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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. Mr.Guvernment


    where didnu buy these 800mb cd's - these are the 99min one correct? not all burners support these cdr's unfortuantly and over burning a cd may resutl in only your drive being able to read it as many cd-rom can not read that far out onto a cd.
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    New games out or coming out.

    Call of duty - bought it - get it!
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    The 'another' thing :)

    make up a new word for it? thas what i would do notsorealyetreal texture
  4. Mr.Guvernment

    Matrix Revolution (likely spoliers)

    ^^^^ i caught that part - but after neo got rid of smith what was stopping the machines from taking over the humans? Nothing - and machines cant be trusted the machines still needed humans to get energy - so now NEO and that sit by and let that happen? that is what is messed up - the machines need the humans for power - the humans save the machines - the machines then continue to use the humans for a source of power while the humans do nothing but live on. UNLESS - in a few years will be a new matrix - one where the humans have grown so large in population that they take on the machine agains - this time they use some machines that fly on the surface - above the clouds so the machines can not get them - or they build flying ships and cities to live above the clouds
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    New Question from New XP (NT environ) User....

    Alsp Xp is not a mix of NT/2000/ME Me is a 9x klernal - XP runs only on the NT kernal - good by 9x! XP is based on 2k which is based on NT - ME does not even come into the situation - unless you look into the idea of the Hom eversions - which has no ME components except they tried to make it user friendly like the 9x series but it has the back end of NT.
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    New Question from New XP (NT environ) User....

    yes -= if u want to run XP u need min 256mb of ram - Xp alone usually afer a clean install uses from 80-115mb of ram just to run and sit idle. - u can however kill many service and take it down to about 50mb.
  7. Mr.Guvernment

    Issue with Asus Probe and Limited User Accounts

    yea - try giving full rights to the asus probe folder alone - i often dothis on systems @ work where i dont want to do permissions much - i just give acess to folders like SETI full rights and it seems to work
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    Firewall and Anti virus opinions!

    i dont mean other programs are slow in general. Norton itself is slow to load for me - whether your beleive me or not - it is slow for me when i double click the system tray icon or go to tstart / programs etc - i am waiting at least 10-20 seconds for norton's window to pop up THEN if i try to open any other programs after and while i am waiting for norton to start - they hang until norton finally opens. i have installed it after a fresh format and on a machine that is bogged down and it does the same on both for me. i will sitck to corp. edition
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    thanks to all.

    wellllllllll looking at some recent benchs between the fx 5950 ultra and 9800XT - the ultra is up there for sure! and wins in some tests EXCEPT when of course, as always - u start to turn on AA and FSAA - then ati just leaves nvidia in the dust.
  10. Mr.Guvernment

    Halo PC is coming....

    pixel shader 2 is in any card that has full dx9 support - but as noted the FX line have crap 2.0 support and i beleive that is whythe pixel shaders are likely @ a 1.4 defualt - for the nvidia crowd.
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows xp 64bit vs 32bit

    mmm i dont see why windows would go and make an O/S just for AMD - i think that would piss off intel just a little. as well that would kill sales of windows 64bit as everyone would buy windows 64/32. and not any windows 32 or 64 sepratly - who knows.
  12. Mr.Guvernment

    Matrix Revolution (likely spoliers)

    AHHHHHHHHHHH thnx - did not know that part!
  13. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows NT/2000/XP Does it work OK with your PC

    Quote: Quote: XP has built in crash isolation - wich prevents an applicaiton that crashes from BSOD'd the O/S as well - and this works very well - sometihng 2k does not have - not to mention more comaptibilty with many software applications and games. - more so newer ones. For the second time, this is NOT true. Crash isolation has been there ever since Nt4. Windows 2000 has crash isolation too. windows 200 shells out proigrams such that if one program fails the others remain unaffected! well iwould have to say it does not work for crap in win2k then...lol or at least it never did for me.
  14. Mr.Guvernment

    Norton/Symantec Corporate 8.xx

    dido - norton corp 8.1 i am using - i dont mind that is catches a virus once i open and email - as long as it catches it. this is especially useful when i have not checked my email for a few days and have a few hundred - copr. does not take an hour to scan them all.
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    Halo PC is coming....

    Halo graphics are almost 7 years old and poorly deisigned in the first place. - UTII graphics are far better and smoother.
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    thanks to all.

    Quote: Thank you all for the piece of advice concerning DOOM 3 i reckon i will say with nivda ge-force. cheers dave. dont do it!!!!!!
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    18 hosting sites for your songs !

