData () DECLARE SUB Delay2 (Secs%) DECLARE SUB DialogBox () DECLARE SUB PutText (PosX%, PosY%, Sentence$) DECLARE SUB GetHandLocation () DECLARE SUB TimerDelay (Seconds!) DECLARE SUB StatsBox () DECLARE SUB ChoiceBox (BoxType%) DECLARE SUB DrawBattleScreen (ScreenType%) DECLARE SUB InitBattle () DECLARE SUB InitRandomStats () DECLARE SUB LoadKaipo () DECLARE SUB LoadTowerBabel () DECLARE SUB LoadWateryCastle () TYPE WorldDataType Rows AS INTEGER Cols AS INTEGER TopRow AS INTEGER TopCol AS INTEGER Action AS INTEGER AnimCycle AS INTEGER Direc AS INTEGER PlayerY AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE MapType Tile AS INTEGER END TYPE TYPE Registers AX AS INTEGER BX AS INTEGER CX AS INTEGER DX AS INTEGER BP AS INTEGER SI AS INTEGER DI AS INTEGER FLAGS AS INTEGER DS AS INTEGER ES AS INTEGER END TYPE IntXCodeData: DATA &H55, &H8B, &HEC, &H83, &HEC, &H08, &H56, &H57, &H1E, &H55, &H8B, &H5E DATA &H06, &H8B, &H47, &H10, &H3D, &HFF, &HFF, &H75, &H04, &H1E, &H8F, &H47 DATA &H10, &H8B, &H47, &H12, &H3D, &HFF, &HFF, &H75, &H04, &H1E, &H8F, &H47 DATA &H12, &H8B, &H47, &H08, &H89, &H46, &HF8, &H8B, &H07, &H8B, &H4F, &H04 DATA &H8B, &H57, &H06, &H8B, &H77, &H0A, &H8B, &H7F, &H0C, &HFF, &H77, &H12 DATA &H07, &HFF, &H77, &H02, &H1E, &H8F, &H46, &HFA, &HFF, &H77, &H10, &H1F DATA &H8B, &H6E, &HF8, &H5B, &HCD, &H21, &H55, &H8B, &HEC, &H8B, &H6E, &H02 DATA &H89, &H5E, &HFC, &H8B, &H5E, &H06, &H1E, &H8F, &H46, &HFE, &HFF, &H76 DATA &HFA, &H1F, &H89, &H07, &H8B, &H46, &HFC, &H89, &H47, &H02, &H89, &H4F DATA &H04, &H89, &H57, &H06, &H58, &H89, &H47, &H08, &H89, &H77, &H0A, &H89 DATA &H7F, &H0C, &H9C, &H8F, &H47, &H0E, &H06, &H8F, &H47, &H12, &H8B, &H46 DATA &HFE, &H89, &H47, &H10, &H5A, &H1F, &H5F, &H5E, &H8B, &HE5, &H5D, &HCA DATA &H02, &H00 DIM SHARED QMIDIRegs AS Registers, MEM.SEGMENT AS INTEGER DIM SHARED MIDI.PLAYTIME AS SINGLE, MIDI.ERROR AS INTEGER, PAUSED AS SINGLE DIM SHARED SBMIDI.INTERRUPT AS INTEGER, MEM.ALLOCATED AS LONG DIM SHARED SBSIM.INTERRUPT AS INTEGER, MIXER.CHIP AS INTEGER DIM SHARED SB.BASEPORT AS INTEGER, SB.IRQ AS INTEGER DIM SHARED SB.LODMA AS INTEGER, SB.HIDMA AS INTEGER, SB.CARDTYPE AS INTEGER DIM SHARED SB.MPU401 AS INTEGER, BIT.STORAGE(0 TO 7) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED SENSITIVE AS INTEGER, REVERSE.STEREO AS INTEGER DIM SHARED SOUND.DISABLED AS INTEGER DriversLoaded SBMIDI.INTERRUPT, SBSIM.INTERRUPT IF SBMIDI.INTERRUPT = 0 THEN SBMIDI.INTERRUPT = &H80 IF SBSIM.INTERRUPT = 0 THEN SBSIM.INTERRUPT = &H81 DetectSettings SB.BASEPORT, SB.IRQ, SB.LODMA, SB.HIDMA, SB.CARDTYPE, SB.MPU401 IF SB.CARDTYPE = 0 THEN SetCard 2 IF SB.BASEPORT = 0 THEN SB.BASEPORT = &H220 IF SB.IRQ = 0 THEN SB.IRQ = 5 IF SB.LODMA = 0 THEN SB.LODMA = 1 IF SB.HIDMA = 0 AND SB.CARDTYPE = 6 THEN SB.HIDMA = 5 CONST True = -1, False = NOT True CONST North = 1, South = 2, East = 3, West = 4 CONST TileDir$ = "images" DIM SHARED Tree1(129), grass1(129), Water1(129), lcast(129), tree2(129), crystal1(129), bridge(129), town(129), homemid(129), hometop(129), homebot(129), towntile(129), townwall(129) DIM SHARED man1(129), man2(129), man3(129), castbot(129), castlsid(129), castmid(129), castmtop(129), castrsid(129), kingtile(129), stairway(129), king(129), tuntile(129), tunwall(129), carpet(129), mantle(129) DIM SHARED crystal2(129), mtain(129), cavern(129), dirt1(129), cwall(129), cdoor(129), leo(850), fusoya(850), crystal3(129), desert(129), paladin(129), twrbox(129) DIM SHARED WorldData AS WorldDataType DIM SHARED map(-9 TO 60, -9 TO 60) AS MapType DIM SHARED HandX%, HandY%, EnemyThere% DIM SHARED StoryMap(16, 10) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED Speed(5) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED Saved(5) AS STRING DIM SHARED LevelUp(40) AS LONG DIM SHARED Move AS INTEGER DIM SHARED PlayerDead AS INTEGER DIM SHARED EnemyDead AS INTEGER DIM SHARED RunAway AS INTEGER DIM SHARED ChrSet(33 TO 122, 1 TO 8, 1 TO 8) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED Choice AS STRING * 1 DIM SHARED name$ DIM SHARED main AS INTEGER DIM SHARED TextScroll AS INTEGER DIM SHARED NoConfig AS INTEGER DIM SHARED Hand%(258) DIM SHARED Players%(4626) DIM SHARED Enemies%(2570) DIM SHARED BackSprite%(1028) DIM SHARED BackHand%(129) MaxX = 50: MaxY = 50 DIM SHARED Maze(MaxX, MaxY) AS INTEGER DIM SHARED PlayerName$(1 TO 2), PlayerAlive%(1 TO 2), PlayerType%(1 TO 2) DIM SHARED PlayerHP%(1 TO 2), PlayerMaxHP%(1 TO 2), PlayerMP%(1 TO 2), PlayerMaxMP%(1 TO 2) DIM SHARED PlayerST%(1 TO 2), PlayerDF%(1 TO 2), PlayerAG%(1 TO 2) DIM SHARED PlayerMS%(1 TO 2), PlayerMD%(1 TO 2) DIM SHARED PlayerEXP&(1 TO 2), PlayerGold& DIM SHARED PlayerX%(1 TO 2), PlayerY%(1 TO 2), PlayerGo%(1 TO 2) DIM SHARED EnemyName$(1 TO 4), EnemyAlive%(1 TO 4), EnemyType%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED EnemyHP%(1 TO 4), EnemyMaxHP%(1 TO 4), EnemyMP%(1 TO 4), EnemyMaxMP%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED EnemyST%(1 TO 4), EnemyDF%(1 TO 4), EnemyAG%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED EnemyMS%(1 TO 4), EnemyMD%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED EnemyEXP%(1 TO 4), EnemyGold%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED