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Everything posted by jdulmage

  1. jdulmage

    Windows 98!

    What exactly is the X-Box and how will it work?? Will this be a program that patches up Windows 2000 and allow games to work better or what??
  2. i would like to say "sorry" for all message i posted, and for being an a$$hole, i think i should try to help more people out on this board, rather then being a jerk. But, oh well. Sorry again
  3. goto http://www.pureperformance.com under the NT section, they have a bunch there
  4. jdulmage

    Windows 98!

    I love Windows 2000, but i don't get why Microsoft would keep the famous "Hardware Abstraction Layer" on NT. They should have found a way to get rid of that, or at least a feature to turn it off or something I think Whistler will be better anyways =)
  5. jdulmage

    Video Card : what supported features ?

    You want to start this up again, let's just try to forget about DOS & Win2k garbage. Nobody has a conclusion, not even me if it really would work, cause no one has tried it yet. I'm a newbie to this board, but not a newbie to computers.
  6. jdulmage

    Video cards, why waist the money.

    Andy_25, your right, it does sound like that But really, if your only planning on doing some small applications and running windows and that's it, then just get a small vid card. But if you want to run games like Quake, Unreal Tour, etc. then get a good one. I'm running a 16 MB RivaTNT Vid Card. See Ya. "I wonder if that jdulmage post is going to be remembered for a long time" - jdulmage
  7. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    I was told by someone that they fixed the game problems with Windows 2000, by deleting the windows directory, deleteing msdos.sys and all of those that are in C:\ then install DOS, then immediately install Windows 2000 after that. Now, i wanted to proof that, and yes, no games have errors now, but i don't know if it's because of the dos/windows installs
  8. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    Almost forgot this, Shrink, you have always messaged things about me going to bed and that's why i'm not posting stuff, heck, i have a life, i don't sit in front of my comp 24-7 waiting for people to post so i can reply to them. I want to keep this thing going, cause it's sickening. Also slmcase should shut his mouth, cause Mr. 2 posts there shouldn't even be talking about this. I have nothing against any of you, but your obviously believing what i said, cause if it's not true or you didn't believe me to start with. then why are you continuing to post?? Is it that you want to waste your time, or do you want this post to become big, so you can brag about it. Also, it isn't Spring Break here, and no one supervises me. But, i'm loving this
  9. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    this is just like the energizer bunny, this damn message post keeps going and going and going. Your right, I'm wrong, Windows 2000 doesn't suck, the gaming quality sucks. If it isn't one thing it's another. Microsoft makes unstable OS in return for games. Microsoft makes unbelieve stable OS called Windows 2000 in return for low gaming quality. Give me a break. Also, you guys getting mad and wishing death and harm to me because of a stupid post that was a joke all along, then saying things like, I tried that magnet thing, or if i reinstall this and install that, give it up, that makes you guys look so stupid, which i'm sure your obviously not. So, i'm ending this war only when the messages stop appearing here, so this could go for the longest time, i don't really care. I think the 2 funniest things of this week were 1) The amount of crap responses i have gotten over this post 2) Pentium III 450 @ 504 Mhz
  10. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    why don't you all just give it up, being smart asses, trying to act like your #1 in the world when it comes to computers. OHH, NT Kernel this and 32 bit that. What a bunch of crap, Microsoft Windows 2000 sucks anyways, if they can't make an OS that runs everything, games and apps, then don't bother making an OS.
  11. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    Whatever you say, if i were to install DOS, it would be useless. Your sitting here telling me off when i say that DOS/Windows crap, you guys believe me, haha. Then when it's a joke, you guys get mad cause I made a joke. That's crap about me covering it up half way, it was meant to be a joke the whole time and you guys can't live with it, so your assuming the unassumable. Plus, what the hell are you Shrink, you obviously have no computer knowledge and/or a brain. Your overclocking an already fast computer, how stupid can you get, it's just like me going out and buying one of those gigahertz chips and overclocking it. 450 Mhz Pentium 3 at 504 Mhz is so stupid, one, your risking the computer's life span, and two, it's fast already, why bother. Lastly, i'm still getting this post high in messages even after i ruined the joke for you all. GET A LIFE.
  12. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    HAHA, whatever, me and my friend are still laughing at you guys. Ok, sorry, none of you are stupid, that's true. But man was that funny, i needed to ruin it before the message got over 100 posts.
  13. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    HAHAHA, man, I think i have done enough here. You guys are so stupid, i was joking the whole time. I just wanted a flaming folder on the message board, i got more then that. HAHAHA, so stupid are you guys, i would never try putting DOS, the Windows 2000 on, because your exactly right, it's an NT Kernel, of course it's not going to work. I have been joking and all of the stuff i said was a joke. When i said i was going to try it, all i was doing was putting Windows 2000 back on and dual booting, i wasn't even trying that crap. Man, i can't wait to tell everyone what has happened here. HEHE, sorry for being so evil to you guys.
  14. I was running Windows Millennium beta. It is another Windows 98 thingy, but it's more stable and better looking. Windows Whistler is an NT.
  15. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    haven't installed Windows 2000 yet, i was sitting there yesterday thinking wether or not i should install it and take the risk, but then again, i can always dual boot. So I'm trying it soon. If it doesn't work, i'm going to boot my friend in the damn ass, cause he is the one that convinced me that it works
  16. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    because i love punishing my computer and i guess myself, i'm going to try it tonight. HAHAHA, I love doing trail and error. I'll see you after this is all done and i'll have Windows 2000 on my computer the next post i put up
  17. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    i wasn't talking about deleting windows dir and msdos.sys while you have Windows 2000. If you would listen, i said delete your windows dir and msdos.sys and THEN put DOS and THEN put Windows 2000 on. Sorry for those who got things messed up. Here is the scoop. I tried it on my friends computer, not mine. It worked on his, I was you guys would stop saying i'm full of it and stuff, the proof was right there on his computer. This post is getting out of hand, look at it....4 pages long of posts, half of them have crap in them that is useless, the other half is useful and makes sense. All I was asking when i posted that message was this: 1) Has someone tried it? 2) If yes, was it successful?
  18. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    Wasn't me man, he said it. People should stop posting crap like yours MSGuy, if people are going to answer questons, answer them right. Also, for that one idiot that said "thousand of dollars since 1992. I'm in awe." That's crap. I'm only 16, and have made thousands of dollars in the last 9 months, not the last 8 years. I don't even have a job for crying out loud. I'm getting $600 this month for doing Qbasic stuff for an Elections Office
  19. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    finally, someone disagreeds with someone else, besides me
  20. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    I should actually try some of your suggestions and stuff before deleting all of my windows files and stuff. I don't even know if it works, but some how it did. How hard is that to understand?? NO DOS, no games. With DOS, games. Very simple, i could tell a 5 year old that and he would understand that, may not have a solution, but he would get it. Dispite the fact that all of you that are bad mouthing me obviously have no lives, cause you spend your team *****ing on one message post, you could have helped 10 others within this time. I'm only replying, cause your talking to me badly. So, i'll try your suggestion, if it doesn't work, i'll try mine, if that still doesn't work, then i'm stuck with Windows 2000 and i'll dual boot the system. Thanks though
  21. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    Ok, i had no operating system on the computer. I installed Windows 2000 pro on the computer. GTA 2, ZSNES and RPGMaker 95 didn't work. We then deleted Windows 2000, put DOS on and then Windows 2000 again. Those above games now worked.
  22. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    Nice try, but wrong again. I freshed installed Windows 2000 on his machine, without putting DOS on and the games didn't work. Doing the same again with the DOS first, then windows 2000. It worked. We tried fresh installing windows 2000 about 5 times and nothing helped. We then did the DOS and then Windows 2000 install and it worked. Still, it looks like i'm winning the battle here. It all points to the proof
  23. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    i don't know, i have yet to try it, but it has worked for 3 of my friends so far. Another unsolved mystery i guess
  24. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    yeah, clean install DOS and then Windows 2000. GTA 2 didn't work, ZSNES didn't work, RPGMaker 95 didn't work. That's about it, i only really want ZSNES and RPGMaker 95 to work
  25. jdulmage

    Windows 2000 FIX, IS THIS TRUE

    I understand all of you completely. I'm just saying, why did putting DOS on, then Windows 2000 fix my DOS and some Windows problems?? Why, it's a mysterious to me. All I wanted was an answer to that.....and a flaming folder on the message board,lol