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Everything posted by emthompson

  1. emthompson

    Comanche4 and XP Problems

    Well it is really hard to pass up a $180 card when it out performs one that is $300. And besides ATI has admited to the problem and has fixed it, they are inculding it with the next driver set, this is straight from the mouth of the horse. I was going to get a ti 200 but I couldnt see paying for that when the radeon cost the same performs batter and has open pastures ahead of it, while the geforce 3 linie of cards is nearing the end. Im in no way trying to say that the Geforce 3 line is not good, they are exelent. I just went with the 8500 because of its potential.
  2. emthompson

    Comanche4 and XP Problems

    Hmm, you are one of the lucky ones then. Check this forum out and see all the problems people are having. Also give a post so people can know about your luck. Go Here!!!Go Here
  3. emthompson

    Cordless Freedomw Problems!!!

    Ok I just got a cordless freedom optical mouse and keyboard from logitech. I downloaded the latest XP drivers and installed and rebooted. When I can back the computer was slow as......well it was just very slow. I mean it took like about 1 min for the start menu to pop up!!! So after screwing around for a while I figured out it was the iTouch software for the keyboard. This software was the latest XP compatible software from logitech for the keyboard. Has anyone had this problem or any other problem with the iTouch software and XP? I really like the setup and want to use it. It would be a shame if I had to take it back becasue of something like this.
  4. emthompson

    Cordless Freedomw Problems!!!

    Well maybe I should find the real problem before I post on here next time. I thought that it was the keyboard iTouch software but I was wrong, like so many other time before, it is the mouseware. Still the question is the same. Does anyone know the fix for this?
  5. emthompson

    Cordless Freedomw Problems!!!

    Ohh, I also read something about maybe running the software setup in compatibility mode. What is this compatibility mode?
  6. Ok, like I said I am having Java problems with my XP. I say XP becasue all of my browsers (ie6, opera 5.12, netscape 6.2) have the same problem, they even run different Java environments. The IE is running 1.1.4 or somthing like that and the others are running 1.3.1. The actual problem is that lots of menus and links DONT WORK!!!. I have tried the links on a 2000 machine and the links work. I tested with the same browsers except the IE witch was 5.5. So thi sleads me to conclude that there is something wrong with XP that is not letting me see or use the Java links or menus. This is not very convinient for me since most of the links that I try to use, I CAN'T. Someone Please Help.
  7. emthompson

    Java Problems, and Yes I have the VM installed!!!

    Ok so we know that the problem has nothing to do with Java. I think that my XP is the culprit. I have tried the links on other XP computers and they work fine even with the same setup.
  8. emthompson

    Java Problems, and Yes I have the VM installed!!!

    I really dont think that Java is the problem since I have the same problems with 1.1.4 as I do with 1.3.1. I think that XP is somehow screwed up. Maybe that javascript:dll2() is refering to a messed up dll file. I have no clue.
  9. emthompson

    Java Problems, and Yes I have the VM installed!!!

    http://www.tgtsoft.com/download.html. The first link to download the style builder. It doesnt work for me. It the status bar I get this message, javascript:dll2(). I get the same message in the other browsers that are running 1.3.1. Another site is http://www.cisco.com/public/corp_about.shtml. I can see the drop down menus but when I select one I get nothing. As you can guess this little problem is very very annoying.
  10. I need some help with remote assistace. I cant seem to get it working with my dad. I had it working with another friend of mine but now it is not. I changed some services since the last time I tried, but i cant remember what services I changed and I cant find any that seem to fit remote assistance. Any one have any clue as to why this isnt working? I read the microsoft pages on it and followed them to the t. Any suggestions?
  11. emthompson

    Assistance needed with remote assistace

    Ya I already checked that like 20 times. I have no Idea. When he sends me it I accept and nothing happens. When I send him he accepts and a thing pops up and says waiting and then it says there is a problem. I just checked with my friend and he says that is tells him that my computer is not responding. So since I havent changed anything with the router then I must have turned something off. any clues?
  12. emthompson