EnemyX%(1 TO 4), EnemyY%(1 TO 4), EnemyGo%(1 TO 4) DIM SHARED loadthis% DIM SHARED SaveCol, SaveRow, fight%, justleftworld, justleftkaipo, alreadytalked, wep$, mag$, gotsword DIM SHARED talkedman1, talkedman2, talkedman3, justlefttunlan, justleftcastletunlan, towerkey, water, earth DIM SHARED thisstory, serpent, item6$, nex, chest, area, gotwater, gotearth, cost1, cost2, cost3, item5$ DIM SHARED item4$, item3$, item2$, item$, justleftcastle, justleftmountain, arm$, arm2$, wep2$, mag2$ DIM SHARED PlayerLV%(1), PlayerLV2%, dol, item7$, item8$, item9$, called, mapload, cost4, mag3$, mag4$, intro DIM SHARED notob, noboss, mapname$, talkedman4, firearmor, ep, Loaded DECLARE FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) SCREEN 2 CLS ' Define a viewport and draw a border around it: VIEW (20, 10)-(620, 190), , 1 CONST PI = 3.141592653589# ' Redefine the coordinates of the viewport with logical ' coordinates: WINDOW (-3.15, -.14)-(3.56, 1.01) ' Arrays in program are now dynamic: ' $DYNAMIC ' Calculate the logical coordinates for the top and bottom of a ' rectangle large enough to hold the image that will be drawn ' with CIRCLE and PAINT: WLeft = -.21 WRight = .21 WTop = .07 WBottom = -.07 ' Call the GetArraySize function, passing it the rectangle's ' logical coordinates: ArraySize% = GetArraySize(WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) DIM Array(1 TO ArraySize%) AS INTEGER ' Draw and paint the circle: CIRCLE (0, 0), .18 PAINT (0, 0) ' Store the rectangle in Array: GET (WLeft, WTop)-(WRight, WBottom), Array CLS ' Draw a box and fill it with a pattern: LINE (-3, .8)-(3.4, .2), , B Pattern$ = CHR$(126) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(126) + CHR$(126) PAINT (0, .5), Pattern$ LOCATE 21, 29 PRINT "Press any key to end" ' Initialize loop variables: StepSize = .02 StartLoop = -PI Decay = 1 DO EndLoop = -StartLoop FOR X = StartLoop TO EndLoop STEP StepSize ' Each time the ball "bounces" (hits the bottom of the ' viewport), the Decay variable gets smaller, making the ' height of the next bounce smaller: Y = ABS(COS(X)) * Decay - .14 IF Y < -.13 THEN Decay = Decay * .9 ' Stop if a key pressed or if Decay is less than .01: Esc$ = INKEY$ IF Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01 THEN EXIT FOR ' Put the image on the screen. The StepSize offset is ' smaller than the border around the circle, so each time ' the image moves, it erases any traces left from the ' previous PUT (it also erases anything else on the ' screen): PUT (X, Y), Array, PSET NEXT X ' Reverse direction: StepSize = -StepSize StartLoop = -StartLoop LOOP UNTIL Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01 Pause$ = INPUT$(1) END REM $STATIC REM $DYNAMIC FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) STATIC ' Map the logical coordinates passed to this function to ' their physical-coordinate equivalents: VLeft = PMAP(WLeft, 0) VRight = PMAP(WRight, 0) VTop = PMAP(WTop, 1) VBottom = PMAP(WBottom, 1) ' Calculate the height and width in pixels of the ' enclosing rectangle: RectHeight = ABS(VBottom - VTop) + 1 RectWidth = ABS(VRight - VLeft) + 1 ' Calculate size in bytes of array: ByteSize = 4 + RectHeight * INT((RectWidth + 7) / 8) ' Array is integer, so divide bytes by two: GetArraySize = ByteSize \ 2 + 1 END FUNCTION DECLARE FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) SCREEN 2 CLS VIEW (20, 10)-(620, 190), , 1 CONST PI = 3.141592653589# WINDOW (-3.15, -.14)-(3.56, 1.01) ' $DYNAMIC ' The rectangle is smaller than the one in the previous ' program, which means Array is also smaller: WLeft = -.18 WRight = .18 WTop = .05 WBottom = -.05 ArraySize% = GetArraySize(WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) DIM Array(1 TO ArraySize%) AS INTEGER CIRCLE (0, 0), .18 PAINT (0, 0) GET (WLeft, WTop)-(WRight, WBottom), Array CLS LINE (-3, .8)-(3.4, .2), , B Pattern$ = CHR$(126) + CHR$(0) + CHR$(126) + CHR$(126) PAINT (0, .5), Pattern$ LOCATE 21, 29 PRINT "Press any key to end" StepSize = .02 StartLoop = -PI Decay = 1 DO EndLoop = -StartLoop FOR X = StartLoop TO EndLoop STEP StepSize Y = ABS(COS(X)) * Decay - .14 ' The first PUT statement places the image on ' the screen: PUT (X, Y), Array, XOR ' An empty FOR...NEXT loop to delay the program and ' reduce image flicker: FOR I = 1 TO 5: NEXT I IF Y < -.13 THEN Decay = Decay * .9 Esc$ = INKEY$ IF Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01 THEN EXIT FOR ' The second PUT statement erases the image and ' restores the background: PUT (X, Y), Array, XOR NEXT X StepSize = -StepSize StartLoop = -StartLoop LOOP UNTIL Esc$ <> "" OR Decay < .01 Pause$ = INPUT$(1) END REM $STATIC REM $DYNAMIC FUNCTION GetArraySize (WLeft, WRight, WTop, WBottom) STATIC VLeft = PMAP(WLeft, 0) VRight = PMAP(WRight, 0) VTop = PMAP(WTop, 1) VBottom = PMAP(WBottom, 1) RectHeight = ABS(VBottom - VTop) + 1 RectWidth = ABS(VRight - VLeft) + 1 ByteSize = 4 + RectHeight * INT((RectWidth + 7) / 8) GetArraySize = ByteSize \ 2 + 1 END FUNCTION ' Define type for the titles: TYPE TitleType MainTitle AS STRING * 40 XTitle AS STRING * 40 YTitle AS STRING * 18 END TYPE DECLARE SUB InputTitles (T AS TitleType) DECLARE FUNCTION DrawGraph$ (T AS TitleType, Label$(), Value!