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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. Mr.Guvernment

    Diablo II and some mystery problem.....

    u got any thing special running in your system tray?, by your clock? try disabling everything beside your clock before starting the game...
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    I had in the 29.40 drivers, i then put back in the 28.32 as i was getting alof of shadowing of objects in the game,(like 2 images when u moved fast) But after putting in the 28.32, the game would not start, multiple reboot's, reinstalls, and nothing, but as soon as i put 29.40's back in, the game ran fine................. I think this game will need a game patch very soon.
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    Dungeon Siege

    hopefully dungeon siege will give blizzard a reason to make Diablo III even better, if theymake one
  4. Mr.Guvernment

    New Unreal Engine powered games

    Perhaps the army is putting out a free game to try and show people how "fun" it is to be in the amry, and make more kids run out a join to help the "fight against terrosism",
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    S L O W bootup with XP

    Quote: I have checked in device manager and both drives are running on UDMA. I am also running the boot drive in a removable cage so I can switch between XP and 98. u know how slow those things make your system to me this is why. Removable drives are good for starage, adn abck up, but to run an O/S off of, no. Why do u even need 98 anymore? 98 also does boot faster as it does not have an interface like XP, and has alot less to load.
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    Which Chipset 845G or 850E?

    why buy p4 2.26? such a waste in $$$. Although these are teh chips with teh new 133 x 4 FSB so 533. me, iam an overclocker: Candian prices form one place Intel Pentium 4 - 2.2-GHz 512k (Socket 478) (OEM) w/ Heat Sink & Fan $679.99 Intel Pentium 4 - 2.4-GHz 512k (Socket 478) (OEM) w/ Heat Sink & Fan $899.99 Intel Pentium 4 - 2.4-GHz @ 533Mhz w/ 512k (Socket 478) (OEM) w/ Heat Sink & Fan $924.99 Personally, i would save that $300, buy a p4 2.2 and over clock it the 400 +mhz to 2.6 myself, and have it run stable with a good fan. Put the 2.2 in a 533 board, with some nice DDR, anbd BAM! your all set Spend that $300 on more memory (no more then 512, as new tests have shown that more then 512 can actually decrese system performance, unless using rambus) BUT if money is not a quesiton, go nuts!
  7. Hello all, okay, i bought a Sony Vaio computer (cheap *wink**wink*) basically, Sony says the max memory is 512mb! But i flashed the bios with the lates bios from Asus, and Asus says the board can hold 2g of memory, however, i have flashed the bios, and reintalled my own XP, and yet, i just put in 2 x 512mb chips, but it only picks up 512mb. Is there any other way to get it to pick up the 1g of mem i got in it? Or has Sony hacked something that will only allow 512mb of mem max? thnx in advance.!
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    P4B-LX - more then 512mb of mem?Is it possible............

    lol well turns out the memory my friend lent me to try is only 256mb sticks
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    Voodoo 3 3000G 16mb on XP HELP!

    mmmmmmmm time for a new video card? u can get a nice radeon 7500 64mb card for like $70 canadian and geforce 2 card for less then that do u have the latest drivers for all of your hardware?
  10. Mr.Guvernment

    Best Fantasy RPG game?

    what happens it jjust crashes or? die? how far in are the races?
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    Diablo II LOD and XP limited account

    Quote: Because logging out, logging back in as Admin, doing what you need, logging back out and then logging in under your normal account is a pain. I use "Run As" all the time. i guess if you have mutliple people using the comp then yeah, but if it just u, pointless to have an amdin account, and then your own user account. if you got a few people, then they got your password to play the game, if you let em., so you might as well, just turn off passwords.
  12. Mr.Guvernment

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    do ugot updates for your sound card? Also, have u been multutasking with it? I have been noticing after a bit of play time, like 3 + hours, the game has moments were it slows down, and if i mutitask, the radio soudns all messed up. oh well.
  13. Mr.Guvernment

    Morpheus Question

    Kazaa is being shut down with a recent lawsuit........ so i heard
  14. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows XP Service Pack 1 anytime soon?

