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Everything posted by PsychoSword

  1. PsychoSword

    Netscape version 6 and 6.1 does not Install under windows XP

    No, I'm not a hacker. All I did was run the setup and got the illegal op or whatever the hell it was. Then I just ran the install again without even rebooting and for some reason it worked.
  2. PsychoSword

    Netscape version 6 and 6.1 does not Install under windows XP

    Actually the first time I ran it, it crashed, so I ran setup again and it installed correctly. The reason I downloaded it was because I needed it for school. (don't ask)
  3. PsychoSword

    Best free firewall software

    Quote: It is not necessary on my opinion. If you are W2k, disable the guest account and remove file and printer sharing binding on your connection TCP IP. If you are really paranoid you can actually define which ports to be open or blocked on you leisure. Firewall SW especially "AMATOUR" ones like zone alarm etc. does not relly protect you it gives you a toy to play with. Symantec corporate and the Lucent ones are good. I have heard good about the Cisco Although I have not tryed/tested it myself I use Zonealarm myself and I really like it, but your not the first person I've heard that isn't impressed with Zonealarm. But, it does block all your ports when you're in high security mode and restricts program's access to the internet so I don't understand why alot of network people don't think it's very good. Maybe I don't need it since I use W2K and have my guest account disabled?
  4. PsychoSword

    Netscape version 6 and 6.1 does not Install under windows XP

    why would anyone use it
  5. PsychoSword

    Those of you needing RAM

    If it does not say which it is, then it is almost for sure cas 3 rated.
  6. PsychoSword

    XP Product Activation

    I don't know about you guys, but it sounds like this is going to be a royal pain in the *** for computer techs. Imagine now having to reinstall/reactivate your office application after upgrading your video card. AAAACk!!!!! Yes, it's looking more and more like an open-source future we are heading towards. I'm glad I bought that copy of Linux Mandrake Microsoft's software is getting better, but I think they are shooting themselves in the foot. http://news.cnet.com/news/0-1003-200-6387054.html?tag=tp_pr
  7. PsychoSword

    XP Product Activation

    Let's hope not...I'd like to say I appreciate what Microsoft has done with IE6 with the new privacy features. It's funny because I only have it set to the default of medium security and yet most sites that I go to, including this one are given a red minus or at least a yellow flag for privacy concerns.
  8. PsychoSword

    XP Product Activation

    Probably the main reason I think it may be a hassle is because of the Microsoft patches that have came out lately. The latest SP2 patch for Office 2000 prohibits you from downloading any attachments with any file extension such as .exe, .vbs, etc. That's right, it doesn't just warn you of the danger of this type of file it totally PROHIBITS you from doing this. It treats the user like a little clueless two year old and completely prohibits you from being able to download this type of attachment. And you know it was because of the bad press Microsoft got surrounding the email viruses lately. So now Outlook 2K has gone communist because of it. I find this to be extrememly annoying since now I have to download a special program that will download my attachments for me and change the file extension. So now even with that program I can't really be sure what extension the attachment really had, but that's another story.
  9. PsychoSword

    XP Product Activation

    I never claimed to know alot about the software activation process. Why do you think I started this thread? To bash Microsoft? No, I'm simply trying to gather opinions like yours on this new feature. I'm naturally geared toward the right wing political view so anything new that has any potential of invading privacy or making an already complicated process more complicated I tend to have a skeptical first impression on. Also, not everyone has the time to look through all the other posts and find one that corresponds to exactly what they're talking about either. Why drudge through two week old posts when you can start a new one? Only about 5-10 new posts a day are made in software anyways, if it's ticking you off to see that many then I feel sorry for ya pal. What I said about the having to do the product activation after upgrading your video card was just meant as an analogy not a plausible scenario hence the word "imagine". I know that's the statement that pissed you off mostly, but I just wanted to say that Microsoft might POSSIBLY be giving people unnecessary grief with their new activation feature. I am not a software liberator, but I'd just like to say that their are many very good free programs out there and Microsoft needs to understand that there is only so much BS people will in fact put up with before they start looking at alternative software. Hopefully for Microsoft they will understand that because if not they will not last.
  10. PsychoSword

    Napster alternatives...

