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Everything posted by CounterCW

  1. CounterCW

    Red Alert 2 and Win XP SP1

    Does anyone have problems running (or even just installing) Red Alert 2 on Win XP + SP1? My friend keeps on getting an error message with some "do you want to debug" thing.
  2. CounterCW

    New Opera 7.0 : NICE!

    Instead of comparing Opera to Mozilla, you should try comparing Opera to Phoenix. I think you will find Phoenix to be a much better product than Phoenix... and it's based on the gecko engine too: http://www.mozilla.org/projects/phoenix/phoenix-release-notes.html (it's a lot faster and has more features than Mozilla too) Cheers!
  3. CounterCW

    That Disk Checking Blue screen! ARGH

    Once in a while when I boot XP, a blue screen telling me that I should check my C: for errors comes up. It does this CHKDSK thing, but it usually never finds errors. However, there was this one time when it actually deleted a Windows DLL file, which actually prevented me from logging into my machine! It took me a couple days to track down exactly which DLL it deleted... what a pain in the butt. Is there a way to disable this autochecking ? Thanks[/b]
  4. CounterCW

    Mozilla 1.0 is out (not official yet)

    Hey guys, that's not the final release... You'll want to check out: http://www.mozillaquest.com/Mozilla_News_02/Mozilla_1-0-0_release-sneak_Story02.html for the sneak release. For more info, go to: www.mozillaquest.com or go over to EFNET and check out #Mozilla
  5. CounterCW

    Mozilla 1.0 is out (not official yet)

    Just wondering, how do you know this is 1.0 final?
  6. CounterCW

    What is the best messenger program ??

    The best messenger: Miranda IM (instant messenger)! http://miranda-icq.sourceforge.net/index.php
  7. CounterCW

    battle of the computers

    Abit VT6X4 Pentium III 600E @ 800 MHz Matrox G400 32MB Singlehead (2)Maxtor 7200 RPM drives a) 30GB ATA 66 40GB ATA133 SB Live! Value Pioneer 106-S DVD Lite-On 24/10/40 CDRW that's about it I think... this is the first time I've ever posted my specs. I might get a new computer soon... but I'm pretty happy with the performance of this one. Don't really see a need for a new computer now though... we'll see.
  8. CounterCW

    XP forgets about "Always On Top"

    I've just started having this problem recently. When I boot up, everything is working fine, and then after, so many minutes of use, XP will begin forgetting that some applications (eg. Winamp) are supposed to be ON TOP. Like, all I'm doing is using IE and surf around, and then I'll notice that Winamp (or ICQ, it doesn't matter what app) is behind the IE window. If I bring up a different app, it'll also show on top of Winamp/ICQ. If I bring Winamp back in the foreground, and go back to IE, it'll work, but only for a couple minutes, and then it'll go back behind another window. Anyone else have this problem? It's very annoying!
  9. CounterCW

    password protect screensaver

    Well, if you have a password to your account (Control Panel -> User Accounts), and you select "display welcome screen on resume", then it will essentially be password protected. (it's the equivalent of pressing Windows Key + L)
  10. Hi, I have a Maxtor 7200 ATA 66 30GB HDD. I'm just wondering why the drive feels so slow! And how can I speed it up? Sometimes, when I launch a program (eg. Internet Explorer), the LED light will come on, but I don't hear the hard drive moving. My system doesn't seem to response... and then a few seconds later, the hard drive starts moving again (I can hear it), and then finally Internet Explorer comes up! What's with that? It's like my HDD is taking a coffee break or something. I've tried defragging but that still doesn't work! I'm running Windows XP, I have a P3 800, 512 MB RAM... I feel that the hard drive is bogging my system down! Is my hard drive faulty? Is there some "magical" tweak I can do? Help!
  11. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    thanks, I'll check it out... (I guess I should back up, huh?)... eeps
  12. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    thanks, I'll check it out... (I guess I should back up, huh?)... eeps
  13. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    I've scanned my disk with both chkdsk /f and chkdsk /r Both scans turn up no problems on my system/swap drive. I've also tried the Via IDE tool, but that didn't help either. argh... But I want to thank everyone for their help!
  14. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    How does one scan for bad clusters in Windows XP? And as for VIA drivers.... I've installed the latest... 4.37a or something like that... but how does one know they are installed? All the drivers in Device Manager still say Microsoft Publisher with an old date stamp.
  15. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    Well, it's not the Power Saving feature... that's been off since I've installed XP (fresh install) It's really annoying... this Hard Drive "pause". I might have experienced this in 2000 too... The thing is, I'm running a few services, such as IIS with Coldfusion... this computer I use as a developmental platform so I can test my own Coldfusion apps, etc. As for boot time... my computer varies in that department. Sometimes my hard drive will make constant noise, and boot up rather quickly. However, other times (about 50/50), it will be do that stupid "pause" while booting up! Like, I've put my ear right be the hard drive, and you'll hear a little "tick" every couple seconds... and then, after about 10 seconds of ticks, the hard drive will start making noise and complete the boot. And this problem occurs 50/50 to applications too. Sometimes after I boot up, I start my Email client as my first app. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes the hard drive pauses. WTF!?? Very frustrating. My hard drive is 100% defragged... but it doesn't seem to help. ARGH.
  16. CounterCW