    Quote: 1. Their products are good, people choose MS Office because it is a good package, they choose WinXP because it's good, they choose IE over Netscape because Netscape is terrible. These are simply my own opinions: Their products are accepted for their ease of us, and are "okay" to some degree, they did very well with XP, and i am very impressed they are doing things right, or heading in that direction, heck , maybe next they will start to copy linux's interface a bit and lose the MAC wanna be look. Or maybe they are trying to trick people into thinking windows is now stable ..lol (which XP is alot more then previous) Now if their products were really good, then who would need windows update...... i think they lack seriously in product testing and quality assurance. Ms Office - good product, can't deny that, corel office..LOL joke! so no real competion there. Now why is this, cause MS has enough money to hire 50 thousand programers to make 1 product, why is that, cause they own the market. Linux could learn from MS as how to program as a "team" if linux was just 1 big company, as in they all joined forces, they could make a product that would blow windows out teh window, but they don't, every one wants to make their own versions and be in the spot light. Now, Netscape suxs, cause of windows, runs fine on linux and MAC. Put IE on a MAC, crash, freeze etc. It is all about the O/S and money, MS does not want people to use Netscape, the end. Quote: 4. MS will continue to plough money into anti-piracy tools, honest and legitimate users will unfortunately continue to be inconvenienced because of thieves, if any legit MS users would like to find somebody to complain at about PA for example, shout at a thief, they are the ones who forced this addition to the OS. Very true People steal from stores, prices go up, everyone suffers. Welcome to life. Why do i have to pay higher prices cause someone is too cheap to buy something. Evilhomer:As for having %100 legal stuff, yes some people do have what are called "jobs", this is where u go to a place, and do something called "work" which in return you are given money, sometime alot of it, when u have money, you can afford tyo buy things, like MS products. It is possible, some people can afford to buy what they want, other's can't. So don't assume because you can not afford something, that no one else can.
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    Best Fantasy RPG game?

    what is the issue under XP? for final fantasy? i am about to install it to try it out.............
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    Delta Force 2 multiplayer XP problem

    Ran it, put a server up, ran fine no problems, 3 x XP and 1 98 box. did this for all df / df2 / dflw
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    Diablo II and some mystery problem.....

    weird, i can run it fine, my desktop is on 1268 x, and i don't have to change anything, as diablo changes it's own res when starting., and i can change between 640 x to 800 x in the game with no issues wither.
  18. Mr.Guvernment

    Dungeon Siege

    i got it played it sys specs: Sony Vaio Digital Studio P4 1.8g / 512 pc133 ARGH!!! dam sony/ 80g ata 100 / LeadTek GeForce 4600 Ultra/19' trinitron /sony mouse / keyboard /sweet sound on it! - Windows XP Pro. I only get like 30-45 fps whether on 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 on either 16, or 32bit, i ot the nvidia 29.40 det's, plays great on GTA 3 on 1600 x res, and spider man with good fps. Bu the frame rate stays the same on any res, that can't be right, unless MS limited the fps ........?
  19. Mr.Guvernment

    Diablo II LOD and XP limited account

    Quote: Right Click the D2 shortcut (creating one if necessary) -> Properties -> Advanced -> Run with different credentials. You'll have to enter the Admin password every time you want to play D2 but it should work. What a pointless feature, why not just log in as the amdin if u got the password.
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    hehe love the game, hated gta 2, but love this one, but am disappointed about no multiplayer Oh well, got my other multiplayer gaems to play
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    How long until 64-bit architecture is ready for primetime?

    nah, i will wait for 256! i say wait for now wait till next year some time, as alot of new vid cards are being developed right now, also wait to see how high intel / amd goes with their cpu's, as they have slowed down somewhat on releases lately, but alot of good mobo's have been coming out with high fsb's, so who knows
  22. Mr.Guvernment

    Dell Monitor bad?

    did it work previoulsy with anyother O/S? does dell have a new drivers for the monitor? what video card do you have installed? are you running a "monitor" off the laptop, ?
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    P4B-LX - more then 512mb of mem?Is it possible............

