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About Giblore

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  1. Giblore

    Mouse Lag in Games

    Lo all It seems that whenever I run an opengl game my mouse begins to lag with a dely of a couple of seconds. Im using a standard ps2 mouse and have disabled mouse acceleration (which did little to help). Any suggestions ? Thx Bob
  2. Giblore

    Random Restarting

    Lo GHackmann Thx once again. I was wondering if i could just disable the card via windows, or do i have to remove the card from my pc ? Thx Giblore
  3. Giblore

    Random Restarting

    Lo GHackmann Thx again 4 ur help. Anyway I use two 128meg pc100 dimms, both of which have been replaced, i've set my bios to bios defaults (thx jdulmage), ive got a copy of norton 2001 and so use win doc, ummmmmmmm....... oh yeh the sound card, well for starters its a a3d2 card, and so has no decent driver support under win2k Ill try that sound card thing now tho If that doesnt work ill back with a fat details of my pc Thx Giblore
  4. Giblore

    Random Restarting

    Lo isaacg and GHackmann thx for ur help. Here are the 3errors i get when my pc crashes - "KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOTHANDLED", "UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP", and "DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" with the kernal trap error being caused by a hardware error :-/ I doubt its to do with my psu (which is 250amd approved) because it only crashes while im playin an hardware accelerated game and is fine if im working or doing something similar. Thx Giblore
  5. Giblore

    Random Restarting

    Lo isaacg I tryed wot u suggested and found that I get a series of 3 errors, i checked these @ the knowledge base and found that there are no solutions for 2 of them, the remaining 1 seems to be a hardware problem :-/ Thx for your help
  6. Giblore


    Lo all Wot u rekon are the best detonators to use 4 Win2k ? Thx Giblore ------------------ RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  7. Giblore

    Random Restarting

    Lo all I recently installed win2k + sp1, dx8 and the critical updates, only 2 find that after 10-20mins of playing a game (no matter wot game) the system resets itself Im using detonator 6.31, have Asus K7M with 256meg, have been and tried the fixes @ geforce faq. Any suggestions ? Thx Giblore ------------------ RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA