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Mike Zamarocy

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Everything posted by Mike Zamarocy

  1. Mike Zamarocy

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Ahhhhh yes - the Trash 80's! And to think I almost got a job with Tandy selling them! Imagine where I'd be now if I did that, ha ha
  2. Mike Zamarocy

    Anyone try the 12.00 DET drivers?

    Interesting that you are having this prob on a PIII. Might be the BX board too? No longer new enough compared to the i815 chips out now? Would be an interesting idea to get a poll of what CPU/Mobo combo folks have that do/don't have these problems. Maybe somewhere in that we could see a pattern?
  3. Mike Zamarocy

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    Its worse than that - that piece of McDonalds paper on the wall sort of gives them automatically higher pay and privileges. There was another guy that sort of was creating our systems - when I'd ask him how to fix what he created when it went bad - either he'd just say use GHOST to reimage it, or if I pushed him enough, he'd go hide somewhere and start looking though the books for an answer. Usually I had to figure it out myself. He HAS gotten a lot better now, but it is still very scary to think about who is over you and putting together what could be your company's standards out in the field! 8)
  4. Mike Zamarocy


    Well, when you are on GameSpy, and in RS - look for Hary Krishna when in the game, or z3coupe when outside the game. I prefer CO-OP to team survival or ffa games. A lot less whiners, and not getting blasted by some kid who knows every square inch of every map there is. But we do set the AI to Elite, and get our asses kicked a lot anyway - but it is fun.
  5. Mike Zamarocy

    Did M$ forget about SP2 or what??

    THC 129 - been on PC's since Dos 6.2 and Win 3.1 eh? Well, I've been using Windoze since Windows 286, and DOS 3x - and even remember when a 40MEG hard drive was BIG and CO$TLY! Now THOSE were the days And I originaly started with an IBM System 34 at work, and even took a course in RPGII during the punchcard days. And thought it was a big deal when my brother had a game that ran off a CASSTTE TAPE! Masters of the Overlord I think it was, ha ha. Also remember when one floppy disk had a complete game on it for the Atari 1024ST. A few funny thoughts here: 1) right after my company's Y2K replacement project, and days after the new year - I had to fix a computer. Some software was not working right. Turns out we MISSED replacing an IBM Model 50! This was a 286!!!! But guess what? I was able to set the correct year, and Win 3.1 worked fine! But the real kicker - it booted up in 3 seconds!!!!! No matter how fast a CPU you have today, its almost like back in the days of the IBM XT, with how long a Win9X or NT system takes to get to the desktop. Funny how far we've come only to be back where we came from 2) a big shot guy who is making more money than I do was having a problem with a certain DOS software we have to use - AMEX. He could not get the modem to transmit the daily receipts. It uses an ancient version of Crosstalk to transfer files. I told him to drop into DOS, go to the CCM directory, and reconfigure the modem, a no brainer. He looked at me and said "WHAT IS DOS????" 8) ************ And to who was talking about NT4.0 SP7 - didn't you read on the NEWS page here? SP7 is NO LONGER. Bit the dust, bye bye. So I DO have to wonder, . . . . when XP does come out, WILL MS really support 2000 that much?
  6. Mike Zamarocy

    MSIE6 uninstalled, now IE5.5 woes??? HELP

    Everything SEEMED to be ok after I uninstalled IE6 and reverted back to IE5.5 until now. When I try to print a web page, I get an Internet Explorer Script Error. LINE: 539 CHAR: 2 ERROR: Invalid Argument CODE: 0 URL: res//C:\WINNT\system32\shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg What went wrong????
  7. Mike Zamarocy


    Well, if I might suggest - dump Rainbow6 and go get the Platinum version of Rogue Spear (with Urban Ops in it). It is a much better game, and I am totally hooked on the online side of it (co-op style). Also, if you logon to GameSpy, there is at least 200 people in the RS rooms, and maybe 50 in the R6 ones. And RS is the only game that pulled me away from Counterstrike! So it IS worth getting! 8)
  8. Mike Zamarocy

    Anyone try the 12.00 DET drivers?

    What are you guys running for CPU's that have these problems? AMD? I have a genuine Intel D815EEA mobo and an Intel P933 CPU - and none of those problems you talk about.
  9. Mike Zamarocy

    Anyone try the 12.00 DET drivers?

    Well, I am trying them out now, and so far Rogue Spear is running real nice. Haven't tried CS yet, my other FAV at the moment - but that is because Rogue has got me MORE hooked right now!
  10. Mike Zamarocy

    New SBLIVE drivers...

    Hate to ask this, but what exactly does SPDIF really do? 8)
  11. Mike Zamarocy

    MSIE6.0 and Wells Fargo Online - OUCH!

    I just updated to MSIE6 BETA, and it looks ok. But now I can no longer access my Wells Fargo Online Banking. I guess its not supported or recognized yet. Can I still use MSIE5.5 on the same system at the same time?
  12. Mike Zamarocy

    M1 Tank Platoon 2

    Ok, I tried the fix, and it works - sort of. I can go all the way to a battle and even play it for however long it takes - great! But when the misson is over, it exits all the way to the desktop But at least I can play the game now.
  13. Mike Zamarocy

    Lazy Game Programmers.

