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Everything posted by Mr.Guvernment

  1. wow i am impressed i bought a new case today - the only change from my old case is that it has a fan cut out right at the CPU level - with a duct about 4 inches long, that can extend to touch the CPU fan.(it is adjustable) on normal (not overclocked) the cpu - a p4 2.4a on %100 load after running seti for a day or so would hit anywhere from 43-48C - ambient temps around 30-34C with this duct - to which i added an 80mm fan between the duct and the case (only 2800RPM) as opposed to just the duct going down to the CPU from the side panel - which has a thermaltake Sparl A1545 (http://www.thermaltake.com/coolers/spark/a1545.htm) they say a MAX of 6000 RPM - but mine goes upto 6800 RPM!!!! - the temp now after running seti almost all day and night, over 13 hours is sitting @ a cool 36C. with the Spark sitting around 5900RPM as it always does. My ambient temp which would sit around 31-31 is now at 32c solid it seems- Today was a very ho and sticky day as well - so i thought it would get hotter, but it didnt'! I am really suprised at how much this "duct" has cooled my case. i have 2 80mm in the front of the case and 2 x 80mm in the back - same as i had before on my other case. for a total of 5 80mm fans - all run around 2800 RPM on average. Some pics So yeah, go out and get some ducts! this system is currently running cooler then my water cooling rig was! - but it was not realyl set up right
  2. Mr.Guvernment

    Air Duct on Side of case = 7-12C cooler CPU temps... WOW!

    sounds interesting
  3. Mr.Guvernment

    Air Duct on Side of case = 7-12C cooler CPU temps... WOW!

    ^^^^ how are you planning on putting that tube in? it would liekly be better just to have like mine the duct in from the side panel right to the CPU allowing for cool air to be sucked IN onto the cpu - then put in same case fans in the back and and some in the front so all air gets sucked out the back. otherwise if u have it sucking OUT - then u will be sucking in the case air which will be warm over the cpu heat sink then out..
  4. Hey all i did some searches but could not find the topics i swore i saw before. basically i got some XP and 2k3 server machines here - for a while,. things seem to run good when i rewired our home office / house with all CAT6 cable - but only 100mb hubs and nics. This really made things fly for a few weeks - i mean FLY! - cause the odl wiring was pure crap! who ever did it! it seem things have slowed down now again. i have 5 computers attaching to an 8 port 100mb hub - all with cat6 cable - but when i do some transfers between one system to another - the network utilization goes from around 0.04% - upto maybe %60-%70 MAX on a good day - otherwise max it seems to hit is more like %40. is there really any way to get %100 network utlization? - i have turned off rthe XP reserve QOS crap but still no go. or at least hit the %80 - %90 percent mark? i am thinking buy a new 8 port hub ..... but it used to be faster previously.... any thoughts on how to speed things up and get them fast again would be great! Also maybe any links to site or something on how to make the ultimate fast network? a sin tweaks in terms of what to use and not use in protcool's etc etc. thnx in advance!
  5. Mr.Guvernment

    Network Utilization improvement.........?

    shall try sandra. the current set up involvces cable modem ---->Netgear router ------> 16 port 100mb hub/switch -------> 8 port hub/switch in my room which then has 6 computer connect to it. maybe just a cheap switch - but it seemd to do good before
  6. Mr.Guvernment

    Air Duct on Side of case = 7-12C cooler CPU temps... WOW!

    well today is is a cool day and some what rainy and i put it up to 2.77 (115FSB) and it is still sitting @ 36C.
  7. Mr.Guvernment

    Air Duct on Side of case = 7-12C cooler CPU temps... WOW!

