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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. Mr.Guvernment

    [Need] PIII 733 Slot 1 CPU

    Hey Does anyone have one they would want to sell and ship to Costa Rica? i need a pIII 733 Slot 1 for a dell server we have here that already has a slot 1 733 in it. post here or hit me on icq or msn or pm me icq 65361937 msn - mathiau@hotmail.com
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    Poll: Operating Systems

    ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! m8ty! OH, not those pirates..lol:D
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    Problem with computer.

    VIA + Sound blaster do not mix well and cause enough problems for many people. does that board have built in sound - take out the sound bl;ster card, ditch all drivers and try the game with out sound see if ti crashes. try another version of windows as well if possible.
  4. Mr.Guvernment

    [Need] PIII 733 Slot 1 CPU

    ahh yes! cause it will be dual do they both have to have the same stepping? if so i will go pull out the cpu to check.
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    Poll: Operating Systems

    yes as in what fast did u turn off all services - indentical to 2003? themese and all i do not deny that 2003 is a fast as i have used it myself, but the way i tweak my xp i cna get it to run likely as fast do not forget to make setting like how memory and cpu usage is et to back ground apps or foreground ones type thing. 2003 is a great O.S as u install it and it is fasdt, where as Xp u would need to tweak a bit to get it close to 2003 speeds - but again - the cost.
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    User stealing data

    Take the cd burner out of the machine? and put it in only a machine an admin can access? do u not control their email accounts, or is it likea hotmail account type of tthing. u can password protect all shared netwrok directories...
  7. Mr.Guvernment

    Poll: Operating Systems

    ^^^ buit for home users u need to enable alot of services that are turned off, which is not good for people scared of their compouters.lol if you know what your doing then yes, but Xp can also be tweaked down to 2003 level and Xp does not have all the extra stuff like dns serevr, etc etc.
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    Frustrating..What else can I try?...

    update hardware drivers? is there anything in the Event viewer around the time of the dumps?
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026

    many emails with viruses attached about this.
  10. Mr.Guvernment

    Looking for some opinions on Video Cards

    Quote: Quote: OK If I was to go ATI what should I get the Price Range would be $200 to $300. I would prefer closer to the $200 dollar mark. The best deal out there is the 9500 Pro ($140). The next step up is the 9700 ($300) and you can get the exact same performance with the 9500. no actually u can not get the exact same performabnce from 9500 PRO as u can with a 9700 PRO - only if u get the right pcb card and do a bios mod to turn that 9500PRO INTO a 9700 PRO, buit those boards are becomng hard to find. u can now get if u look hard 9700PRO's for some palces for $250 - that is your best bet.
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    Suggestions for graphics card

    Look @ the ABit boards u can EASILY find intergrated sound on MOST mobos u look @ now so not sure where u are looking that u can only find integrated sound on board with intergrated graphics. Abit / Asus - most boards not just the new 800mhz chipsets - include onboards sound. i woudl suggest an Abit board with the 6 channel audio, it will do just fine!
  12. Mr.Guvernment

    fx go5200... big problem with textures and framerate

    Quote: Quote: the fx5200 card are crap - they are being compared to ti line cards..lol Well, with 4xAA and 8xAF, it is a notable comparison. with that yes, but if u want to get into REAL godo aa and af, talk about ATi cards which almost always rape nvidia in those tests with aa and AF to max - usually beat out any nvidia card in the same class by a considerable amount.
  13. Mr.Guvernment

    matching page file to ram

    Quote: no swap file what's or ever??? and it works???.... let's assume that the OS needs more memory...what will happen then ??? will there be a big blue screen of death ?? none, nadda - disabled! gone! out the window! nothing i play needs that much ram games i play are Delta froce black hawk down / Land warrior diablo II Unreal Tournament / II i jack up the details as high as i can! (currentyl using a ti4200 while i get my ti4600 water cooled) i have never ran out of ram really - i also tweaked the services so my boot up once windows starts uses liek 50mb of ram instead of 100-120mb i would assume u would just get an error that windows has no resources and to close some applications or something.
  14. Mr.Guvernment

    creating GIF files

    iof u got any version of adobe photoshop it come with image ready which will make animated gifts.
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    Problem with my video card (I think)

    Quote: If you do need to replace your card and want a budget one, the FX 5200 is a decent buy at http://www.newegg.com. Just don't get the 64bit memory version. I've read that the FX 5200 performs about as well as the 4 MX 440, but if you use AA or AF, the FX 5200 should walk all over the 4 MX. That, and the MX is DX9 while the 4 MX is DX7. do not buy the fx5200 - for that price range u can get an ATI card that will out perform the 5200 with ease,with AA and AF on. - heck, yourbetter off to buy a ti4200! the ONLY i repeat ONLY FX card worth buying is the 5900 ULTRA and up, NOTHING below that is worth the price tag.
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    fx go5200... big problem with textures and framerate

    the fx5200 card are crap - they are being compared to ti line cards..lol get ride of them, and even worse iwould think in a laptop!!! but yeah, i really have no feedback except that video card is a piece -oh - poooooooooooo!
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    Problems with cpu tests in 3dmark03

    run any cpu or any burn in test for @ least 24 hours to be safe, the longer u run it, the better, some people go for 48-72 hours.
  18. Mr.Guvernment


    PostCast - we use it for our mailings. try to send out alimited number of emails per min, this will lessen the chance of OTHER ISP's putting u on their spam lists.
  19. Mr.Guvernment

    matching page file to ram

    i disbaled my swap file on my gamaing / o-c rig got 512 and never had a problem.
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    MS Access

    not if it is an access datbase - u need access - now if u had a mysql database with an access interface that would be another story.
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    I want to add hardware while hibernating

    not good to do, possible chance of frying something aswell.
  22. Mr.Guvernment

    Problem Splitting .AVI files

    www.dvdrhelp.com virtualdub is great
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    Downloading WinXP Pro...

    what are you system specs?
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    Is your son becoming a hacker?

    http://www.chasten.org/hacker.htm Quote: 6. Does your son use Quake? Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause erratic behaviour at home and at school. If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed. You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school. lol
  25. Hey all! was curious i hae a simple excel spread sheet - how ever one colum contains 23 digit numbers - but everytime i type them in - excel goes and turn the number into some equation.... i do not want this, i simply want the cell to have he numebr. i have tried the various "foromating" of the cell, but they all make the cell into an equation Ex. i type in 123456789653223 Excel then shows in the cell 1.23457E+14 how can i prevent this! if i format the cell as a "number" with 0 decimals it chganges the last few numbers of the cell.