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About fatattack

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  1. Quote: Quote: Look in the security tab and Apply ownership to the directory. Tried that, although i had full ownership of the directory, but it still didn't work. Gives me an error "file in use"... reboot windows 2000 then take ownership of all folders this will work
  2. fatattack

    windows update

    Seems that http is down but https is up use https in your url and it still works curious to know what is causing this though
  3. fatattack

    Anyone.....windows update doesn't work.....why???

    Quote: Quote: Everyone goes off topic all the time, it's stupid. The poster didn't reply... I figured at least he was solved. Sorry, had to get into the next poster's comment on Microsoft's "woe's" in security (which seem to be getting levelled at Linux/Unix fronts now... which is good too! Gotta look at the "bright-side" of those hacker-cracker types doing what they do...) Quote: There is a fix for that actually. Here is the link: (I will only keep it up for the next 24 hours) http://www.reginabridge.com/win.update.fix.zip Hope this helps. What is that? * APK Can someone please repost this fix
  4. fatattack

    windows update

    Does anyone know what is going on with windows update ? It's been over two weeks now since I last been able to use it. For the record , all my servers and workstations are licenced and have valid keys. Sometimes it hangs on finding updates (winxp mostly), sometimes it finds updates but when I try to click the "I agree" statement it doesn't move. Strange thing is that this happens on every machine, even a fresh installed one. This is very annoying since, besides the security issues this leaves, I use windows update to keep my drivers up to date or for a fresh install to install my drivers. I have heard from other people that they have the same problem but I can't see how it can be that Microsoft keeps this down without a single explanation. What does still seem to work however is the automatic download in winxp of critical updates ( but you can't do anything manually ) and if I use the corporate site I can still download patches but have to do a manual install. If anyone can help on this one, it'd be most appreciated.
  5. fatattack


    thanks I think I'll do write them. Maybe they know Strange think is though that the 'router' is on pass through everything outgoing. Of course , since it is Nat incoming ports should be mapped but that should only be the case if I should be running a server and others had to connect to it. Disabling it is no option since my entire network relies on it. BTW: Am I really the only one who has these strange messages ? Oh and sometimes it does work but not often, most servers return the above message.
  6. fatattack


    you are right I am running XP but the firewall was stopped about a second after the install. But You might be right, I have a hardware gateway in my network which gives out dhcp ( NAT ) and acts a bit like a firewall. Can't disable t though. Best I can do is map some ports. Does anyone know which ports are required to play Wolf ?
  7. fatattack


    I have a question about this game: I can nowhere find the option to start a server with bots. How do I enable this ? Since it's a Quake3 engine , it's unthinkable they're not in it. And very often when I try to join a server I get: Client_unknown_by_auth does anyone know what this is ??
  8. fatattack

    Winxp + Nero = No Cd-rom

    I always run XP and Nero and never had a problem XP professional and Nero work fine no aspi drivers are needed for Nero since it has its own included. (default install) ps Realtino : the best way to **** up ANY windows version is to use easy cd creator I don't think I ever came across a worse program than this.
  9. fatattack

    Changing RAM on XP

    Hi, I've noticed something weird: I don't know if it's accidental but I've had three occurences of the same problem. If I have installed XP and I change the Ram in that machine the system won't boot anymore and keeps telling me that this and thus driver or dll can't be found. If I plug the original RAM back in everything works fine. Now , the Ram is not malfunctioning, They're just bigger ones and supported types. Speed setting etc is all correct. As I said , I've noticed this three times. Anyone has a idea about this ? especially how it can be avoided ?
  10. fatattack

    TV Capture Cards.

    I have a Hauppage WinTV card and it works great (run it under XP) I used the driver from Windows Update and it works nicely. Make sure the region settings are set correctly of the channels, that often causes lots of the problems
  11. fatattack

    How Do You Copy Files To A Cdrw In Xp

    simple, right click on the files/directory and click burn to cd I suggest using a third party tool however, incd from Nero is best I think.
  12. the above info is correct. You just need the maintenance folder (and the wab file with your adress book in it ) Easiest way to save it is this: just put the storage folder on a different disk (preferably one you are NOT going to format :-) Every time you reinstall just start up OE, go to the store folder path and change it. and please READ the message that appears, if you chould chose NO there, all your mails will be overwritten by a blank store. This way you never forget to backup your mails, becuase this is in fact easily forgotten. If your windows chould crash, you always have your mails save. Just don't forget to backup the wab file. I periodically place it in the same storage folder so I always have a copy when I reinstall.
  13. fatattack

    remove entrys from registry automatically

    thanks, I'll have a look at it btw for the intrested: I found a little proggy ( from M$ ) command line registry and it does exactly what the name says, registry control from the command prompt, maybe ideal for scripting a batch file Have still to check it out
  14. fatattack

    Win xp calling home

    Bill Phone Home :-)) hehehe sorry , Really don't know, monitor the traffic and see what exactly is sent out
  15. fatattack

    Windows XP slow on browsing shared files/folders

    try this: Open up the Registry and go to : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/RemoteComputer/NameSpace Under that branch, select the key : {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} and delete it. tried it myself and it works ! I heard it doesn't always work on 9x machines, haven't heard any probs with 2k/xp machines yet