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Everything posted by Chewie

  1. Hi everyone, First I want to precise that I'm french so I hope you'll excuse me if my English isn't perfect.So,after I've moved from win98se to win2000 pro everyhing 's running fine,all my applications,my games,....the only strange thing I've got is that when I clean the trash/bin/recycler(I don't know which one I should use)I've got a litte sound wich seems to come from the inside of my PC.I've try to deactivate the system speaker in Windows but this little "beep" is still here.How can I cut it? ------------------ Chewie,the "french overclocker"
  2. Chewie

    A little strange sound in Win2000

    Thanks for answering me LoW_beta,I've already try to disable the system speaker in windows but it didn't change anything,for the system speaker wire,I think that I haven't pluged it but I'm not sure so I'll check,thanks.
  3. Chewie

    A little strange sound in Win2000

    Thanks canonjon,you were right,if I change the sound for the trashbin the little sound from the computer goes away,but can you tell me more precisly what options to try or try not with my sound properties? ------------------ Chewie,the "french overclocker"
  4. Chewie

    A little strange sound in Win2000

    Sorry but I've already try that and it doesn't change anything.Come on,somebody must have an idea no? ------------------ Chewie,the "french overclocker"
  5. Chewie

    A little strange sound in Win2000

    Up! ------------------ Chewie,the "french overclocker"