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Everything posted by biatch

  1. biatch

    win2k install problems

    i just got a new machine and went to install 2k, and then just after it ran the devices bit of the install it restarted. tried 3 more times same thing. tried win98, installs fine, but restarts after the login screen. i have 1.33Ghz Tbird (266) with orb cooler abit KT7 mobo (non raid) sblive radeon 64 vivo 20 GB maxtor hd 256MB crucial memmory dlink network card the processor runs at just less than 50 degrees celcius i never seen anything like this b4 can some1 plz help?
  2. biatch

    win2k setup -raid

    im trying to setup win2k with raid support, so i run the setup by booting from the cd, then press f6 to load my raid driver, but when i press s to specify my driver it gives me this message "an unexpected error(0) occurred at line 962 in d:\nt\private\ntos\boot\setup\oemdisk.c" anyone seen this before? i think it might be that i have the upgrade ver of win2k. plz help [This message has been edited by biatch (edited 14 February 2001).]
  3. biatch

    ka7-100 mobo trouble

    anyone get a geforce 2 to work with a abit ka7-100 mobo, if so how? i tired out a geforce2 and the frame rate was less than the g400 and got strange graphic errors, and had similar problems when i tried out a geforce1. i keep asking people this but how the hell do u get rid of the dam crakle from the sblive? and how can u install win2k/98 dualboot on a raid array with the highpoint 370? and whats up with the new via OS killing drivers? oh and, any1 got a highend athlon system that works properly with a gefore2 and sblive without the dam poping/crackle/(any other bugs that make u lose hair)? sorry for the rant, but ive had enough of my comp giving me **** , thanks. my system athlon 550 abit ka7-100 motherboard 256 mb edo 133mhz ram 2x12gb harddisks (fujistu and quantum) 60gb maxtor harddisk g400 max 32MB scsi plextor 12x cd-rw toshiba 10x dvd-rom sblive dlink 100Mbit net card BT adsl usb (kicks way too much *** , at least for someone who lives in scotland)
  4. biatch


    i just installed win2k and when it starts up all i get is a black screen, after the load screen. If i boot up in VGA mode every thing is fine, does anyone know how to fix this? btw, it also does this if i install 98 fresh again. I hate tnt2s. Creative labs should be burned at the stake, their tech support is non-existant, especially for old products like this. i have a k62 450 and tnt2 m64 card, and a ****y soyo MB, plz help thnks