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Everything posted by lexluthor

  1. lexluthor

    NT4 or Windows 2000?

    baaahahahaah definitely w2k (nt would be better than 98) i wouldnt run our pro/e or cimatron on anything else. if set up properly u should notice a substantial increase in video and processing speed
  2. lexluthor

    a7v133 shutdown

    safety. true story... a programmer in my department had a 'puter lockup. when he reached for the reset button he hit the power button instead. the hd stopped dead with the head on the media and scratched it. say bye bye to 1 ibm 10k rpm scsi hd... back then they were about 650$. now all my 'puters have that option.
  3. lexluthor

    a7v133 shutdown

    unfortunatly no. the activity u are hearing is the hd recalibrating it's head position(safety purposes) the power button is an abnormal shutdown signal from the bios.
  4. lexluthor

    Problem with Win2k video driver install

    i have found an intermittent problem with w2k regarding permissions. wasnt fxed with sp1. microsoft support is working on the problem. this has caused the same problems for me as u are describing. redo all permissions on your drives/folders. i have had permissions change so that the top admin login doesnt have ANY permissions to certain folders. i eventually had to steal "ownership" on all hd's and redo user permissions
  5. lexluthor

    CPU:Thermal question

    im oc'ed the same way (slot 1 piii) i got the monster alpha hsf it idles at 27.7/82 full load it only tops out at 35/95 played quake for hours and did cpu benchmarks forever these temps are in line with what the alpha boasts
  6. lexluthor

    Running startup applications in order...

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run then put your apps in order u want them loaded. if u need services rather than apps, see the previous post
  7. lexluthor

    a7v133 shutdown

    your pc has a safety feature where if u hit the power button it wont just shut off the power. it is critical these days with the high performance hd's that the readers be "parked" (to use an old term)before they stop spinning. when the computer shuts down after the power button is pressed it instantly stops writing to the hd and parks the head (the reason for the corrupt profiles). when u shut down normally the os writes it's cached info, clears the memory and parks the head. ps. power managment on a desktop 'puter is only asking for problems. disable in the bios and the os. only have the monitor turn off after a period of time. u will save yourself a lot of headaches
  8. if your company will allow it get a hard firewall. deprogram the outbound router and let the firewall do all the filtering. computers are better than routers at doing that anyway.
  9. lexluthor

    Services in Windows

    if that didnt help go to hdware manager, and remove all the devices in question. u shouldnt have to remove system devices. when u reboot w2k will automatically reinstall and resetup all pnp devices
  10. lexluthor

    Can't recieve from FTPs!

    try this in a command window type ftp <ftp.whatever.com> then type dir u should get a list then
  11. lexluthor

    Problem running Win2k Games and Programs

    sounds to me like a bad install. although the ram thing is important to a win nt enviroment. im running w2k and have nothing but good things to say... it's almost double the benchmarks of win 98 and 50% better than nt4.0. w2k uses directx unlike nt4.0. make sure u have a clean directx install (8 is out), and remember u have to reload vid and sound drivers after u install directx. nt systems have always been touchy about what order the software is loaded. this is the load order system service pack directx vid sound my q2 timedemo @ 1024x768 is 153fps all day long. piii 700 oc'ed to 800 cl geforce ddr ver 6.31 drivers oc'ed core 140, memory 350. w2k sp1 ie 5.0 (NOT the latest... had probs with that) if u still have probs i can post my d3d and gl settings
  12. lexluthor

    Monitor and Voodoo2

    if a driver is nessesary for your vid card then it will come with the graphics drivers. w2k will have color drivers for most monitors but the vid drivers will always take over
  13. lexluthor

    Nvidia, Quake 3 and SMP?

    cl geforce ddr, 6.31 drivers oc'ed almost to the top. never crashed any app or game (q2,q3)
  14. i too got confusing temp readings with my asus board (p2b). i bought one of those ir remote thermometers (just aim and press the button) so i could check real temps and hot spots in the unit. since i have a secc processor i had to take the temp of the heatsink at the point where it contacts the cpu. i found the cpu temp dead on but the other temps are way off. i run "mother board monitor" for several weeks now and the cpu bios, program, and actual temps are right on. the other temps i have no idea what it thinks it's doing. the only hot chips on my board are the adaptec scsi chips idling at 112 and up to 130 under load. i have a piii 700 oc'ed to 800. with factory hsf it idled at 100 and went to 130 under load. i installed a monster alpha heatsink now it idles at 80 and has yet to reach body temp (93 max) after an hour of quake. here are some heat tips from an avid oc'er... 1. never use tape, most creams are ok. of course u get what u pay for 2. make sure both surfaces are clean (of fingerprints too). i use nitril powderless surgical gloves when i work on stuff like that... antistatic and clean. 3. make sure the screws are putting enough pressure on the cpu (very important) the thermal compound should squeeze out around the cpu just a little. dont use too much compound it's just there to take up the little spaces and imperfections of the interface. usually less than .005 of an inch. 4. take the actual temps if installing a hsf, the metal just opposite the cpu will give u a good reading. 5. make sure you have pleanty of airspace around the hsf so it can work. but i would suggest if u build your own 'puter that u take actual temp readings of all the chips inside the box, both at idle and under load... it's good piece of mind.