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Everything posted by Cynan

  1. Cynan

    XP = eXPerience, NT = ?

    Strange duplicate.. (edited out).
  2. Cynan

    XP = eXPerience, NT = ?

    Take OS/2 and increment the letters by 1.... PT/2 ? You've got that a lil muddled The increment comes from VMS -> WNT, as a main developer for NT worked on VMS earlier, or so the story goes. Oh and if it stood for anything in 2K, doesn't it sound a bit weird when you read the splash screen at the start? "Built on New Technology Technology" - just a thought! Personaly I believe the VMS -> WNT explanation, then MS declared officialy it stood for nothing and then later adopted the medias explaination of New Technology... similar thing with Matrix Manipulation eXtensions becomming Multi-Media eXtenstions. The media has a lot to answer for heh.
  3. Cynan

    SCSI hot swapable?

    This is a one-off clutch. I just need to borrow the drive to install UNIX on a SPARC that I have lying around. I'm thinking I'll do what Brian said and uninstall the drive, then just swap over the ribbon cable temporally and then swap it back and scan for hardware changes. I just wanted to be sure it wasn't gonna go boom! (as I know could happen if I removed the power connector and it spiked - well ok not boom, but it could break)
  4. Cynan

    Alcatel USB DSL modem XP problem

    The reason for the seperate card is because VIAs implementation combined with the Alcatel slug is pants. It mostly effects dual processor systems but (obviously) some single chip systems are affected too. So bearing this in mind, installing a hub plugged into the MB won't fix the problem. General consensous last time I checked over at ADSL Guide, was the Belkin 4-port USB card that I suggested. Still worth a look though. Perhaps they have a better solution now.
  5. Cynan

    Alcatel USB DSL modem XP problem

    A hub won't solve the problem as it will still be connected to your MBs USB ports. You need a seperate card, seperate drivers, seperate implementation yeah.
  6. Cynan

    Alcatel USB DSL modem XP problem

    If your using your motherboards onboard USB, that might be your problem. The ALcatel modem is quite fussy as your aware. Try using a USB card instead, such as a Belkin 4-port... works for me !
  7. Cynan

    More than 2 monitors

    Most older PCI graphics cards need to be initialised first - its not 2K/XP thats the problem. Newer cards should be ok to initialise the AGP slot first. As for your games problem, thats not your BIOS but to do with OpenGL(/Direct3D?) drivers. They don't support multiple monitors and you have to turn them off to play a 3D game. Matrox's DualHead range do provide some support in their drivers though and you can get away with it in most instances so I hear... ..its just a shame nVidia don't offer any kind of DualHead stuff.
  8. Cynan

    More than 2 monitors

    The cards don't need to be identical, however some cards don't work with each other. What cards are you trying to use?
  9. Cynan

    Slow access between XP and Win9x?

    Yeah you delete it from 2K/XP.
  10. Cynan

    ARP/RARP for Win32

    Hi. I've recently accuired some Sun SPARCstations that I want to have a mess around with, problem being, the network protocal they use is ARP/RARP. I was wondering if there were any ARP/RARP drivers for WinXP anywhere so that I could get the SPARCs to boot off my WinXP machine. Any ideas? --Cynan.
  11. Cynan

    Forum is back up

    This one best feature that vb has, it the "View Newest Posts" link. I was just coming back to find a similar thing on the new one and bang !! it was back to this. ..which I do prefer.. though I didn't really look at the other... but like the other guy said, its your box, go with whats easier for you. We'll adapt !
  12. Cynan

    IDE drives Identified as SCSI by XP

    To my knowledge this is normal. Windows both treats IDE RAID controllers and any drives using the VIA 4in1 IDE drivers as SCSI devices.
  13. Cynan

    List the problems you have had with XP :) :)

    It doesnt like my SCSI controller, WinRoute no longer seems to work with it and that crappy interface is on by default when it clearly should be the classic one. ...other then that I like it.
  14. Cynan

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year everyone !! (...wow am I suprised that no one else has said this yet).
  15. Cynan

    OE crash

    Well I had a problem where it'd crash upon load, and that was down to corrupt identity settings, which I guess could be this too ? You could try removing your accounts and reseting them up, I on the other hand as I couldn't even get into the program, had to remove them through the registry as described by a knowledge base article (you checked those for your problem ?). --Cynan.
  16. Cynan

    The 'What did you get for X-mas' thread

    I'm sorry to here that dude.. as I'm sure everyone else is too. Take care, and G-d be with you.
  17. Cynan

    The 'What did you get for X-mas' thread

    I guess you all did better then me... I got a jumper, some socks, and a small box of chocolates... hmm... well yeah I needed a jumper so thats ok... but that rest.. well its not really exited is it. Luckily I bought myself some pressies this year.. hehe. I got some new rounded cables (which I must say I'm quite impressed with so far), two mesh dust filters, Highlander 3 on DVD and as I just sold my radio control car for around £150 I went out and bought a replica of Connor's katana from the first Highlander movie. Merry Christmas everyone.. enjoy
  18. Cynan

    Adpatec 2940AU + Yamaha CRW4260.

    Well.. its not the cable
  19. Cynan

    making windows xp cd bootable

    Just do a search in Google etc, and some links pop up with instructions.... or check your mail for one
  20. Hmm.. I wonder if I can be cheeky and say, make me an offer ? LOL I have 7 zip disks with it too... oh and while I'm at it, might as well mention I have two 1.3 (approx) IDE HDs, and a 2GB SCSI HD if anyone wants em. UK only though.
  21. Cynan

    Adpatec 2940AU + Yamaha CRW4260.

    O'kay I'll give it ago. I don't actually have a spare, but I'm willing to go and buy one for the hell of it. One other thing of note, is that an error Nero gives me when it fails with track-at-once is, "Invalid Block Address". I don't know why I didn't mention that before. I guess it slipped my mind. Thanks for your help so far, appreciated.
  22. Cynan

    Vote for defrag tool

    I've not tried Diskeeper 7, but the last version I did try I wasn't impressed with. As far as I could tell, it needed enough free disk space of the largest file on that disk, to defrag it... which I found quite pathetic, especially when Speed Disk works no matter what. As I've used Norton's products since the beginning too (since waaaay back in the DOS days when PC Tools rivaled them), I doubt I'll ever switch. Oh I also tried O&O Defrag once, but I found that gave me some corruption once.
  23. Cynan

    XP and Imaging?

    Actually I don't think Windows XP does have it. Its not installed on my machine, and its not listed under the components that I can install. Maybe its on the CD somewhere, but I'm too lazy to go check lol. However if you do an upgrade from 2K, it is still present under 'Progfiles Files/Windows NT'.
  24. Cynan

    Adpatec 2940AU + Yamaha CRW4260.

    I have the latest(?) firmware for the drive, 1.0q... termination is on atm... same old, same old Is it me or does this suck. Oh I have an update, I *THINK* the difference between it working or not, is if I use Disc-At-Once (succeeds), or Track-At-Once (fails). But why ?
  25. Cynan

    SCSI terror, help!!

    Have you terminated your SCSSI chain properly? I used to have mine on auto but I've since found that NT sometimes has problems with that. --Cynan.