    I think tey do not come iwth a fan as if anything - i ams lowing the flow of air. the CPU fan runs around 5900 RPM - where as the 80mm only runs around 2800 - so really i am restricting air flow from the out side - i should take the fan off see if i chang the temo even more. the place here does not have many cases and i was sick of looking t my old ugly one i hacked to death witha dremel
  8. Mr.Guvernment

    Connection Speed Drops

    drivers? what other prog are running when u downloading?
  9. Mr.Guvernment

    PHP on IIS virtual server

    go into the virtual site - open it - properties / home directory - configuration and be sure that the php extension is there, if not "add" a new extention - put in php and point it to the exe or the isapi dll - which ever u use for php processing.
  10. Quote: If you're really paranoid, you could block everything, and selectivly enable things as they are needed. that is the best advice - block it - then if something does not work - enable it better to be safe then sorry. Also - now a days a good hacker can get in through SSL or SSH or IIS or a million other methods - and this will not be notice via any antivirus software as they are exploting bugs in Windows and other weakneses.
  11. Mr.Guvernment

    proof that there are stoners working at M$

    if it works - why change it - also why confuse people with new icons... Also - a Server O/S - most admin's could not care less how the icons look - they are more conerned wth the O/S to function - hence why the theme's are off. Would you prefer a pretty Server O/S - or a working one? If you want pretty icons - use XP. Ithink i would prefer MS working on the inner of an O/S as opposed to the pertty outside.
  12. Mr.Guvernment

    M$'s plan to tie the O/S with the BIOS

    easy soution dont use windows when this crap come sout - keep your old version of windows or simply switch O/S - liekly by that time there will be a nwe flavour of O/S that people will move to. the only places i can see using this type of system would be corporations. the home user will find alternatives - or ways around it - as they ALWAYS have and will! if it can eb made - it can be broken look at windows attempt with XP - how long did product activation last as a secure feature? like 0 days as it was hacked to heck before the O/S was even out.
  13. u can do a reg hack as well - forget 3rd party programs - umm, let me think - i do it all the time for my win2k3 boxes... lol this is off the top of my head. run / regedit HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows NT/ CurrentVersion / Winlogon / right click and go to New / String value label it DefaultPassword open that file - and type in your password. right click and go to New / String value label it AutoAdminLogon open that file and type in 1 to turn it on Next go to Control Panel / Admin Tools ummmmm Local Security Policies then go to Security Options and find Interactive logon: Do not requier CTRL+ALT+DEL and change it to Enable and that will auto log u on in windows server 2003 but u have XP so..lol
  14. Mr.Guvernment


    god deum iwould not want to be the person who took that pic! how did their camera survive!!!
  15. Mr.Guvernment

    adding physical memory with different clockspeed

    save your self possible head ache's and DO NOT mix various speeds of ram - i had WAY too many issues once when i mixed pc133 and pc100. - maybe now things are better or you dont work your system that hard. also, if you mobo can not handle that speed of DDR - it is pointless - unless your over clock. ddr is cheap, just buy 3 256's or something of the sadme DDR speed pc2100 / pc2700 / pc3200 / pc3500 / pc4000 and ithinknow upto like pc4500 or something insane.
  16. Mr.Guvernment

    CPU Temperature Advice

    go spend $30 on a decent 5000RPM heat sinkl and $5 on some good thermal grease - those wax pads are crap - and the hotter u run your CPU - the faster are going to wera it out - but then again they last like that for liek 10 years i got 2 2.4's onis a400mhz fsb and the otehr 533 - both i can get up to 2.4 - may main one using thermal take fan which hits 6800RPM on hi keep my cpu under MAX load around 48C my other system is water cooled - and it runs around around 51..lol - but i do not have the rad and fans set up roght so redoing it all.
  17. Mr.Guvernment

    OpenGL for XP

    Quote: the default drivers that come with xp for nvidia and ati cards dont come with open gl support (very broad generialization) But ATI cards to run openGL - just their cards arent very good at using it.
  18. Mr.Guvernment

    Motherboard Asus P4S8X

    not worth the upgrade. what do you use your system for? there is likely a LARGE chance you will not notice the diff. NOW if u got with an 800mhz FSB chip, that may be another story - but with that mobo - heck, just geta 2.4 - a $50 good cooling fan and overclock it to 3.2 easy
  19. Mr.Guvernment

    HOLLY ****, is this for real!

