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About PsychoSword

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  1. PsychoSword

    Problems signing in with MSN Messenger 6.1

    Ok, I found the fix. Did it last night and it started working right away. So far it's been working, keeping my fingers crossed. http://www.askmarvin.ca/forums/index.php?showtopic=476
  2. I can't seem to get MSN to sign in very often since I did the upgrade to 6.1. I'm running Windows 2000. I didn't want to upgrade and I knew better, but I didn't want to see the message pop up telling me to upgrade everytime I opened MSN. And I was going to download Windows Messenger, but version 4.7 only works on XP!!! Can anyone tell me if there is a fix or where I can find an older version of either program? I've tried "Repairing" MSN Messenger and also uninstalled it and reinstalled it.
  3. PsychoSword

    Win2K and large HDD

    Quote: fdisk will make your parititon the full size no problem. Microsoft made disk management unable to format fat32 larger than 32 Gig. This is artificial limit built into windows 2000/XP. No way around it except to use Fdisk. It's really sleazy the way m$ did it too, it makes you wait until 99% then says" too big" filthy rotten scum........ I love windows too, but these artificial limitations m$ builds into things piss me off. Yea, I was just wondering about the full size being recognized as a partition with fdisk, I was just wondering if there was any artificial limit built into it, but I assume not. I use NTFS now anyways. Typically I run fdisk, create a full sized partition and then format it with the Windows 2000 disk in NTFS.
  4. PsychoSword

    Windows xp 64bit vs 32bit

    I don't see why you shouldn't be able to run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit system unless they want to try and screw us all over. We can run 8 and 16 bit programs on 32 bit Windows.
  5. PsychoSword

    Win2K and large HDD

    Well it sounds like I don't need a registry hack if I fdisk the new hard drive to the full capacity and then reinstall fresh, which I would of course do anyways with a new drive. Are there any limitations now with fdisk regarding this?
  6. PsychoSword

    Win2K and large HDD

    This is a good topic for me as I have a 60 gig hard drive with W2K and a VIA chipset. I would assume I would need to buy a separate PCI hard drive controller card in order to get a bios to recognize the full size of say a 250-300gig drive. Anybody see any potential problems with this?
  7. PsychoSword

    a7v promise controller

    Try Hard Drive Tach and let us know what you get...I also have an A7V with Windows 2000. I have both of my hard drives hooked to the ATA/100 promise controller. I'm using a RAID bios and get from Sandra about what it says I should be getting.
  8. PsychoSword

    Why install SP3?

    Quote: Why is A+ certified worthless?? Because it is.
  9. PsychoSword

    All these WWII games??

    Stop playing video games, they all majorly suck nowadays and are oozing with gayness....and I do mean ALL. I saw the light about two years ago and haven't looked back.
  10. PsychoSword

    Windows 2000 and Logitech QuickCam

    Quote: At work I have a Logitech QuickCam (it says Connectix on it but I'm pretty sure they're identical) and Windows 2000 on a laptop and a desktop. On both machines, I can't get either Logitech's or random drivers I've found to work. Any help with drivers? The FCC ID of the cam is LKD4. I have a refurbished Logitek Quickcam that I bought off of someplace recommended on techdeals about six to eight months ago. The CD that came with the camera had version 5.something and gave me a BSOD when I tried to use it so I went to the website and downloaded like 6.1 or something and haven't had a problem since. The picture quality is sucky, but hey I payed about $18 for it with shipping so what can you expect? It does the job.
  11. PsychoSword

    Why install SP3?

    Seems ok, though I wasn't having any problems before I installed it either.
  12. PsychoSword

    Win2k SP3 Indefinitely Postponed

    Where can I get a SP3 RC? I'm about to check Edonkey and WinMX, but please post if there is a direct download site.
  13. PsychoSword

    Stupidest Customer/Person You Know (Computers)

    I worked technical support for Gateway 2000 several years ago and there were numerous idiots everyday. The two that stick out in my mind are the one that asked me, "If I unplug the computer will I lose everything?" and the idiot that couldn't find the letter "S" key on his keyboard. Who knows what the hell he was looking at.
  14. Quote: guiness for beer (althought a good dark ale will do) and gin (Bombay Blue Saphire) for liquor. I hope you're not talking about Guiness Foreign Extra Stout, that stuff tastes like soy sauce! Looks like it too. I assume you mean Guiness Draught. It's ok, but the stuff is pretty weak. Quote: Originally posted by CyberGenX Upset! Just found out I have an ulcer, can no longer drink my favorite beer, heineken. Well I can drink, but the result is a toilet bowl full of blood. Heineken? Major skunk beer! Though, sometimes strangely enough I get into the mood to have one. Ulcers suck dude. I had one a little over a year ago. A peptic ulcer I think is what they called it. Basically what happened is I went to sleep one night at about 11:00 right after eating a huge dinner. Woke up with stomach pains and it progressively got worse over about 2-3 weeks until I was even having pain while standing up. I took some medication that lessens the amount of acid produced by your stomach for about 3 weeks and it was gone. Yes, I drank alcohol while I was taking them. Oh well. I did have problems from time to time for about six months afterwards, but it finally totally went away about 8 months ago.
  15. My favorite American beer is probably Samuel Adams Summer Ale as I love a good hefeweizen. I love the Belgian stouts, bocks, and trapists. I drink alot of Westvleteren and Spaten Optimator. I also enjoy the maibocks very much.