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Everything posted by emthompson

  1. emthompson

    OS that runs win32 and open source.

    Sorry for the *** in my last post. I guess that I forgot about the using the word ***. Thanks for that link Sandaasu. I will check it out. About this pole I was just asking as a type of marketing pole, just wanted to see what people thought.
  2. emthompson

    OS that runs win32 and open source.

    Thanks for the info. It seems as if the others understood what I was talking about just fine. Why can'y you? Ohh, your a closed minded *** who just wants to show everyone how smart he is by trying to make me look like an idiot. Now I understand.
  3. emthompson


    I was recently told that SP1 is already out for XP. Now the person who said this couldn't rmember where he read this so I dont even know if this is true. He said that it wasnt avalable through microsoft yet though. Has abyone heard of this? I don't really trust his memmory.
  4. emthompson


    What? No I didn't see it. It is a page about SP2 for 2000.
  5. emthompson


    Ya I know SP2 for 2000 is out. I would like to know about XP.
  6. emthompson


    I have had the same kind of problems. I was trying to use the remote desktop thing but I really dont know that much about it so I gave up. It also seems to be a security hazard if you do have it on. What would stop some 14 year old haxor in the philipines from getting my ****?
  7. emthompson

    Netscape version 6 and 6.1 does not Install under windows XP

    Well I think that the original post was looking for suggestions on why netscape might not be installing right. For me it installed without a hitch on my XP. But i eventualy got rid of it becasue of many of the reasons listed above. Netscape was good while itwas making money with its browser, but ever since microsoft introduced IE and gave it away FREE netscape has been going downhill. Funny how money makes the world go round. Just think if microsoft hadn't integrated IE then we would all be paying for our browsers, well most of us. How is one suposed to use the internet with a new OS if it doesnt have a browser on it? They would have to pay for it. SO we all owe microsoft that much, about $20. LOL
  8. emthompson

    Luna is boring!

    I tried the windowblinds. It didnt really do much for me. If you just use the free version then you miss some key skining features such as the task bar and stuff like that. Some buttons would be black and it just didnt look good. They had a wood skin that looked really nice but I dont want to have to put up with the missing button skins and the task bar. I also dont want a program running in memmory just so I can have a diferent skin. Im sure XP already uses memmory to run its skins somehow. But I am trying to find a way I can "insert" the wood skin into the XP themes. As far as Plus. I have spent many hours playing 2 of the 3 games it has. It comes with other features such as voice recognition for media player that are really useless. It does come with a nice fish screen saver. The themes are a tad "Fruity for me though. No disrespect intended. I would be really interested in any thoughts anyone has about integrating the wood skin into Xp themes.
  9. emthompson

    When are you switching to WinXP?

    Originaly I just wanted to try it out so I did I dual boot with my 2000 pro. Well that was a bad desision. I ended up having to scrap 2000 becasue of some conflict stuff. SO I just switched to XP. I have been there since.
  10. emthompson

    Nero Killed my CD drives

    Have you tried taking the drives out and then puting them back in? XP might recognize them as new and reinstall them. Just a thought.
  11. emthompson

    I need some advise.

    First off I know that this really isn't the right forum for this but I know you guys know your stuff and I wanted your opinion. I have a 1.4 t-bird w/SK-6 heatsink right now with a delta on it. It is running at about 114 with no case fan. I was looking into getting an adapter for the SK-6 but all of the reviews I have read have said that it is a waste of money. I would like to know what people are running on their SK-6's. I am just looking to get the noise down. I'm not going to overclock so droping the temp is not a big deal. I think that the exaust fan im going to add in the back will help with droping the heat a bit anyway. So I just want to know what fans are being used on the SK-6 and what the temps are to go along with them.
  12. emthompson

    Hypothetical Question

    If someone was to delete their recycle bin how might that person get it back? Is there a way to have it but not be on the desktop?
  13. emthompson

    Hypothetical Question

    R u sure? Because I dont see it in any of my drives? I am using XP if that makes a difference.
  14. emthompson

    T-bird 1.4 overheating

    for the best cooling at the least sound I would go with a 80mm panaflo. They produce something like 36 cfm at 31db.
  15. emthompson