    Quote: Are you reading the amount of memory from the Bios directly? If so, either the second slot is not seated properly, or that slot is disabled. i read it from windows last night, but i will double check onc ei gte home from work to make sure
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    Buying a new video card and.......

    check out the new creative card Anyways I ended up getting the G4 - 4600 Ultra, i could not find the ati 128 all in wonder ANYwhere!! and i only had a week to get it the card is good so far, i will know for sure once i got it in my good computer back home. As for ATI, i have used them all the time, this is my first Geforce card, and never used maxtor, same as my friend, he swears by them, we have never had any driver issue problems, they alwasy worked. Ati All In Wonder 128 Pro 32mb (4x agp) Ati All In Wonder 128 32mb (2x AGP) Rage Fury MAXX 64mb (first 64mb card out) Tv Wonder Radeon 7000 64mb x 2 Radeon 8500 64mb Radeon 8500 DV (64mb) ATI Tv Tuner [/list:u] My friends tends to buy new cards when they come out , he already wants to grab the 128mb all in wonder. When i first got XP, my Ati all in wonder rage 128, did not suport the tv tuner, but they do now, so all is good. Anyways i am more looking forward to Creative's new card, which no one has mentioned as of yet Supposed to have like 20g/sec memory bandwidth 3Dlabs took the unusual step of pulling forward the announcement of its next generation graphics architecture, the P10 visual processing unit (VPU), a product we didn't expect to be talking about for another two weeks. While this architecture is going to find its way initially into the Oxygen line of workstation graphics cards from 3Dlabs, it also heralds some of what we can hope to see coming from Creative Labs this Christmas. I have to say that there wasn't as much information to back up the P10 launch as you would normally expect with a major chip launch, and this is an announcement that is two years overdue from 3Dlabs, but like I said the announcement was extremely hurried. Nevetheless, it's interesting to see the direction 3Dlabs is taking and reflect on the influence of Longhorn on the P10's specs. The next killer app for 3D may be the operating system, which I think is a signifcant development. It also means that we can predict what to expect in next gen products from other graphics chip vendors, and do geek gossip over coffee. Therefore, I surmise, 3Dlabs has done us all a big service rushing out their announcement. By making the P10 public the company is giving us a glimpse into the issues that are going to drive 3D graphics hardware architectures in the coming months for almost all the graphics industry, and it's damn good stuff. Some of the key points of damn goodness came up at WinHEC 2002 this year and P10's feature list reflects the directions Microsoft was giving hardware developers at their conference. Things like, Full programmability - While Nvidia and ATi have mature programmable graphics products on the market, it's worth noting that they still retain some level of support for the old fixed function pipeline with some form of integrated T&L circuitry. The next step for the graphics chip industry is to move to a fully programmable pipeline and to remove those pesky transistors for fixed function graphics. Graphics is going to need all the silicon real estate it can muster, but every chip will use those extra transistors differently. Multi-tasking Graphics - Microsoft's nextF generation operating system, Longhorn, is pushing the industry to create graphics processors that will offload almost all of the typical functions of managing windowed displays. This means that every window on your desktop becomes a 3D texture, whether it is running a game, a digital video, or an Office application. The CPU has to handle all of Longhorn's open apps, videos, and games running in multiple windows, and Microsoft is working on determining how much graphics hardware it should ask for as a minimum to keep its OS humming. The graphics processor becomes a true partner processor for the CPU, but the question is, how low will Microsoft keep the bar on graphics performance and features? Will Microsoft open up the PC and graphics markets by demanding a significantly higher level of 3D graphics performance for base level Longhorn systems than what we are seeing today, or will it try and hedge its bets by staying a generation or two behind the curve? Bye bye VGA - We have to say bye bye to VGA, and the sooner the better. VGA is the last of the big legacy items remaining on the PC. It makes ISA look nimble and hip. With no VGA, graphics processors get to ditch the lowest common denominator. Just in case you are unfamiliar with the nuances of the programmable 3D graphics pipeline, I suggest you give Tom's excellent review of the GeForce3's technologies a look: High-Tech And Vertex Juggling - NVIDIA's New GeForce3 GPU http://www.tomshardware.com/graphic/01q1/010227/index.html The above article is a great place to get a good grounding on where the programmable 3D graphics pipe got its big start in the mainstream. And Tom does a good job of explaining terminology and how pixels flow through the pipeline. I could have cut and pasted the stuff, but I believe that's illegal. [/list:u]
  25. Mr.Guvernment

    Buying a new video card and.......

    Well Got the Geforce 4 - 4600 Ultra leadtek one so far so good, did 3dmark though, and only got a score of 7128 thought it woould be higher (Asus P4S333 / P4 1.4 @ 1.61 / 512 pc2100 /IBM deskstar 20g/ Leadtek geforce 4 - 4600 Ultra)