(), N%) DECLARE FUNCTION InputData% (Label$(), Value!()) ' Variable declarations for titles and bar data: DIM Titles AS TitleType, Label$(1 TO 5), Value(1 TO 5) CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE DO InputTitles Titles N% = InputData%(Label$(), Value()) IF N% <> FALSE THEN NewGraph$ = DrawGraph$(Titles, Label$(), Value(), N%) END IF LOOP WHILE NewGraph$ = "Y" END REM $STATIC ' ' ========================== DRAWGRAPH ========================= ' Draws a bar graph from the data entered in the INPUTTITLES ' and INPUTDATA procedures. ' ============================================================== ' FUNCTION DrawGraph$ (T AS TitleType, Label$(), Value(), N%) STATIC ' Set size of graph: CONST GRAPHTOP = 24, GRAPHBOTTOM = 171 CONST GRAPHLEFT = 48, GRAPHRIGHT = 624 CONST YLENGTH = GRAPHBOTTOM - GRAPHTOP ' Calculate max/min values: YMax = 0 YMin = 0 FOR I% = 1 TO N% IF Value(I%) < YMin THEN YMin = Value(I%) IF Value(I%) > YMax THEN YMax = Value(I%) NEXT I% ' Calculate width of bars and space between them: BarWidth = (GRAPHRIGHT - GRAPHLEFT) / N% BarSpace = .2 * BarWidth BarWidth = BarWidth - BarSpace SCREEN 2 CLS ' Draw y axis: LINE (GRAPHLEFT, GRAPHTOP)-(GRAPHLEFT, GRAPHBOTTOM), 1 ' Draw main graph title: Start% = 44 - (LEN(RTRIM$(T.MainTitle)) / 2) LOCATE 2, Start% PRINT RTRIM$(T.MainTitle); ' Annotate Y axis: Start% = CINT(13 - LEN(RTRIM$(T.YTitle)) / 2) FOR I% = 1 TO LEN(RTRIM$(T.YTitle)) LOCATE Start% + I% - 1, 1 PRINT MID$(T.YTitle, I%, 1); NEXT I% ' Calculate scale factor so labels aren't bigger than 4 digits: IF ABS(YMax) > ABS(YMin) THEN Power = YMax ELSE Power = YMin END IF Power = CINT(LOG(ABS(Power) / 100) / LOG(10)) IF Power < 0 THEN Power = 0 ' Scale min and max down: ScaleFactor = 10 ^ Power YMax = CINT(YMax / ScaleFactor) YMin = CINT(YMin / ScaleFactor) ' If power isn't zero then put scale factor on chart: IF Power <> 0 THEN LOCATE 3, 2 PRINT "x 10^"; LTRIM$(STR$(Power)) END IF ' Put tic mark and number for Max point on Y axis: LINE (GRAPHLEFT - 3, GRAPHTOP)-STEP(3, 0) LOCATE 4, 2 PRINT USING "####"; YMax ' Put tic mark and number for Min point on Y axis: LINE (GRAPHLEFT - 3, GRAPHBOTTOM)-STEP(3, 0) LOCATE 22, 2 PRINT USING "####"; YMin ' Scale min and max back up for charting calculations: YMax = YMax * ScaleFactor YMin = YMin * ScaleFactor ' Annotate X axis: Start% = 44 - (LEN(RTRIM$(T.XTitle)) / 2) LOCATE 25, Start% PRINT RTRIM$(T.XTitle); ' Calculate the pixel range for the Y axis: YRange = YMax - YMin ' Define a diagonally striped pattern: Tile$ = CHR$(1) + CHR$(2) + CHR$(4) + CHR$(8) + CHR$(16) + CHR$(32) + CHR$(64) + CHR$(128) ' Draw a zero line if appropriate: IF YMin < 0 THEN Bottom = GRAPHBOTTOM - ((-YMin) / YRange * YLENGTH) LOCATE INT((Bottom - 1) / 8) + 1, 5 PRINT "0"; ELSE Bottom = GRAPHBOTTOM END IF ' Draw x axis: LINE (GRAPHLEFT - 3, Bottom)-(GRAPHRIGHT, Bottom) ' Draw bars and labels: Start% = GRAPHLEFT + (BarSpace / 2) FOR I% = 1 TO N% ' Draw a bar label: BarMid = Start% + (BarWidth / 2) CharMid = INT((BarMid - 1) / 8) + 1 LOCATE 23, CharMid - INT(LEN(RTRIM$(Label$(I%))) / 2) PRINT Label$(I%); ' Draw the bar and fill it with the striped pattern: BarHeight = (Value(I%) / YRange) * YLENGTH LINE (Start%, Bottom)-STEP(BarWidth, -BarHeight), , B PAINT (BarMid, Bottom - (BarHeight / 2)), Tile$, 1 Start% = Start% + BarWidth + BarSpace NEXT I% LOCATE 1, 1, 1 PRINT "New graph? "; DrawGraph$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) END FUNCTION ' ' ========================= INPUTDATA ======================== ' Gets input for the bar labels and their values ' ============================================================ ' FUNCTION InputData% (Label$(), Value()) STATIC ' Initialize the number of data values: NumData% = 0 ' Print data-entry instructions: CLS PRINT "Enter data for up to 5 bars:" PRINT " * Enter the label and value for each bar." PRINT " * Values can be negative." PRINT " * Enter a blank label to stop." PRINT PRINT "After viewing the graph, press any key "; PRINT "to end the program." ' Accept data until blank label or 5 entries: Done% = FALSE DO NumData% = NumData% + 1 PRINT PRINT "Bar("; LTRIM$(STR$(NumData%)); "):" INPUT ; " Label? ", Label$(NumData%) ' Only input value if label isn't blank: IF Label$(NumData%) <> "" THEN LOCATE , 35 INPUT "Value? ", Value(NumData%) ' If label was blank, decrement data counter and ' set Done flag equal to TRUE: ELSE NumData% = NumData% - 1 Done% = TRUE END IF LOOP UNTIL (NumData% = 5) OR Done% ' Return the number of data values input: InputData% = NumData% END FUNCTION ' ' ======================= INPUTTITLES ======================== ' Accepts input for the three different graph titles ' ============================================================ ' SUB InputTitles (T AS TitleType) STATIC ' Set text screen: SCREEN 0, 0 ' Input Titles DO CLS INPUT "Enter main graph title: ", T.MainTitle INPUT "Enter X-Axis title : ", T.XTitle INPUT "Enter Y-Axis title : ", T.YTitle ' Check to see if titles are OK: LOCATE 7, 1 PRINT "OK (Y to continue, N to change)? "; LOCATE , , 1 OK$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) LOOP UNTIL OK$ = "Y" END SUB DEFINT A-Z ' Default variable type