    I posted this on the overclocking forum i visit, but HAD to post it here i am so hyped about this!!! Well, i am a little over excited i need to share my excitment! i got a MSI ti4200 128mb card that i grabbed from a system here @ work (in our house) and changed it with a 64mb ti4200 card. So, now i got this ti4200 128mb on a P4S8X-X board a p4 2.4a @ 2.91ghz - 256 pc2100. been reading that the 64mb card usually has fater ram and can go higher, well, this core so far kick's butt! - i have not touch the ram yet, only the core. well, i decide heck, lets over clock this card - stock voltage and the fan on it HOLY CRAP! well right now the defualt details are 249.5 core is stock 445 is stock ram well, so far it i got it [size:15] 320.6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1[/color] holly crap!! i feel like a kid on X-mas!!!! Does anyone know of the record for this card..lol it seems that 320.6 is the highest for me so far with out upping the AGP voltage in the bios or doing a voltmod. - RivaTuner shows the "exclamation" beside the speed! (if no one beleives this PLEASE tell me how i can prove it to u and i will be more then happy to! DEUM! i can NOT get over the speed of this card so far! - thing is - i touch the heat sink while in the middle of looping 3dmark so far and it is NOT even warm or hot to the touch! DEUM DEUMDEUM! this is too exciting!!!!!!!!
  20. Mr.Guvernment

    HOLLY ****, is this for real!

    ^^^ there can be - but that is also why you bench it, so u are not pushing it and damaging it - also proper cooling helps. u do work it harder by overclocking it and such just like a cpu - u probably cut it's life span by about %50. oh well! life goes on
  21. Mr.Guvernment

    Was I too harsh on Ontrack (data recovery) ????

    yeah i think it was just soem old old folders it picke dup on - it got everything that i had lost
  22. Mr.Guvernment

    HOLLY ****, is this for real!

    Quote: What program is that? Because it might not be actually clocking it that high, it could be misreading the clock speed. Try using powerstrip, then you'll know for sure. doint liek pwoer strip - prefer RivaTuner. it is at those speeds as i just flashed my vid card bios to those speeds and it runs thing is diff. drivers give u diff, results so now i am back to 41.09's at the moment - i had 41.04 and 41.03's in buit they did nto seem to clock as high as the 41.09's and the 40.71's for me. it is weird - it just like when i first got this new mobo i could run my p4 2.4 - 400mhz @ 133FSB @ 3.2 no probs, but now i suddenyl cant even get it over 2.9 with out mad data coruption in windows. i got it back up there but have some artifacts again
  23. Mr.Guvernment

    Was I too harsh on Ontrack (data recovery) ????

    i lvoe this a 2mb $80 program does what a $200 - 30mb program CLAIMS it can do IF ANY ONE NEEDS DATA RECOVERY - USE R-STUDIO!!!! heck - it was finding folders from 3 or 4 formats ago!
  24. Mr.Guvernment

    Was I too harsh on Ontrack (data recovery) ????

    hey jmm, in r scan - what does a folder with a refd X though it mean? does this mean it can not recover it? or does it mean the demo simply can not recover it? Ontrack is useless - their standard recvery -all the files it pulls are corrupted and the RAW recovery of it pulls files - renames them t like file1.* and what ever the extension of the file is and puts all the same ones in to folders so all.exe files it finds go into a folder called exe So this stinks as how do i know what programs go with what dl''s and what .rar file go with each other - frick'n joke it is!
  25. Mr.Guvernment


    Shakedown - thnk u can shrinbk that sig a little using the tags? as fr the list - be sure to get permission from YOUR isp if u can send it - we send mailing list of 30,000+ people heer (all registered) monhtly and we always get our ISP's SMTP servers. Be sure to get their permission and their rules for legit mailing lists. if you use a local SMTP to send out be sure that 1. It is asecure SMTP - other wise AOL / Yahoo and others will decline you and put you on their blacklists. 2. that a reverse DNS lookup on your IP somehow shows the domain owners information - some ISP's will not accept an email say from joe@blow.com because the hosted domain does not reverse DNS back to the proper IP address that being your IP instead of the domain hosts IP. 3. Make sure for AOL u have less then a %10 return rate or AOL will block u - as in make sure less then %10 of your AOL email address bounce back (bad, made up addys) This is what i took note of when we got our IP here blocked by alot of people! cause i ddi things wrong the first time,.