    Assistance needed with remote assistace

    Yes I "tweaked" the services. And No I dont have the firewall on and neither does he. He is only using a modem supplied by verizon. But I am behind a router. But it has worked before. And I havent tried pinging him. I just did. I get 4 packets sent and recived with an average time of 575ms.
  13. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    Ok here you go. I really wish I could just take a picture and put it on here. 0 System Timer 1 Standard Keyboard 3 COM 2 4 COM 1 6 Floppy 8 System CMOS 9 Microsoft ACPI compliant system 13 Numeric Data processor 14 Primary BM Ultra DMA Channel 15 Secondary BM Ultra DMA Channel (PCI)5 Creative Modem Blaster v.90 (PCI)5 VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controler (PCI)5 VIA Rev 5 or later USB Universal Host Controler (PCI)10 Matrox Graphics PCI (PCI)11 3com Either Link (PCI)12 Creative SB Live! (WDM) (PCI)12 VIA AC'97 Audio Controler (WDM) There you go!!!
  14. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    OK man, you gota tell me how to get you the answers. Im not the sharpest knife in the box but if you give me the general idea then I can do it. I dont know how to look up IRQ's or acpi stuff. Just tell me and I will get your answers to you.
  15. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    this was happeneing before the 4.35 instal
  16. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    Windows XP Corp Soyo SY-K7VTA Athlon T-Bird 1 VIA 4-in-1 4.35 384 MB PC-133 (256 - 128) Matrox Graphics Mystique PCI 2mb - Soon to me VisionTek ti 500 Drivers - XP Drivers 5.1.2001.0 SBLive Value Drivers - XP Drivers 5.1.2601.0 3com 3c905b-tx 10/100 nic Drivers - Provided by Microsoft WD 30gb 7500 rpm Ultra DMA - Recognized as SCSI? Drivers - XP Version 5.1.2535.0 Maxator 30gb 7500 rpm Ultra DMA - Recognized as SCSI? Drivers - XP Version 5.1.2535.0 Samsung CD-RW SW-208B - Recognized as SCSI Drivers - XP Version 5.1.2535.0 Pioneer 16x 115 DVD - Recognized as SCSI Drivers - XP Version 5.1.2535.0 Floppy - Driver - XP Version 5.1.2600.0 Lian-Li PC-60usb Case 250 watt power supply - I have a 300 Enlight but mobo won’t accept it I have no clue as to why it thinks all my IDE are SCSI!!!!! I had to disable the VIA bus master IDE drivers because XP wouldn't stop bugging me about it. I figured that it was under SCSI RAID stuff so it cant hurt since the mobo has absolutely no SCSI or RAID on it. I tried to give a picture of my devise manager but it is not working, I didnt even notice that it thinks the IDE is SCSI!!! That might be the problem but I have no clue. If you want any other info just let me know what and how to find it.
  17. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    Well since your bored chew on this. Why does my floppy drive run slow as hell now that I switched to XP? My hard drives also seem to be a tad slow. Ohh and when I bring up menues , say the applications menu for instance, it pops up as a big grey box then fils on the applications. It takes about 1 second for the applications to show up. It is like this when I try to open up my computer and stuff like that.
  18. emthompson

    Norton Anti-Virus

    When I install NAV 2002 I always get a script error when NAV tries to configure its self. I looked on the symantic website and they said that they were aware of this error but they haven't been able to reproduce it so they dont know what the problem is. I have been able to reproduce it on both of the computers that I have put XP on. I was just wondering if anyone had a fix or a work around for this.
  19. emthompson

    RAM problems with Windows XP

    Just a quick question. Why does it matter if it is say the wrong number as long as it recognizes it when it need to? It seems as though you guys are saying that the ram is being used it is just not displaying the right numbers. Well if i have learned one thing from this forum it is to relax. If you worry about every little wrong thing that your OS does then your head would explode. Im not trying to knock you I'm just giving one view of the situation. And to add soem mystery to the situation, I have the same setup as the first guy, a 128mb pc-133 and a 256 pc-133. my system recognizes then perfectly. I have learned to live with what I got. Im not saying dont fix what needs to be fixed but just pick and chose your battles.
  20. emthompson


    Has anyone gotten wondowblinds working in their XP? I really want to use a skin that it has but I cant get the buttons to show in the apperance tab. Far as I can tell the install is fine. It just wont give me any options in the apperance tab. Any thoughts?
  21. emthompson


    Hey TeRRiblE thanks for the link. I just loaded styles XP and it seems to run good. Have you figured out how to change the colors though? Toothpaste is good if you want to brush your teeth.
  22. emthompson


    I cant get the dam thing to show me the buttons it is supposed to in the apperance tab. I contacted the support center and they asked me if I had restarted!!! Ohh, you have to restart, idiots.
  23. emthompson

    clone cd password

    How about trying to reinstall it? Maybe that will work. And use the good # also.
  24. emthompson

    Nero Killed my CD drives

    Hey WALL. Did you ever find a solution. I just my friend is experiencing this. Please let me know about your solution.
  25. emthompson

    OS that runs win32 and open source.

    Would you switch to a OS the was able to run win32 apllications and open source aplications and had better performance than Microsoft?