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About blobby

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  1. blobby

    Links 2001 Won't Install

    works just fine for me! p3 866 256meg 133ram abit mobo geforce 32meg ddr 12x plex burnproof 12x mirai burnproof 15gig ibm 46gig ibm ata100 6gig scsi 6gig scsi blah blah blah
  2. blobby

    New Version of Whistler?

    so the build i have just got is the same as the one available in november? the build i have now (i got it on dec 20th)or there about is 2296\1 and the one b4 was 2296! it just dont figure does anyone have any idea how far away the release date is because from whta ive used of it it rocks muwhahahaha even tiger woods 2k1 works with it
  3. blobby

    hellboy will it wont it?

    i have just installed hellboy under win 2k ive tried adjusting adio and video and it just locks up any help appreciated!!!!!