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Everything posted by mwb7

  1. mwb7

    Best soundcard for Win2k?

    I have an sblive value, and it works ok. I can't load the liveware 3 because I use SMP, that seems what causes the problems. So if you don't use SMP I say go with the live. Its a nice card.
  2. mwb7

    Theme Hospital.. Please help

    Ok, so I finally took the leap to windows 2000, I found this great site, and looked to make sure all my games/apps were compatible. I looked up one of my favorite oldie but goodie, theme hospital. Says it works in Win 2000. So I get all loaded up, get all my drivers up to the latest final(non beta) ones. Load up Theme Hospital. It comes up, then the screen goes all crazy. Like the refresh rate is off or something. Can someone please give me some ideas on this. I love 2000, I have been using it for a while now, and going back to 98 to play this one game is getting old. Any help anyone. thanks in advance. If you need more info let me know.