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Everything posted by Beastie

  1. Beastie

    SMP - AMD and Intel

    1. What intel MOBO is best I own a Abit BP6, there are better SMP boards. I would recomend waiting for an SMP duron board. It will be a cheap SMP solution 2. What is SMP? Symmetrical Multi Processing http://www.dictionary.com/cgi-bin/dict.pl?term=symmetric%20multiprocessing 3. Can i for example Run ANY CPU intesive task on proc 2 while doing other stuff on proc 1? Yes, however _you_ dont really do it your OS will manage it. 4. What games support it? Currently only quake3 engine based games. And not very well at that. 5. What are AMD's Plans? They have designed a SMP chipset, we should start to see boards with this chipset by 2001 6. What specs would u reccomend? I would recomend waiting for a duron SMP board. If you cannot wait, do not get a SB Live! as the drivers do not work well with SMP in wintendo 2k. I would also recomend getting at least 256MB RAM as always CAS2 if possible. For OS win2k, Linux 2.4.x, FreeBSD 4.x, BeOS, or Solaris ia32. here is a good SMP site http://2cpu.com/