is integer ' Define a data type for the names of the months and the ' number of days in each: TYPE MonthType Number AS INTEGER ' Number of days in the month MName AS STRING * 9 ' Name of the month END TYPE ' Declare procedures used: DECLARE FUNCTION IsLeapYear% (N%) DECLARE FUNCTION GetInput% (Prompt$, Row%, LowVal%, HighVal%) DECLARE SUB PrintCalendar (Year%, Month%) DECLARE SUB ComputeMonth (Year%, Month%, StartDay%, TotalDays%) DIM MonthData(1 TO 12) AS MonthType ' Initialize month definitions from DATA statements below: FOR I = 1 TO 12 READ MonthData(I).MName, MonthData(I).Number NEXT ' Main loop, repeat for as many months as desired: DO CLS ' Get year and month as input: Year = GetInput("Year (1899 to 2099): ", 1, 1899, 2099) Month = GetInput("Month (1 to 12): ", 2, 1, 12) ' Print the calendar: PrintCalendar Year, Month ' Another Date? LOCATE 13, 1 ' Locate in 13th row, 1st column PRINT "New Date? "; ' Keep cursor on same line LOCATE , , 1, 0, 13 ' Turn cursor on and make it one ' character high Resp$ = INPUT$(1) ' Wait for a key press PRINT Resp$ ' Print the key pressed LOOP WHILE UCASE$(Resp$) = "Y" END ' Data for the months of a year: DATA January, 31, February, 28, March, 31 DATA April, 30, May, 31, June, 30, July, 31, August, 31 DATA September, 30, October, 31, November, 30, December, 31 ' ' ====================== COMPUTEMONTH ======================== ' Computes the first day and the total days in a month. ' ============================================================ ' SUB ComputeMonth (Year, Month, StartDay, TotalDays) STATIC SHARED MonthData() AS MonthType CONST LEAP = 366 MOD 7 CONST NORMAL = 365 MOD 7 ' Calculate total number of days (NumDays) since 1/1/1899. ' Start with whole years: NumDays = 0 FOR I = 1899 TO Year - 1 IF IsLeapYear(I) THEN ' If year is leap, add NumDays = NumDays + LEAP ' 366 MOD 7. ELSE ' If normal year, add NumDays = NumDays + NORMAL ' 365 MOD 7. END IF NEXT ' Next, add in days from whole months: FOR I = 1 TO Month - 1 NumDays = NumDays + MonthData(I).Number NEXT ' Set the number of days in the requested month: TotalDays = MonthData(Month).Number ' Compensate if requested year is a leap year: IF IsLeapYear(Year) THEN ' If after February, add one to total days: IF Month > 2 THEN NumDays = NumDays + 1 ' If February, add one to the month's days: ELSEIF Month = 2 THEN TotalDays = TotalDays + 1 END IF END IF ' 1/1/1899 was a Sunday, so calculating "NumDays MOD 7" ' gives the day of week (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, ' and so on) for the first day of the input month: StartDay = NumDays MOD 7 END SUB ' ' ======================== GETINPUT ========================== ' Prompts for input, then tests for a valid range. ' ============================================================ ' FUNCTION GetInput (Prompt$, Row, LowVal, HighVal) STATIC ' Locate prompt at specified row, turn cursor on and ' make it one character high: LOCATE Row, 1, 1, 0, 13 PRINT Prompt$; ' Save column position: Column = POS(0) ' Input value until it's within range: DO LOCATE Row, Column ' Locate cursor at end of prompt PRINT SPACE$(10) ' Erase anything already there LOCATE Row, Column ' Relocate cursor at end of prompt INPUT "", Value ' Input value with no prompt LOOP WHILE (Value < LowVal OR Value > HighVal) ' Return valid input as value of function: GetInput = Value END FUNCTION ' ' ====================== ISLEAPYEAR ========================== ' Determines if a year is a leap year or not. ' ============================================================ ' FUNCTION IsLeapYear (N) STATIC ' If the year is evenly divisible by 4 and not divisible ' by 100, or if the year is evenly divisible by 400, then ' it's a leap year: IsLeapYear = (N MOD 4 = 0 AND N MOD 100 <> 0) OR (N MOD 400 = 0) END FUNCTION ' ' ===================== PRINTCALENDAR ======================== ' Prints a formatted calendar given the year and month. ' ============================================================ ' SUB PrintCalendar (Year, Month) STATIC SHARED MonthData() AS MonthType ' Compute starting day (Su M Tu ...) and total days ' for the month: ComputeMonth Year, Month, StartDay, TotalDays CLS Header$ = RTRIM$(MonthData(Month).MName) + "," + STR$(Year) ' Calculates location for centering month and year: LeftMargin = (35 - LEN(Header$)) \ 2 ' Print header: PRINT TAB(LeftMargin); Header$ PRINT PRINT "Su M Tu W Th F Sa" PRINT ' Recalculate and print tab to the first day ' of the month (Su M Tu ...): LeftMargin = 5 * StartDay + 1 PRINT TAB(LeftMargin); ' Print out the days of the month: FOR I = 1 TO TotalDays PRINT USING "## "; I; ' Advance to the next line when the cursor ' is past column 32: IF POS(0) > 32 THEN PRINT NEXT END SUB DIM Amount(1 TO 100) CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE ' Get account's starting balance: CLS INPUT "Type starting balance, then press <ENTER>: ", Balance ' Get transactions. Continue accepting input until the ' input is zero for a transaction, or until 100 ' transactions have been entered: FOR TransacNum% = 1 TO 100 PRINT TransacNum%; PRINT ") Enter transaction amount (0 to end): "; INPUT "", Amount(TransacNum%) IF Amount(TransacNum%) = 0 THEN TransacNum% = TransacNum% - 1 EXIT FOR END IF NEXT ' Sort transactions in ascending order, ' using a "bubble sort": Limit% = TransacNum% DO Swaps% = FALSE FOR I% = 1 TO (Limit% - 1) ' If two adjacent elements are out of order, switch ' those elements: IF Amount(I%) < Amount(I% + 1) THEN SWAP Amount(I%), Amount(I% + 1) Swaps% = I% END IF NEXT I% ' Sort on next pass only to where the last switch was made: IF Swaps% THEN Limit% = Swaps% ' Sort until no elements are exchanged: LOOP WHILE Swaps% ' Print the sorted transaction array. If a transaction ' is greater than zero, print it as a "CREDIT"; if a ' transaction is less than zero, print it as a "DEBIT": FOR I% = 1 TO TransacNum% IF Amount(I%) > 0 THEN PRINT USING "CREDIT: $$#####.