    I tried Aimster and didn't really like it. I use Edonkey and Audiogalaxy mostly right now. I guess I've heard good things about Limewire, KaZaA, BearShare, WinMX, and Napigator. Haven't tried Morpheus myself. There's others that I'm forgetting, but that should get you started. I guess I could uninstall Napster since I haven't used it in months.
  11. PsychoSword

    . faulty sblive? limiting my fps to 115

    According to you it's not a performance problem that's limiting his framerate to 115fps. That may be, but if it is in fact a performance problem related to AGP drivers, ant-aliasing, etc., then he wants to fix it. I realize you're trying to talk common sense, which can be appreciated at times, but all I'm saying is please try and help him figure out what it is for sure before you talk like that rather than assuming you know what the problem is. I think it's important to get the facts straight first.
  12. PsychoSword

    . faulty sblive? limiting my fps to 115

    David if you stop and think a little bit before you answer you'd realize that today's game running at 115fps instead of 160fps may be tomorrow's game running at 30fps instead of 45fps. So now is it so hard to understand why he wants to get the best performance possible out of his video card?
  13. PsychoSword

    Shutdown/Restart Problem.......SiSoft BSOD Help!

    Also I found CD's burned with Direct CD to be very unreliable. Alot of them won't even read in DOS. Even after they are "finalized".
  14. PsychoSword

    Shutdown/Restart Problem.......SiSoft BSOD Help!

    Every version of Direct CD is such an awful piece of crap software. My HP CDRW also came with Direct CD. You guys should use a real program like Nero. Just my $.02
  15. PsychoSword

    That darn Office Service Pack!!!!

    I was wondering how I can make it again so that I can download attachments with *.exe and *.scr and other such files again? It's fricken annoying as hell that it's banning me from downloading my own damn attachments!!! Once again Microsoft is protecting us, FROM OURSELVES!!! I downloaded the Service Pack 2 for Office 2000 and now it won't let me download these types of attachments anymore. If I access my email through Internet Explorer it still lets me download it though. Is there anyway to fix it without unistalling and reinstalling the whole mess again?
  16. PsychoSword

    That darn Office Service Pack!!!!

    But, when I download attachments it just changes the file extension. Then I have no idea what the file extension was supposed to be to begin with.
  17. When I go into the explorer it shows my C: drive, but no longer shows my D: hard drive since I installed Linux Mandrake 7.2 on the D: drive, although it does show up in Device Manager. When I go into the Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Disk Management, the D: drive shows up fine there aswell, but it only shows 3.5 gigs in use as "Health (Active)" and the rest of the 30 gig drive is shown as "Free Space". What's going on here? I thought Linux uses FAT32 and should therefore be visible to Windows 2000 right? I'm a total Linux newbie, I just started using it yesterday so any help is appreciated.
  18. PsychoSword

    Windows 2000 SP 2 grrrrrrr

    Maybe try redownloading SP2? Maybe yours is corrupt?
  19. PsychoSword

    SiSoft Sandra 2001SE BSOD on exit...

    The solution is to delete the evian.sys file. Seriously....
  20. PsychoSword

    Anyone know the diff between the 2 new DT drivers? (12.41 an

    Don't the 12.xx series have more support for DX8.0a features as well? As compared to anything lower that is?
  21. PsychoSword

    Nero 5.5 (latest ver) and EZCD 5 under Win2000

    For the longest time it's been said that you're not supposed to use those two programs on the same system.
  22. PsychoSword

    sblive drivers

    If you enable it then your game will probably slow down alot.
  23. PsychoSword

    Scary stuff and a good read

    I like playing around with computers, but if I ever turn into one of those little haxor nurds I hope somebody shoots me in the head.
  24. PsychoSword

    Ie Question

    Ya, it depends on the system somewhat too. On my computer at work it don't work worth a damn, but on my puter at home it works pretty good.
  25. PsychoSword

    Kenwood 72x in win2k

    Once upon a time I owned a Kenwood audio CD player. Never shall I own one again.....