    T-bird 1.4 overheating

    Oops I read it wrong I thought that he said now I cant get it to post. Everything that I have looked at says that the dragon is a POS.
  16. emthompson

    T-bird 1.4 overheating

    Yes, like dirty hary said a dragon orb is not the cooler you want to be running with a 1.4 t-bird. Y might want to do a little research as to what heat sink you should use. I can personaly recomend a Thermalright SK-6 w/delta fan. As for applying the goo. You want to clean the heatsink bottom, I mean CLEAN it so you would eat off of it. Don't touch it with your fingers because the oil form your fingers will affect the thermal goo. After you clean the heatsink you want to put a generous amount on the bottom of the heat sink and spread it around with something like a plastic bag with your finger in it. You don't want to get any fibers in it. You are rubbing it around so that the goo will fill in any blemishes that the bottom of the heatsink might have. Make sure you rub it all in. It should end up looking like there is non left on the heatsink. Then you should clean the core of the chip. I use a q-tip and some alcohol. Make sure that there are no fibers left from the q-tip. Then you want to put just a thin layer on the core, so you can almost tell what color the core is. Ohh and another thing, is your chip toast? If it got hot enough to expand the heatsink then your chip might be a gonner.
  17. emthompson

    Java Errors

    Hey yall. I have a problem, I keep getting Java errors and java menues that dont pop up when I use IE 6 and opera 5.12. I think that I remember something a while back about some plugins not working right in IE and that you had to get soem patch or something. Im not sure if it was for Java but I do know that lots of java menus dont come up in my browsers. Any thoughts?
  18. emthompson

    Fast switching...Problems

    Ok, I enabled fast switching for my computer since I have a couple people using it. The switching works in my account , administrator, but it doesn't work well in the other acounts . I thought that this was because they weren't administrators so I changed the user accounts to be admins. But that didn't work at all. Most of the time you can only bring up the account you are currently in, in accounts other that mine. And if you keep it up to long then it produces an error and it stops t5he fast switching in that account . Any ideas? I know that this is trivial but when I find a problem I like to get it solved and unfortunaly I don't know enough about XP to solve it my self.
  19. emthompson

    Fast switching...Problems

    Ya it really isnt that fast. Im just going to turn it off.
  20. emthompson

    MOBO Monitoring

    Anyone here know of a different motherboard monitoring program other that MBM? I have a ECS k7s5a and I dont think that MBM suports it (or I could be setting it up wrong). Or is anyone using MBM on the same board?
  21. emthompson

    partition magic and xp

    I tried to use PM 6 on my XP. I tried converting unused space to NTFS. IT was a NO GO. IT would get about 99% doen and then it would give some error. So I just got 7 and it works like a champ. It converted my 20gig unused space to NTFS in about 10 sec. I thought that it had screwed up but I checked and it really did it.
  22. emthompson

    Fast switching...Problems

    Why did I post this in the hardware forum?
  23. emthompson

    Modem answers phone when people call....help. LOL

    HaHaHaHa. That is funny. Sorry, but it is the funiest thing that I have read on here.
  24. emthompson

    Uninstall IE?

    I am having a problem running Norton Anti-virus 2002. I keep getting a script error when I try to run the setup wizard. I have also experienced other problems with IE not loading pages right and haveing errors on them. I want to uninstall IE and try to reinstal. Does anyone know how to do this. I looked under Add/Remove windows components but It only gets rid of the desktop and start menue icons. I know that NAV 2002 installed like a champ on my friends machine and is running fine.
  25. emthompson

    Uninstall IE?

    Do you ever get any error boxes that pop up when you try to open a page tellin you that the page has errors or some aspects of it aren't suported. I get those a lot. It saks if I want to debug but I always say no and the page seems to open up fine. Microsoft definatly doesn't want the average user to uninstall IE. I tried to look it up in the knowledge base but I couldn't find anything that would tell me how to do it. Just some things explaining errors that result if you try. All I want to do is try to do a new install of IE, But now it seems that I am going to switch over to Opera, I would go to netscape but it seems as if Microsoft doesn't like them either. I did solve my problem with NAV 2002, I just went back to 2001.