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About Ashok

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  1. Hi, I didn't see any mention of these drivers on the NTCompatible forums (?). They were made by Hujer HoE and apparently they work great! Check it out: http://pub43.ezboard.com/fx3dfxfrm1.showMessageRange?topicID=3604.topic&start=21&stop=40 Also, G.O.D.2 drivers are out, based on Hujer HoE's http://shortcut.to/zerosignull Plus NFX are susposed to work fine, as I believe their also based on Hujer HoE's Well, I haven't tested these drivers but I'm curious if these drivers work well for you guys. Apparently lots of ppl have had great success with them. I'm surprised there wasn't more fanfare here on the NTComp forums! Also, what's up with drivers from Powercolour and x3dfx-c?
  2. Ashok

    Got your Voodoo to work in XP? Post it here!

    So, the Voodoo 3 is *fully* functional in XP? Like it runs in D3D, OpenGL, and Glide w/o any errors using the G.O.D drivers?
  3. Ashok

    New 3dfx drivers

    Nm... I got the Voodoo 2 drivers finally. The page let me in. But, does any1 know if the V2/XP drivers fully support 3D acceleration? Or do they do 2D only?
  4. Ashok

    New 3dfx drivers

    Help! I really need the Voodoo 2 drivers for XP! I can't access the download page at Geocities? Can someone email me the drivers at moore40@adelphia.net ? Pretty please, SHS, anyone? ;-) Ashok Oh, does GL/Glide work on Voodoo 2? Or only D3D (which is good enough for me).
  5. Ashok

    2428 & 3Dfx Voodoo 2 1000

    Does anyone know if there is a way to get Voodoo 2 cards working in XP 2428? I tried to install the Voodoo 2 Windows 2000 drivers with no success. :-( Please help! Is the V2 100% incompatible with Whistler? ;-(
  6. Hi, I just got a copy of the SP2 RC. I was wondering, what all fixes does this Service Pack include? Also, does it by any chance include the compatability updates? I cannot seem to get the Compatability Update to install from www.windows2000.com :-(
  7. Does any1 have the Jan. Compatability Update? And where can I get a beta of SP2?
  8. Ashok

    January APPUDATE

    I just did a clean install of Windows 2000. No updates, no service packs, no patches. I ran the Windows Update and THERE IS NO JANUARY APPUPD. :-( So it's obviously straight GONE. This really sucks, does anyone know a mirror or something that might still have it? And why in God's name would MSFT take it off the site?
  9. Ashok

    January AppUpdate not found...

    I cant find the January AppUpdate either. This sucks.
  10. Ashok

    January "AppUpdate" is a HOAX (?)

    I went to Microsoft's Windows Update Site AND their Windows 2000 Downloads Site. There is NO January Compatability Update to be found. :-( Am I missing something here, or is this patch a F****** hoax?
  11. I have a Athlon K7M 650mhz with 128MB of RAM, SB Live! & Voodoo 5500 AGP I am running under the latest BIOS with the latest driver updates. All my games run 100% solid in Windows 2000 but the cutscenes are quite jittery. It's almost as if the video and sound are interfering with each other (?) Has any1 found a fix? I observed many people are having similar problems with Monkey Island 4 and no solution was posted. I tried turning my hardware acceleration down but it did not work.
  12. Ashok

    Monkey Island 4 & RA2 Cutscenes

    Btw, yes I do have DirectX8 loaded. I also have a Voodoo 5500 AGP, yet OpenGL will not work w/ Monkey Island 4. (?) I am forced to use D3D, and my cutscenes are very choppy. I am yet to find a succcessful fix.
  13. Ashok

    Monkey Island 4 & Red Alert 2

    I just installed Windows 2000 on my system, and it runs like a DREAM---Much more stable that 98SE/or ME. I installed the Microsoft Compatability Update + SP1 and 100% of my games are working. However, my cutscenes in Red Alert 2 are very choppy. Also, the intro in Escape from Monkey Island is very jittery. :-( I read an earlier post suggesting to lower the 3D Acceleration, alas this did not work. I have a Asus K7M 650 with 128MB of RAM and a SB Live! Platinum 5.1 *PLEASE HELP*