I was wondering if anyone knows how to foce DMA mode by editing the registry. I have a Pioneer 114 DVD drive, but it does not automaticaly support DMA mode (unless one of the 2 reserved jumpers support that). I have tried the disabling DMA in the BIOS (I have the Abit KA7 MB BTW), but I still get PIO mode only. One time, when Win2k first came out, I found a post telling about editing the registry to force DMA to be enabled and it worked, but I lost the message a long time ago. I have installed VIAs bus master drivers, but then my Memorex CRW-1622 CD-RW (PIO mode only, because it's a 2x2x6) disappears and the Pioneer drive won't play DVDs. I have tried editing a few registry settings, but Win2k restores them when it starts again.