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Everything posted by HawkBoy

  1. This is what i'm reffering to: here
  2. That's not what I mean
  3. That's not what i mean, u can read my post about booting twice (it's on the second page written by nam ng)
  4. Everytime I turn on my pc (not reset), it freezes right before the login screen (it actually shows my background, but doesn't do anything else). When I restart, it works flawlessly! Please help me, and keep in mind I'm not a newbie. Thnx. System Specs: AMD Athlon 550 128MB SD ram 30 GB UDMA 66 Maxtor Hard-drive Viper 770 Cable Internet 3COM Etherlink controller
  5. HawkBoy

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    How do i increase the boot up delay?
  6. HawkBoy

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    Mine freezes before the windows login screen.
  7. HawkBoy

    Hard drives

    Considering that u'll be running win2k, it'd be wrong to buy anything lower than 5400. this is due to the fact that unless u have 500MB of ram, u'll need a page file (although i think u'd need a page drive then too). With a slower hard-drive, ur system will slow down like hell! trust me i know!
  8. HawkBoy

    Sound Blaster Live Problem

    I have a SoundBlaster Live Platinum, with all the drivers installed. It works fine in all progz, . . . but when i run cooledit, it tells me that my device can only handle up to 90kbps.
  9. HawkBoy

    Sound Blaster Live Problem

    No confilicts
  10. HawkBoy

    AMD Probs with Win2k

    If anyone's pc (who has an AMD and Win2k Pro) is crashing in 3D games, it's a simple registery prob which can be fixed by downloading a very small patch from the AMD site.
  11. HawkBoy

    AMD Probs with Win2k

    Good Assumption
  12. HawkBoy

    I'm overheating like hell!

    Both my processor and video card overheat when I play quake, run 3D MAX (or any other high power games or programs). They are actually hot, I like my coffee cooler than that! I have an athlon 550, and a viper 770, Nothing is overclocked. All fans are in place, clean and working as goods as ever. what should i do? get an airconditioning system for the pc??
  13. check what processes are running and how much ram each takes in the task manager
  14. HawkBoy

    I can't add a new user!

    I add a new user in the users and p***words thing, but when i try to log in, it tells me that user profile was not found, . . . what do i do? (it knows the user name and p***word, just doesn't have the files needed to use it) the folder in the "documents & settings" folder isn't made! what do i do? BTW i have win2k pro
  15. HawkBoy

    I can't add a new user!

    defult user is there, still no good
  16. HawkBoy

    I can't add a new user!

    no-one has any ideas?
  17. HawkBoy

    I'm overheating like hell!

    I have one fan on the processor, one in the power supply (blowing out warm air) and one in front blowing in. ;(
  18. HawkBoy

    I'm overheating like hell!

    I have a tower.
  19. HawkBoy

    Which OS is better?

    Win2k Pro IS the best, it's A LOT faster and has a lot more features. Also, WinME is the biggest piece of c!@#p i've ever seen! i mean userfriendly is something, powerless junk is another! As for the older Wins, they're ok, but old and slow and are not compatible. Just one bad thing about Win2k, it has a few bugs (compatiblity), but if u have an ok system, definately upgrade
  20. I know it sounds dumb (and u think I'm a dumb***), but format has no "/s" fuction, there is no "sys.com" (or anything close), and there is no option to do a system format in the format panel in windows (explorer)! WTH is goin on?
  21. HawkBoy

    How do I make a boot disk in Win2k?

    Thnx, Hell of a site!
  22. HawkBoy

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    That's an interesting reply, but i think it has something to do with the operating system.
  23. HawkBoy

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    And the power supply is "amd recommended"
  24. HawkBoy

    I have to boot twice everytime I start my pc!

    I have an MSI mb. And this happens everytime (even after turning the pc off for 2 mins!)