##"; Amount(I%) ELSEIF Amount(I%) < 0 THEN PRINT USING "DEBIT: $$#####.##"; Amount(I%) END IF ' Update balance: Balance = Balance + Amount(I%) NEXT I% ' Print the final balance: PRINT PRINT "--------------------------" PRINT USING "Final Total: $$######.##"; Balance END SCREEN 1 Esc$ = CHR$(27) ' Draw three boxes and paint the interior of each ' box with a different color: FOR ColorVal = 1 TO 3 LINE (X, Y)-STEP(60, 50), ColorVal, BF X = X + 61 Y = Y + 51 NEXT ColorVal LOCATE 21, 1 PRINT "Press ESC to end." PRINT "Press any other key to continue." ' Restrict additional printed output to the twenty-third line: VIEW PRINT 23 TO 23 DO PaletteVal = 1 DO ' PaletteVal is either one or zero: PaletteVal = 1 - PaletteVal ' Set the background color and choose the palette: COLOR BackGroundVal, PaletteVal PRINT "Background ="; BackGroundVal; "Palette ="; PaletteVal; Pause$ = INPUT$(1) ' Wait for a keystroke. PRINT ' Exit the loop if both palettes have been shown, ' or if the user pressed the ESC key: LOOP UNTIL PaletteVal = 1 OR Pause$ = Esc$ BackGroundVal = BackGroundVal + 1 ' Exit this loop if all sixteen background colors have been ' shown, or if the user pressed the ESC key: LOOP UNTIL BackGroundVal > 15 OR Pause$ = Esc$ SCREEN 0 ' Restore text mode and WIDTH 80 ' eighty-column screen width. DEFINT A-Z ' Default variable type is integer ' The Backup$ FUNCTION makes a backup file with ' the same base as FileName$, plus a .BAK extension: DECLARE FUNCTION Backup$ (FileName$) ' Initialize symbolic constants and variables: CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE CarReturn$ = CHR$(13) LineFeed$ = CHR$(10) DO CLS ' Get the name of the file to change: INPUT "Which file do you want to convert"; OutFile$ InFile$ = Backup$(OutFile$) ' Get the backup file's name. ON ERROR GOTO ErrorHandler ' Turn on error trapping. NAME OutFile$ AS InFile$ ' Copy the input file to the ' backup file. ON ERROR GOTO 0 ' Turn off error trapping. ' Open the backup file for input and the old file ' for output: OPEN InFile$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN OutFile$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 ' The PrevCarReturn variable is a flag that is set to TRUE ' whenever the program reads a carriage-return character: PrevCarReturn = FALSE ' Read from the input file until reaching ' the end of the file: DO UNTIL EOF(1) ' Not the end of the file, so read a character: FileChar$ = INPUT$(1, #1) SELECT CASE FileChar$ CASE CarReturn$ ' The character is a CR. ' If the previous character was also a ' CR, put a LF before the character: IF PrevCarReturn THEN FileChar$ = LineFeed$ + FileChar$ END IF ' In any case, set the PrevCarReturn ' variable to TRUE: PrevCarReturn = TRUE CASE LineFeed$ ' The character is a LF. ' If the previous character was not a ' CR, put a CR before the character: IF NOT PrevCarReturn THEN FileChar$ = CarReturn$ + FileChar$ END IF ' In any case, set the PrevCarReturn ' variable to FALSE: PrevCarReturn = FALSE CASE ELSE ' Neither a CR nor a LF. ' If the previous character was a CR, ' set the PrevCarReturn variable to FALSE ' and put a LF before the current character: IF PrevCarReturn THEN PrevCarReturn = FALSE FileChar$ = LineFeed$ + FileChar$ END IF END SELECT ' Write the character(s) to the new file: PRINT #2, FileChar$; LOOP ' Write a LF if the last character in the file was a CR: IF PrevCarReturn THEN PRINT #2, LineFeed$; CLOSE ' Close both files. PRINT "Another file (Y/N)?" ' Prompt to continue. ' Change the input to uppercase (capital letter): More$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) ' Continue the program if the user entered a "y" or a "Y": LOOP WHILE More$ = "Y" END ErrorHandler: ' Error-handling routine CONST NOFILE = 53, FILEEXISTS = 58 ' The ERR function returns the error code for last error: SELECT CASE ERR CASE NOFILE ' Program couldn't find file with ' input name. PRINT "No such file in current directory." INPUT "Enter new name: ", OutFile$ InFile$ = Backup$(OutFile$) RESUME CASE FILEEXISTS ' There is already a file named ' <filename>.BAK in this directory: ' remove it, then continue. KILL InFile$ RESUME CASE ELSE ' An unanticipated error occurred: ' stop the program. ON ERROR GOTO 0 END SELECT ' ' ========================= BACKUP$ ========================== ' This procedure returns a file name that consists of the ' base name of the input file (everything before the ".") ' plus the extension ".BAK" ' ============================================================ ' FUNCTION Backup$ (FileName$) STATIC ' Look for a period: Extension = INSTR(FileName$, ".") ' If there is a period, add .BAK to the base: IF Extension > 0 THEN Backup$ = LEFT$(FileName$, Extension - 1) + ".BAK" ' Otherwise, add .BAK to the whole name: ELSE Backup$ = FileName$ + ".BAK" END IF END FUNCTION ' The macro string to draw the cube and paint its sides: Plot$ = "BR30 BU25 C1 R54 U45 L54 D45 BE20 P1,1 G20 C2 G20" + "R54 E20 L54 BD5 P2,2 U5 C4 G20 U45 E20 D45 BL5 P4,4" APage% = 1 ' Initialize values for the active and visual VPage% = 0 ' pages, as well as the angle of rotation. Angle% = 0 DO ' Draw to the active page while showing ' the visual page: SCREEN 7, , APage%, VPage% CLS 1 ' Rotate the cube "Angle%" degrees: DRAW "TA" + STR$(Angle%) + Plot$ ' Angle% is some multiple of 15 degrees: Angle% = (Angle% + 15) MOD 360 ' Switch the active and visual pages: SWAP APage%, VPage% LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "" ' A key press ends the program. END DECLARE SUB DrawPattern () DECLARE SUB EditPattern () DECLARE SUB Initialize () DECLARE SUB ShowPattern (OK$) DIM Bit%(0 TO 7), Pattern$, Esc$, PatternSize% DO Initialize EditPattern ShowPattern OK$ LOOP WHILE OK$ = "Y" END ' ' ======================== DRAWPATTERN ======================= ' Draws a patterned rectangle on the right side of screen ' ============================================================ ' SUB DrawPattern STATIC SHARED Pattern$ VIEW (320, 24)-(622, 160), 0, 1 ' Set view to rectangle PAINT (1, 1), Pattern$ ' Use PAINT to fill it VIEW ' Set view to full screen END SUB ' ' ======================== EDITPATTERN ======================= ' Edits a tile-byte pattern ' ============================================================ ' SUB EditPattern STATIC SHARED Pattern$, Esc$, Bit%(), PatternSize% ByteNum% = 1 ' Starting position. BitNum% = 7 Null$ = CHR$(0) ' CHR$(0) is the first byte of the ' two-byte string returned when a ' direction key such as UP or DOWN is ' pressed. DO ' Calculate starting location on screen of this bit: X% = ((7 - BitNum%) * 16) + 80 Y% = (ByteNum% + 2) * 8 ' Wait for a key press (and flash cursor each 3/10 second): State% = 0 RefTime = 0 DO ' Check timer and switch cursor state if 3/10 second: IF ABS(TIMER - RefTime) > .3 THEN RefTime = TIMER State% = 1 - State% ' Turn the border of bit on and off: LINE (X% - 1, Y% - 1)-STEP(15, 8), State%, B END IF Check$ = INKEY$ ' Check for key press. LOOP WHILE Check$ = "" ' Loop until a key is pressed. ' Erase cursor: LINE (X% - 1, Y% - 1)-STEP(15, 8), 0, B SELECT CASE Check$ ' Respond to key press. CASE CHR$(27) ' ESC key pressed: EXIT SUB ' exit this subprogram CASE CHR$(32) ' SPACEBAR pressed: ' reset state of bit ' Invert bit in pattern string: CurrentByte% = ASC(MID$(Pattern$, ByteNum%, 1)) CurrentByte% = CurrentByte% XOR Bit%(BitNum%) MID$ (Pattern$, ByteNum%) = CHR$(CurrentByte%) ' Redraw bit on screen: IF (CurrentByte% AND Bit%(BitNum%)) <> 0 THEN CurrentColor% = 1 ELSE CurrentColor% = 0 END IF LINE (X% + 1, Y% + 1)-STEP(11, 4), CurrentColor%, BF CASE CHR$(13) ' ENTER key pressed: DrawPattern ' draw pattern in box on right. CASE Null$ + CHR$(75) ' LEFT key: move cursor left BitNum% = BitNum% + 1 IF BitNum% > 7 THEN BitNum% = 0 CASE Null$ + CHR$(77) ' RIGHT key: move cursor right BitNum% = BitNum% - 1 IF BitNum% < 0 THEN BitNum% = 7 CASE Null$ + CHR$(72) ' UP key: move cursor up ByteNum% = ByteNum% - 1 IF ByteNum% < 1 THEN ByteNum% = PatternSize% CASE Null$ + CHR$(80) ' DOWN key: move cursor down ByteNum% = ByteNum% + 1 IF ByteNum% > PatternSize% THEN ByteNum% = 1 CASE ELSE ' User pressed a key other than ESC, SPACEBAR, ' ENTER, UP, DOWN, LEFT, or RIGHT, so don't ' do anything. END SELECT LOOP END SUB ' ' ======================== INITIALIZE ======================== ' Sets up starting pattern and screen ' ============================================================ ' SUB Initialize STATIC SHARED Pattern$, Esc$, Bit%(), PatternSize% Esc$ = CHR$(27) ' ESC character is ASCII 27. ' Set up an array holding bits in positions 0 to 7: FOR I% = 0 TO 7 Bit%(I%) = 2 ^ I% NEXT I% CLS ' Input the pattern size (in number of bytes): LOCATE 5, 5 PRINT "Enter pattern size (1-16 rows):"; DO LOCATE 5, 38 PRINT " "; LOCATE 5, 38 INPUT "", PatternSize% LOOP WHILE PatternSize% < 1 OR PatternSize% > 16 ' Set initial pattern to all bits set: Pattern$ = STRING$(PatternSize%, 255) SCREEN 2 ' 640 x 200 monochrome graphics mode. ' Draw dividing lines: LINE (0, 10)-(635, 10), 1 LINE (300, 0)-(300, 199) LINE (302, 0)-(302, 199) ' Print titles: LOCATE 1, 13: PRINT "Pattern Bytes" LOCATE 1, 53: PRINT "Pattern View" ' Draw editing screen for pattern: FOR I% = 1 TO PatternSize% ' Print label on left of each line: LOCATE I% + 3, 8 PRINT USING "##:"; I% ' Draw "bit" boxes: X% = 80 Y% = (I% + 2) * 8 FOR J% = 1 TO 8 LINE (X%, Y%)-STEP(13, 6), 1, BF X% = X% + 16 NEXT J% NEXT I% DrawPattern ' Draw "Pattern View" box. LOCATE 21, 1 PRINT "DIRECTION keys........Move cursor" PRINT "SPACEBAR............Changes point" PRINT "ENTER............Displays pattern" PRINT "ESC.........................Quits"; END SUB ' ' ======================== SHOWPATTERN ======================= ' Prints the CHR$ values used by PAINT to make pattern ' ============================================================ ' SUB ShowPattern (OK$) STATIC SHARED Pattern$, PatternSize% ' Return screen to 80-column text mode: SCREEN 0, 0 WIDTH 80 PRINT "The following characters make up your pattern:" PRINT ' Print out the value for each pattern byte: FOR I% = 1 TO PatternSize% PatternByte% = ASC(MID$(Pattern$, I%, 1)) PRINT "CHR$("; LTRIM$(STR$(PatternByte%)); ")" NEXT I% PRINT LOCATE , , 1 PRINT "New pattern? "; OK$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) END SUB ' ENTAB.BAS ' ' Replace runs of spaces in a file with tabs. ' DECLARE SUB SetTabPos () DECLARE SUB StripCommand (CLine$) DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION ThisIsATab (Column AS INTEGER) CONST MAXLINE = 255 CONST TABSPACE = 8 CONST NO = 0, YES = NOT NO DIM SHARED TabStops(MAXLINE) AS INTEGER StripCommand (COMMAND$) ' Set the tab positions (uses the global array TabStops). SetTabPos LastColumn = 1 DO CurrentColumn = LastColumn ' Replace a run of blanks with a tab when you reach a tab ' column. CurrentColumn is the current column read. ' LastColumn is the last column that was printed. DO C$ = INPUT$(1,#1) IF C$ <> " " AND C$ <> CHR$(9) THEN EXIT DO CurrentColumn = CurrentColumn + 1 IF C$=CHR$(9) OR ThisIsATab(CurrentColumn) THEN ' Go to a tab column if we have a tab and this ' is not a tab column. DO WHILE NOT ThisIsATab(CurrentColumn) CurrentColumn=CurrentColumn+1 LOOP PRINT #2, CHR$(9); LastColumn = CurrentColumn END IF LOOP ' Print out any blanks left over. DO WHILE LastColumn < CurrentColumn PRINT #2, " "; LastColumn = LastColumn + 1 LOOP ' Print the non-blank character. PRINT #2, C$; ' Reset the column position if this is the end of a line. IF C$ = CHR$(10) THEN LastColumn = 1 ELSE LastColumn = LastColumn + 1 END IF LOOP UNTIL EOF(1) CLOSE #1, #2 END '------------------SUB SetTabPos------------------------- ' Set the tab positions in the array TabStops. ' SUB SetTabPos STATIC FOR I = 1 TO 255 TabStops(I) = ((I MOD TABSPACE) = 1) NEXT I END SUB ' '------------------SUB StripCommand---------------------- ' SUB StripCommand (CommandLine$) STATIC IF CommandLine$ = "" THEN INPUT "File to entab: ", InFileName$ INPUT "Store entabbed file in: ", OutFileName$ ELSE SpacePos = INSTR(CommandLine$, " ") IF SpacePos > 0 THEN InFileName$ = LEFT$(CommandLine$, SpacePos - 1) OutFileName$ = LTRIM$(MID$(CommandLine$, SpacePos)) ELSE InFileName$ = CommandLine$ INPUT "Store entabbed file in: ", OutFileName$ END IF END IF OPEN InFileName$ FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN OutFileName$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 END SUB '---------------FUNCTION ThisIsATab---------------------- ' Answer the question, "Is this a tab position?" ' FUNCTION ThisIsATab (LastColumn AS INTEGER) STATIC IF LastColumn > MAXLINE THEN ThisIsATab = YES ELSE ThisIsATab = TabStops(LastColumn) END IF END FUNCTION ' Declare symbolic constants used in program: CONST FALSE = 0, TRUE = NOT FALSE DECLARE FUNCTION GetFileName$ () ' Set up the ERROR trap, and specify the name of the ' error-handling routine: ON ERROR GOTO ErrorProc DO Restart = FALSE CLS FileName$ = GetFileName$ ' Input file name. IF FileName$ = "" THEN END ' End if <ENTER> pressed. ELSE ' Otherwise, open the file, assigning it the ' next available file number: FileNum = FREEFILE OPEN FileName$ FOR INPUT AS FileNum END IF IF NOT Restart THEN ' Input search string: LINE INPUT "Enter string to locate: ", LocString$ LocString$ = UCASE$(LocString$) ' Loop through the lines in the file, printing them ' if they contain the search string: LineNum = 1 DO WHILE NOT EOF(FileNum) ' Input line from file: LINE INPUT #FileNum, LineBuffer$ ' Check for string, printing the line and its ' number if found: IF INSTR(UCASE$(LineBuffer$), LocString$) <> 0 THEN PRINT USING "#### &"; LineNum, LineBuffer$ END IF LineNum = LineNum + 1 LOOP CLOSE FileNum ' Close the file. END IF LOOP WHILE Restart = TRUE END ErrorProc: SELECT CASE ERR CASE 64: ' Bad File Name PRINT "** ERROR - Invalid file name" ' Get a new file name and try again: FileName$ = GetFileName$ ' Resume at the statement that caused the error: RESUME CASE 71: ' Disk not ready PRINT "** ERROR - Disk drive not ready" PRINT "Press C to continue, R to restart, Q to quit: " DO Char$ = UCASE$(INPUT$(1)) IF Char$ = "C" THEN RESUME ' Resume where you left off ELSEIF Char$ = "R" THEN Restart = TRUE ' Resume at beginning RESUME NEXT ELSEIF Char$ = "Q" THEN END ' Don't resume at all END IF LOOP CASE 53, 76: ' File or path not found PRINT "** ERROR - File or path not found" FileName$ = GetFileName$ RESUME CASE ELSE: ' Unforeseen error ' Disable error trapping and print standard ' system message: ON ERROR GOTO 0 END SELECT ' ' ======================= GETFILENAME$ ======================= ' Returns a file name from user input ' ============================================================ ' FUNCTION GetFileName$ STATIC INPUT "Enter file to search (press ENTER to quit): ", FTemp$ GetFileName$ = FTemp$ END FUNCTION ' ' FLPT.BAS ' ' Displays how a given real value is stored in memory. ' ' DEFINT A-Z DECLARE FUNCTION MHex$ (X AS INTEGER) DIM Bytes(3) CLS PRINT "Internal format of IEEE number (all values in hexadecimal)" PRINT DO ' Get the value and calculate the address of the variable. INPUT "Enter a real number (or END to quit): ", A$ IF UCASE$(A$) = "END" THEN EXIT DO RealValue! = VAL(A$) ' Convert the real value to a long without changing any of ' the bits. AsLong& = CVL(MKS$(RealValue!)) ' Make a string of hex digits, and add leading zeroes. Strout$ = HEX$(AsLong&) Strout$ = STRING$(8 - LEN(Strout$), "0") + Strout$ ' Save the sign bit, and then eliminate it so it doesn't ' affect breaking out the bytes SignBit& = AsLong& AND &H80000000 AsLong& = AsLong& AND &H7FFFFFFF ' Split the real value into four separate bytes ' --the AND removes unwanted bits; dividing by 256 shifts ' the value right 8 bit positions. FOR I = 0 TO 3 Bytes(I) = AsLong& AND &HFF& AsLong& = AsLong& \ 256& NEXT I ' Display how the value appears in memory. PRINT PRINT "Bytes in Memory" PRINT " High Low" FOR I = 1 TO 7 STEP 2 PRINT " "; MID$(Strout$, I, 2); NEXT I PRINT : PRINT ' Set the value displayed for the sign bit. Sign = ABS(SignBit& <> 0) ' The exponent is the right seven bits of byte 3 and the ' leftmost bit of byte 2. Multiplying by 2 shifts left and ' makes room for the additional bit from byte 2. Exponent = Bytes(3) * 2 + Bytes(2) \ 128 ' The first part of the mantissa is the right seven bits ' of byte 2. The OR operation makes sure the implied bit ' is displayed by setting the leftmost bit. Mant1 = (Bytes(2) OR &H80) PRINT " Bit 31 Bits 30-23 Implied Bit & Bits 22-0" PRINT "Sign Bit Exponent Bits Mantissa Bits" PRINT TAB(4); Sign; TAB(17); MHex$(Exponent); PRINT TAB(33); MHex$(Mant1); MHex$(Bytes(1)); MHex$(Bytes(0)) PRINT LOOP ' MHex$ makes sure we always get two hex digits. FUNCTION MHex$ (X AS INTEGER) STATIC D$ = HEX$(X) IF LEN(D$) < 2 THEN D$ = "0" + D$ MHex$ = D$ END FUNCTION Done [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 20 November 2000).]
  15. jdulmage


    well, I just talked to Paul Thurott, you'd think we would know. He tells me there was never a codename for Windows 2000.
  16. jdulmage


    The only codenames I can remember were Chicago Memphis Millennium Asteroid Oydessy Neptune Whistler that's all I can think of....
  17. jdulmage

    no d3d acceleration

    never use beta drivers? your comment has no purpose, I have always used beta drivers, never were they from Nvidia and my system runs fine. But I can change your comment a little and say "don't install beta drivers if your going to complain about them not working right, install them, you have problems, uninstall, then use from nvidia.com" [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 20 November 2000).]
  18. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    ok, I got an error when trying to shut them off, I used to be able to, now I can't. I don't think it'll normally take up that much RAM when it's a finished product, it has something to do with the dupe of svchost.exe
  19. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    ahhhh, I see what you mean now. May want to think about shutting off some of those svchost.exe that are running, there should only be one of them running anyways, must be a bug or something. Anyhow, disable them. Cause on fresh boot, i'm using 78 MB of my RAM already, when I turn those svchost.exe files off, I have lots of RAM left. There is where the confusion came into effect
  20. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    trust me, it consumes very little RAM on my system. Maybe it's because I have 8 years of troubleshooting and tweaking under my belt. I love when people have problems that I never have, it's funny. Just end it, my system is running fine with it, so why should I care? My system: Athlon 550 Mhz 192 MB RAM (not 196, lol) 16 MB RivaTNT and this was when I was running Whistler Personal. [This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 20 November 2000).]
  21. jdulmage

    Something very interested about my version number.

    well I don't have that installed, trust me, i'm still looking around for that
  22. jdulmage

    Anyone tried dx8final + 7.17?

    thank god for Whistler rollback...
  23. jdulmage

    Old Motherboard Information & BIOS

    I was wondering if there is a website where I can check out lists and lists of bioses and downloads for them for older style motherboards. The reason why is that I have an old K6-2 motherboard and the manufacturer's website has been down for days. It's a Catery Motherboard (I have never heard of the company, glad I didn't pay for the motherboard). But I need the latest bios of it and online manual. If it's possible in any way, I would appreicate it. Thanks in advance.
  24. jdulmage

    Old Motherboard Information & BIOS

    can't, I would, but 1) Don't have a digital camera 2) The site had a picture, site is down, lol It's just called a Vigor PCI Green System Board, but I found that Catery was the place to go, that's all I can say really, I don't have the board right here.
  25. jdulmage

    Whistler n ram usage

    well, I have 196 MB RAM, at fresh boot, I have 165 MB left. So it all depends on what system.