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About Broken

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  1. Broken

    Aliens Versus Predator Gold

    A friend of mine is having difficulty running this game. It installs fine, but immediately gives the "This program has generated errors and will be shut down by Windows" message when he tries to run it. He is running Windows 2000 Professional with Service Pack 2, the latest Critical Update Package, Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 1 And Internet Tools (If that even matters), the latest Compatibility Updates, and DirectX 8.0a. These are his system specifications, which I hope may be of assistance in solving this issue: AMD Thunderbird 1.0 GHz Gigabyte GA-7IXE4 motherboard 256 MB PC133 SDRAM Voodoo 3 3000 AGP with latest drivers Creative SoundBlaster Live PCI with latest drivers Linksys 10/100 NIC PCI Western Digital 20 GB HDD running in ATA/66 mode Creative 12X DVD drive Creative 4x4x24 CD-RW -- Broken
  2. Broken

    Keyboard & Mouse Not Responding

    I'm using a FIC SD11 Slot A motherboard. I believe that the only software that came with it was an AGP Miniport driver for Windows 98.
  3. Broken

    Keyboard & Mouse Not Responding

    Every so often, when I boot Windows 2000, one of the following situations arises: 1. The keyboard and mouse are not detected, leaving me unable to do anything at the login prompt, forcing me to manually reset the computer. 2. The mouse will be detected, but not the keyboard. Another interesting point. I am able to predict when Windows 2000 will boot without keyboard and/or mouse support. The second Windows 2000 loading screen (With the Microsoft logo and the blue loading bar on the bottom) takes unusually long. If it makes a difference, I am using a Logitech PS/2 keyboard and a PS/2 mouse using a USB adapter. I'm running Windows 2000 Professional with all of the updates except for the Service Packs. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. Broken

    HITMAN Hard Locks My System!!!

    Yes, I am experiencing the same problem. The game won't necessarily lock up after 30 minutes, though. It varies for me. It once locked up after playing for 5 minutes, while there have been instances in which I've played for well past an hour without any trouble. Windows 2000 Professional (without Service Pack 1) FIC SD11 AMD Athlon 500 128MB PC100 RAM (I believe it's a generic brand) 15GB 7200 RPM ATA-66 IBM HD Voodoo 3 3000 AGP SB Live! Netgear FA310TX