    Anyone remember when Wing Commander III came out? Or was it Prophecy? Not sure, but on the box and in ALL the ads for it - it said PENTIUM REQUIRED! That one single game KILLED the 486 chip. As game programers create more realistic enviornments in the games, you MUST have the horsepower to run it as it was meant to be played. And as I have been around for quite some time, I HAVE seen games go from tiny blips on a screen (PONG), to moving aliens (Space Invaders), to barrels and monkeys (Donkey Kong), to damn near photorealistic air combat (MS Flight sim) and ground action (Counterstrike). And you know what? I WILL keep upgrading to attain the more realism, cause I LOVE it! And would I want to have a programmer DUMB a game down for 2 year old hardware - NO! I WANT MORE REALISM! Sounds to me that you'd also be the type to try and race a VW up against a Ferrari and still claim FOUL! Get with the program, soldier! And thin on this too folks, . . . . it is the GAME industry that pushes the limits on computer equipment, NOT the business industry! Sure, SQL or some number crunching programs need HP, but just how much faster can MS Word pop up on the screen??? But to combat aliens in a photo-like world, and then even be Online as well - that pushes the envelope to extremes. A long time ago they thought games were just for kids and laughed at it - computers were for work only. Ha ha ha on them! Even Bill Gates finaly realized that to make Win9X sell, it HAD to be a GAME platform as well - and he now has made all forms of WIN to BE gaming OS's. Look even at Win2K (why we are all here even) - they even saw they screwed up on this by not making it game friendly, and are rushing to fix that! Well, on the good side - that VW does get better MPG than a Ferrari
  14. Mike Zamarocy

    M1 Tank Platoon 2

    Ok, I downloaded the files from the link that was provided. But don't know what files I need to unzip, and where do I place them? Next, what settings do I use for M1TP2? I have been DYING to get this to work for a loooong time!
  15. Mike Zamarocy

    EAW (incl. Multiplayer!)

    A link would help???
  16. Mike Zamarocy

    EAW (incl. Multiplayer!)

    Where is the new 2.0 version of this?
  17. Mike Zamarocy

    MSIE6.0 and Wells Fargo Online - OUCH!

    Did you also have to completely REINSTALL IE5.5? I had to. Cause just uninstalling IE6 and "supposedly" reverting back to IE5.5 screwed up my web prining! And ever since I reinstalled IE5.5, I had had the dreaded BSOD with the IRQ_LESS_THAN_EQUAL error when I RESTART my PC. Don't seem to happen when I shutdown, only restart. And I haven't had any BSOD's on a loooooong time! Leave it to MicroSQUASH to screw up everything - even their OWN systems! Just like you can not uninstall DX if it toasts your system!
  18. Mike Zamarocy

    MSIE6 uninstalled, now IE5.5 woes??? HELP

    Fixed it, I HOPE. I found a link somewhere to reinstall IE5.5 completely, and now my printing is back! But on the NG's I see a LOT of woe stories about this and other problems! OUCH@!
  19. Mike Zamarocy

    MSIE6.0 and Wells Fargo Online - OUCH!

    I sort of solved it - I uninstalled IE6 and it reverted back to 5.5, so I am fine now. Didn't really see MUCH difference between the two. But I did notice one BUG when using IE6. In Explorer (file manager), ALL my directories in the folder tree had the "+" by each one, even folders that did not have subfolders inside them! Not a real problem, but still a PITA
  20. Mike Zamarocy

    SP3 article???

    In the news on the front page, it mentions what is inside SP3. But yet, where is SP2? Has it been released yet? I don't see it on the Windows Update website.
  21. I was ALMOST ready to go out and get one to replace my crap LIVE! card until I read that to get rid of the junk CL drivers, I'd have to completely reinstall the entire Win2000 all over again (FRESH). OUCH!!!!! #$#@$%@# No way do I want to go through all that again. I still haven't even ported fully over my WIN98 system. Do I want to be set back months again? No way. Does anyone have any better ideas? Or anyone made a CL uninstaller simlilar to what is out there to get rid of DX???
  22. Mike Zamarocy

    Everquest still has problems :(

    Ok, been hooked on Counterstrike for a bit, so EQ has been gathering dust. But last night I decided to blow the dust off and play with some magic. Well, the sound still is bad, if not worse. When I logon, and before I get the the choose character screen, the music (is it Midi???) starts to stutter real bad for near 2 minutes - then I finally get to the screen. And at times during the game, it stutters yet again, both in the music and the attack sounds. I have an SB Live! X-Gamer (not the 5.1), with the latest SB drivers and Livewire. I have tried all sorts of setting in SB, as well as in the game I have decreased the sound quality (which changed the buffers, reverb, EAX, etc), and it still stutters. And the NV 7.52 drivers still have my desktop mouse cursor showing up right in the middle of the screen, no matter what I try to do. I can live with that if there is no fix, as the 7.52 drivers fix everything else (MW4 as well as CS is FAST ith these).
  23. Mike Zamarocy

    Everquest still has problems :(

    Well, now that I am into something a wee bit more "modern", such as Counterstrike, I don't have the need to play EQ much anymore. And CS is FREE!!!!!!!!!
  24. I tried downloading it earlier today from the link here, and it said it could not install because it was unable to replace a system protected file required to run the update. So then later tonight I went to the Windows Update website and tried it, and that too failed. But there are no error messages that say WHICH file I need to mess with. And clues???
  25. Mike Zamarocy

    NV 7.58 WHQL solved Everquest problem!

    The newly leaked 7.58 WHQL drivers have finaly solved that problem I had in Everquest where my desktop mouse cursor would be imaged onto the game scrren. And to top that off, one benchmark I have seen shows them to be the fastest yet drivers, even over 7.52! And I hear the cool-bits trick works now too.