    Hard Drive Performance

    thanks, but yes, it's using Ultra DMA mode 3.
  17. CounterCW

    DVD Acceleration??

    Just wondering... In some DVD programs for the computer, you have the option for "hardware acceleration". What is this exactly? Should I be using it? I have a Matrox G400 with a Pioneer 16X DVD. Thanks in advance, CCW
  18. CounterCW

    Send To CDRW

    Ack! I upgraded my CDRW firmware, and now the "Send To CD-writer" is gone! Is there a way to bring it back? All my other programs (eg. Nero) work fine on my system still. Also.. Can one use the Backup utility that comes with XP to backup their stuff on CDRW? Thanks in advance, CounterCW
  19. CounterCW

    IIS5 & multiple websites

    Hi, if there are any IIS gurus in da house: I am using Windows XP Pro, and am trying to run multiple websites. ie. let's say I have a main site, http://blahblah.com now, if I created a totally irrelevant site and wanted to run it of http://blahblah.com:81 But I want the :81 site to have a different root directory and the original site. Is it possible to do this with XP Pro? Or do I need NT/2000 Server? Thanks in advance, -- Mike.
  20. CounterCW

    XP Xplosion!

    Well, I was using Windows XP for a little while.. Then, I noticed that even when I shut down properly and booted up again, XP would say "Windows needs to check this disk for consistency", and sure enough it would go about deleting some orphan files, etc.. It was doing so once every little while, and nothing went wrong. THEN, one time, it did that disk checking thing, and then I lost all my IIS settings! I had to uninstall IIS and reinstall it, not to mention reconfigure the whole darn thing with mappings, etc.. and THEN, the other morning, it does it's disk checking again, and now I realize the c:\windows\system32\config\system is MISSING. Windows couldn't even boot up!! So, I try the Recovery thing off the original CD, and GEEZ... that thing is crap. All it is is a stupid command prompt. I have no idea what you are going to do besides backup your existing data.... sheesh. Even NT4's recovery was better than this... Needless to say, I'm a little stressed out over the fact I have to redo my whole computer again... all that time... all my programs... I have to reinstall. Hooray. p.s. avoid those stupid "Windows needs to check this disk for consistency" things like the plague... I've never had that problems on 2000....
  21. CounterCW

    Remote Desktop

    Is it possible to have more than 1 person using the computer while using Remote Desktop? Like, I was thinking, allowing a friend of mine to use my computer while I was on it at the same time. I think that'd be pretty cool.... I know it'd be a drain on resources, but who cares, I just wanna know if it's possible. Thanks!
  22. CounterCW

    Autorun to install an INF

    If anyone could help me out, that'd be great. I'm trying to get autorun.inf (on a CD) to 'install' another INF file (to install a codec). I'm not quite sure how to do this. As of now, the only way to install this codec is to right-click the codec INF file and select "install" from the menu. I'm trying to get all of this as an automated feature in autorun.inf. If anyone knows how to do this, please help!! Thanks in advance!
  23. CounterCW

    Damn ICQ Ads

    Geez... the past couple ICQ versions, I've gotten a little bar below all my message boxes with ADS in it!! I hate ads, and this really pisses me off... Is there an earlier version that doesn't have these ads? Or if there a way to get rid of them?
  24. CounterCW

    Damn ICQ Ads

    Thanks for the link Vampyr. And... after looking around some more, I discovered this site: http://www.krano.com It makes things really easy. Just replace a file... w00t!
  25. CounterCW

    User Profiles Getting Bigger!??

    1) Why does my user profile on Win2K keep on increasing? I used to log into Windows as administrator all the time, but I noticed my profile was like 15MB. So, I started using another profile... and I notice it's starting to increase as well. I'm not really too sure why it does that! It can't be good though... can anyone suggest what the problem could be? (like how I can stop the profiles from getting insanely large)