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Brian Frank

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Everything posted by Brian Frank

  1. Brian Frank

    Nt 4 and USB

    Unless USB drivers were written specifically for NT, you're outta luck. NT never came with USB support to my knowledge.
  2. Brian Frank

    100 % CPU Use with USB Network Adapter

    May want to try changing/up[censored] the driver. *scratches head* Got a regular NIC you can use? D-Link's DFE 530/538 NIC's are pretty cheap and work great!
  3. Brian Frank

    Problem installing WinXP final on Abit BE6

    Yup. Just wait to activate until you finish installing all the hardware. If you see an exclamation point in device manager after the install, then we've got a problem.
  4. Have you tried right clicking on the link? Should give you a list of options--Save As hopefully being one of them. Not sure about a registry setting tho..
  5. Brian Frank

    Problem installing WinXP final on Abit BE6

    Have you tried just plugging the HDD into the regular IDE ports and installing XP then? I'd also imagine that XP has drivers for the HTP366, since it is an older Highpoint controller, and XP does have HPT370 drivers with it.
  6. Brian Frank

    can't format my IDE raid on highpoint

    When you say the latest BIOS, do you mean the one off Abit's site or the unoffical YT BIOS. You may also try going back to your previous BIOS, if possible. Also, last time I checked XP had drivers for the HPT370 with it.
  7. Brian Frank

    The best gaming optical mouse

    I got the Optical version on both rigs. They work well, and you'll wonder how you managed with a ball mouse.
  8. Brian Frank

    Counter-strike problem

    I'm not sure about the ping, however you may want to try changing some settings in BIOS with the AGP. Change the drive strength to DA or EA, change the AGP to 2x or disable AGP4x.
  9. Brian Frank

    Counter-strike problem

    What drivers are u using?
  10. Brian Frank

    battle of the computers

  11. Brian Frank

    Geek or Nerd: Pointless Poll

    This is just one of those for the hell of it deals. Plus, I'm bored.
  12. Brian Frank

    Geek or Nerd: Pointless Poll

    I knew there was some h4><0r code, but not a geek code. Alot of that is accurate, but not the part about winning Minesweeper--I always blow myself up. But I have gotten over 8000 in Solitare.
  13. Brian Frank

    Ok guys do you like and use WindowsXP and if so why?

    I agree. I don't see anything XP really offers me over 2k except a headache and frustration. For a newbie, sure, XP is great, but for me I find it more difficult to do things because I have to find where MS put it this time. Product Craptivation: I do not like being told or spied on. I will upgrade my computer however and whenever I please. It's a pain in the neck, not to mention an issue with my privacy. Integrated Firewall: Hmm, nice guesture, but I'm sorta leery about a firewall from MS, as security breeches come to mind. XP is what MS should've done earlier: use the NT, or another stable code, for both home and professional OS's. I will stick with Win2k,thank you. I'm gonna explore other OS's to fool with. Hello FreeBSD! Meet VMware.
  14. Brian Frank

    Upgrading to SMP

    Whenever I switch motherboards, I prefer to do a clean install. I'd tried switching out mobo's in Win2k and got the lovely blue screen of death. Mmmmm...VP6. Good choice. I got mine a few weeks ago, nice board. If your really intrested in getting superior help, go to 2cpu.com.
  15. Brian Frank

    Half Life video issues under win2k

    Oh, yeah. The black screen pops up with D3D in HL. If you know the keyboard's letters, you can just use it to exit out of the game. It's a pain in the neck, so I don't use d3d.
  16. Of course Win2k has better support! It's been out longer than XP, so I'd certainly hope it would have better driver support currently.
  17. Brian Frank

    Irq problem on windows 2000pro

    With Win2k, if it runs fine and stable, I'll say this: LEAVE IT ALONE!!! I fooled with the IRQ's once and ended up having to reinstall everything. You'll have to play around with settings, but there's no reason to fool with the IRQ's. Not been worth it.
  18. Brian Frank

    Need cheap CD Burner...suggestions

    Well my usb burner crapped out and I need a cheap replacement. When I say "cheap" I mean in price, not in quality. Something under $100 is my target. I don't need it to be superfast either, as I use it for mostly data, so 8x is fine. I can get a Philips or Sony 8x write/4x rewrite/32x read in my target. I've also seen some Lite-On burners for pretty cheap too, but I'm not sure of the quality. Plextor would be nice, but I don't have that money to spend, and this is an unexpected expense that I need a fix for. I'll ask around at some shops too of course, but any suggestions or comments would be helpful.
  19. Brian Frank

    3dfx drivers for winxp

    Hehe. Unfortunately, 3dfx is dead, in case you didn't know. I'm not sure you will find any. You may want to search for a thread here tho. I'm pretty sure I saw a thread recently about it. My advice is to get yourself a GeForce 2 MX, MX400, or even a GeForce 2 Pro ($150 with shipping at Newegg.com). Unless some third party does put out XP drivers, you might as well leave your voodoo for a backup card. This is not MS or Nvidia's fault, it's 3dfx's. Blame them.
  20. Brian Frank

    Microsoft exec says XP will revive PC sales

    *snort* If MS wants to think they will single-handedly bail out the PC industry, I say 'Yeah, right!' It depends if consumers feel rich enough to buy a pc or not.
  21. Brian Frank

    Need clarification on Win2k registry

    I fired up regedit32: waaaaay different than regedit, more like sysedit.
  22. Brian Frank

    Hacking Windows98

    Change your password---ASAP!!! 8)
  23. Brian Frank

    Need cheap CD Burner...suggestions

    Errr, no thanks. I went with the Philips 8x burner. I don't need anything fancy, and once I mail in a rebate It'll cost me $40. Open box buy, and I've seen it run in other machines flawlessly. Put one in a friends way back, I'm thinkin' a year ago possibly, still running, machine with 98 never reinstalled before. I haven't heard anything about BusLink's quality, so I'll stick with companies I've seen on the market for awhile. If you want to sell that burner, you might get a better shot at selling it over in buy, sell, trade section.
  24. Brian Frank

    Slow CD Access

    It does take a while on both my rigs to see a CD-ROM, but not a full minute. Make sure the chipset IDE drivers are installed in you system. That might help somewhat, and then again it may be something you have to live with. Also, you may want to take a trip into BIOS and see if the DMA is set to the maximum (i.e. 4)
  25. Brian Frank

    win2k competing with XP?

    Of course if ppl don't buy XP, WTF is MS gonna do about it? Nothing!!! Unless they want to piss off a lot of ppl...and I mean more than the Product activation has.