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About Sharkyx21

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  1. Sharkyx21

    Win2000 Tweaks?

    Emilee A very easy tip: In display properities uncheck use transition affects and tool tips. Then with a registry editor (try reglite) go to and click on: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop|MenuShowDelay and change the value from 400 to 0 click ok and exit should notice an improvement in menu speed. Sharky
  2. David, Don't mean to beat a dead horse here but Win2k is the superior os and for different reasons. Pc Health and system restore murders system peformance in ME, you should talk to the guys who install the hardware and OS on Computers at stores if they tell you that Millenium is there dream os to install with a straight face on a clients machine I have a bridge to sell you too.
  3. Sharkyx21

    NHL 2001

    I play Nhl 2000 and it works no problem and with the new directx 8.0 when first starting the game it would sometimes display a graphics error but when I tried it a 2nd time it worked great. What I do have problem with is blowmans Nhl2000 editor (suppose to work for win98) At first it displays an error but when I persist and press cancel or attempt to exit the editor then it works I e-mailed the author of the editor if he could provide a patch to work more smoothly for win2k but he didn't seem to provide much feed back in his reply since he is using win98 so I was wondering if someone knows of a workaround to launch it more smoothly. I haven't bought Nhl2001 yet but I don't see how different it could be from 2000. Sharky