    The wya to go in todays marklet is to offer a Free service with simple access and to provide a paid service which provids more better faster service, this way people are not forced to buy something they may not like with out trial first.
  18. Mr.Guvernment

    Matrix Revolution (likely spoliers)

    [spoilersif u have not seen it!!![/b] this movie sucked..lol second was okay - too many slow moo scenes. this one - too much blah blah blah - the action scene were good when they broke into tjhe Dock and they were defending it - but the whole Neo and trin making it to the power area not to mention the deal that neo made - the machines could take over when ever they want to and neo could not stop them if they wanted to! and the oracle deal - lets just get a new one and not really tell anyone why!!! and the last fight between neo and agent - a little TOO dramatic!!
  19. teleport PRO - it is a web spider - u can download an antire web site + dir structure or other ways.
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows xp 64bit vs 32bit

    the programs have to be 64bit based - u can not install 32bits apps in the 64bit windows - as far as i know.....??? the processor like the Opterons how ever can work with both 32 and 64bit apps. so it is your choice what O/S to use.
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    Halo PC is coming....

    Quote: Runs perfectly on my system, Although the CAT 3.8 helped a bit, the 3.7's were a bit slower. I don't know what game you guys were playing, but it's the best if not tied for the best FPS of all time u must like poor graphics and crappy multiplayer game play then..lol this game has no appeal - the weapons are not exciting - online play is boring and slow an has no bang to it. single player was okay when i started it - but the gaphics and details for me just dont cut it for such a hihgley rated game - i am affraid to admit it - but it seems to FAr more better looking on the XBox.
  22. Mr.Guvernment

    Best data cd burning program?

    Quote: I prefer Nero 6.xx for all my needs, however I've futzed around with Alcohol a bit. @Mr. Gov, I know you meant to say "USE" and not "SUE" but when I read it I just had a good chuckle ahahha i just saw that! SUE NERO EVERYONE!
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    Windows NT/2000/XP Does it work OK with your PC

    i REALLY do not understand all these people that say 2k is more stable then Xp? i had 7 B.S.O.D's in under 10 mins when i put 2k back into a system for the heck of it - to which XP had not given me any! and yes - i was using the right drivers and all - i had 2k previously on tihs system before i got a hold of XP years back. if anything i think it is due to incompatible hardware that pepole do not bother to check and think - yeah - i will just use 2k drivers - or something along that lines. XP has built in crash isolation - wich prevents an applicaiton that crashes from BSOD'd the O/S as well - and this works very well - sometihng 2k does not have - not to mention more comaptibilty with many software applications and games. - more so newer ones. Also 2k3 is the most cleanest of the NT supported flavours in my thoughts.
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    RAM speeds

    ATi drivers have come a LONG way - and it is now NVIDIA - that is encrypting their drivers because they do not want pepole to see the shortcuts they are taking to get a few more FPS out of their line of cards. i have NO trust for NVIDIA with how they have operated ever since the FX line came out you mention your old nvidia - that was then when they were good and could be trusted - but no longer, the ti4* line was their last quality product! and the FX line is a bunch of giant paper weights. As for he CPU - u need to find a good stepping - use this link and do a search for the CPU u want to see - it will show the overclocking results and also the sSpec number which it will tell you what chip to get - http://www.cpudatabase.com/CPUdb/ once you got the sSpec number where ver you buy your chip ask them to find one with that number. (it is on the side of the box) here u can find out which p4's are a C1 stepping for 533 and below - almost all C chips have the same stepping - in fact they all do http://processorfinder.intel.com/scripts/default.asp The sSpec number is the one http://www.devhardware.com/rhinoCms/__o9kdD6TShp/img/label.jpg where is says PROD. CODE - in the above the sSpec number is SL6WH
  25. Mr.Guvernment

    RAM speeds

    See Alec the prob;lem with the FX line is simple - DX9 support is almost not existent! if u wanta future proof system get the ATI - it is a mattr of hardware design - the FX simply cna not handle proper DX9 calls and there for stinks and the result is slow games and some FPS over image quality. The fx line witll play any Dx 8.1 and below game great - but u want a future proof systems! i will name my first born after you if u get a fx 5900 what ever and can play a fully DX9 game BETTER then an ATI 9800PRO and above card! now that is confidence in the cards..lol - also ATI si coming out with their new line in Febuary or suppoed to - an the i beleive R423? will be PCI Express compatible - tal baout future proofing As for the CPU - have u maybe considered a Opteron? - my next system is going to be a dual Opteron 2.2ghz or faster - at the moment - the dual 2.2 opterons are kicking Xeon 3.2ghz in the butt and back again! - mainly due to their superiou memory banwdith and lakc there of for needing a northbridge chipset for the ram and other interactivity